Week 4 - Monday 11th May

If you would like to share your work with June please send it to

Hello all! I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.

I hope you enjoy this week’s activities. I have moved more activities in to the Extra section, so that you know which tasks to focus on in Literacy, Maths and IPC, and which are 'extra.'

Don’t forget to share you work with me! Or if you just want to write and tell me what you're doing that's fine too. If you need any help, send a message and I'll ring you as soon as I can.

Click here for the answers to last week’s Train puzzle.




1. We’re still looking at plurals, this week you have a mixture of them! Ask someone to read this week’s spellings and test you on them, do it every day and ask someone to test you on Friday.

2. Here is a wordsearch of these spellings to help you learn them and some of these unusual plurals are on Spellodrome this week too.


1. First, a warm-up, a little SPAG quiz for you using this Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 PowerPoint.

Year 4 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1.ppt

2. Next, this week’s focus is punctuation – specifically inverted commas (speech marks). Look at this PowerPoint on Speech Marks, and watch these two Punctuation videos, they will help you with the following SPAG and writing tasks.

3. Here is your SPAG task, a worksheet where you need to add the missing inverted commas. There are some notes for parents included and the answers too, no peeking!



1. First, read Chapter 3 of ‘Blast to the past’. You must read this for the writing task to make sense!

2. This week your writing task involves dialogue. Your task is to imagine you are one of the Shadows hiding in the bushes with your spear!

Write a whispered conversation between the Shadow tribe members hiding at the edge of the clearing.

Read the worksheet instructions before writing. Look at this word bank too to help you, remember it is a whispered conversation. So, shhhhh! Maybe share this task with a parent or sibling, take a role each! Don’t forget, if you can, please share it with me too!

Chp 3.pdf
Shadows planning page.docx


Please keep reading your own books and your AR books (and take tests!). Look at last week’s page for other reading resources. And don't forget you have a copy of Kensuke's Kingdom :-)



On the website use the online times tables tests, or if possible, print off the practice you know you need. Remember to use 'Hit the button' on Topmarks too :-)


1. This week we’ll be looking at Ordering Decimals and looking at Fractions and decimal equivalents.

First, look at these videos, the first two are about ordering decimal numbers.

The next two videos involve converting fractions to decimals, please watch them both.

2. Next, please try the Converting Fractions to Decimals Quiz - good luck!

You might also like to look at this clip from the BBC, the Maths KS2: Decimal Dance Off! There are several other videos attached but the Dance Off is the one you need for this week's maths. It’ll also help you with the ‘Fractions to Decimals’ level on Maths Facts.


3. Then finally, complete your AM Group exercise.

When you finish remember there are class exercises, tests and practices for you too and don’t forget Maths Facts! Oh, and the diagnostic test too!

A big THANK YOU to all of you who’ve been working on your AM :-)

The Fractions, decimals and percentages poster below may help too, and a little Fractions, decimals and percentages chatterbox that you could make.

chatterbox converting-fractions-decimals-and-percentages-fortune-teller-other_ver_3.pdf


  • Bronze is a metal alloy. An alloy is a substance made by melting two or more elements together, at least one of them metal. Bronze is mostly copper, with some tin added (usually between 5% and 20% tin).

  • Given that this week we're in the Bronze Age, I thought you might like to see how bronze swords were made. Watch the 'Liquid Fire' video.

  • There is some more information here in How was bronze made? It's from the DK Find Out website, which is always interesting to look at on any subject!

  • Education City - there will always be work waiting for you on this site. I've added some more work on Electricity for those of you who have completed everything so far! If you have…well done you! Use the BBC Bitesize guides for extra information.

IPC (History)

1. We are moving on to the Bronze Age this week. Yay! Let's start with some videos.

In the BBC History KS2: Bronze Age Britain (animation) we meet another prehistoric family.

The second link is from BBC Bitesize called What was life like in the Bronze Age? Here, you'll find lots of information, including details about the Amesbury Archer.... whao was he?

Below, there is another interesting video from the Museum of London and lastly, one from the Espresso.

Go to Espresso and search for "Stone Age to Iron Age". Choose the top result then click on "Videos" in the menu on the left. Now you can watch the videos about the artefacts from these times.

2. Next, look at this PowerPoint on The Bronze Age for more information.

Finally, record six facts you have learned about the Bronze Age. Use this worksheet if you can, but any book, paper will be fine.


IPC (Art)

  • Look at this information on the Beaker culture mentioned in the The Bronze Age PowerPoint above, look in particular at the pottery and the patterns on the pottery.

  • Now try to draw a similar example of Beaker pottery. Use this worksheet adding the different kinds of patterns that were used, or just draw your own version. There's a similar worksheet on Espresso that might help too.

  • In class we would have made our own Beaker pottery out of clay, but if you have platercine or playdough, you could make your own at home.

  • We would also have been making our own little Bronze Age roundhouses too using card, plastercine and sticks or straw. Here's a link to show you how some children made theirs.

  • If you want to do some Cave Painting drawings please look at Week 2. I've seen some that you've made and they're great!

  • In Week 3 there were Mammoth and Stonehenge models, I've seen some of those too, they're fantastic! Well done everyone!

ICT (Coding)

  • Keep playing LightBot and Cargo-Bot if you can.

  • Here is the next episode of Think like a coder if you’d like to learn how to… think like a coder!

  • Finally, have a look at Childnet’s ‘The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART crew’ videos about staying safe on line.

  • This week the Chapter 3: What should you keep safe?

PE and yoga

See Week 2 for suggestions and links to websites.


Literacy: Chapter 3 of ‘Blast to the past’ – click here for more activities.

Maths: This week we have a Darts puzzle.

Mathletics: there will always be work waiting for you, I try to set only 4-5 activities so you should be able to access Mathletics Live too.

Well done to those of you who use Mathletics regularly, one person has actually finished every task!

Education City: will always be work Maths, Literacy, Science and Computers waiting for you here. Well done to those of you who have kept up to date with everything I've set!

IPC: Here is a video which has information on the Stone Age to Iron Age, with a little quiz at the end.

The second one, What was the Bronze Age? from Egham Museum in Surrey, is interesting too.


IPC: Stig of the Dump is a book written by Clive King in 1963. It's about the two friends, a young boy from the 1960s and a cave-man from the Stone Age!

The book can be downloaded from the Idea Store, but in the 1980s a TV programme of it was made. Here's Episode One, there are five altogether, I'll post Episode 2 next week but they're all on youtube if you can't wait!

The Week magazine -

Last week’s magazine showed you how to make a little birdfeeder. I've made two now, here's the second one I made on Saturday. I'll try to get a photo of the birds on it!

I'll add this week's The Week as soon as we get the link.

If you would like to share your work with June please send it to