Year 2

Week 12 - Monday 13th July 2020

Hello everyone in Year 2,

I’m in my kitchen trying to get some work ready for you. This is our last week and then it will be the summer holidays. So I’ve been thinking how to do something different. Each day will have a book, some puzzles and activities.

I hope things are going well.

This is where you can share your work

This is a website and your parents can take a photo of your work then email it.

I know you may not have a printer but try your best. You can always copy the work on to paper.

Hopefully, things will be different in SEPTEMBER and we will all be back in school.

If you would like to share your work please send it to


Jokes- Jokes are to make us laugh. Learn these jokes and make 4 different people laugh.

What do birds give out on Halloween?


Why are teddy bears never hungry?

They’re always stuffed!

What did the policeman say to his tummy?

Freeze. You’re under a vest.

What event do spiders love to attend?



1. Listen to this story - Sally and the Limpet by Simon James

2. Find out what a limpet is?

3. Draw Sally with her Limpet stuck to her finger.

4. Do a quiz

Sally and the Limpet by Simon James

Quiz number: 216954


Play this game

You can choose from the menu different activities


How to draw a shell

These are limpets.


1. Jokes - Make 3 people laugh with these Knock Knock jokes


2. Listen to this story - The Egg by M.P. Robertson

3. What is happening to George’s giant egg?

4. Do a quiz

The Egg by M.P. Robertson

Quiz number: 222145


This game is like our Bee Bots. Get the turtle to the pond.

Under the rubber are more maze games. Have a try and make it harder each time. You can also add rocks and bushes.

It took me 3 goes to get my turtle in the pond on the first map. See if you can do better.


Try this dragon maze

Create your own maze and use a dragon.


1. Jokes - Make 2 people laugh with these jokes.


2. Listen to this story - The Paper Bag princess BY Robert Munsch

3. How did the Princess trick the dragon?

4. What is your opinion of Prince Ronald?

5. Do a quiz

The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch

Quiz number: 200359


You have to think carefully to work out this puzzle .


Find 2 paper bags and make the Princess and a dragon.


  1. Jokes - Make 2 people laugh with these jokes


2. Listen to the story - Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman

3. What did Grace love to do?

4. What is the special message of the story?

5. Do a quiz

Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman

Quiz number: 200188


Grace always looked confident and happy when she was doing what she loved.

Draw a picture of you doing something you really love


Something you really really want to do but have not done it yet.


I found a short film called A fox and a Mouse

I really enjoyed this short story. We all need friends.

Draw squares or circles and make different patterns inside.

Have a go.

I hope you have a great summer holiday. I’m looking forward to seeing you all as big Year 3 children in September.

Try your best and have a good time.


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