Week 9 - Monday 22nd June

If you would like to share your work with June please send it to

Hello everyone! I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.

I do hope you will enjoy this week's activities. For those of you who visit this page regularly you will notice a slight change, there are more links within the text to resources and videos rather than have them on the page. It means the page is a little less colourful but we are hoping that this may help children who are still having difficulty loading the pages. Fingers crossed!

Please try your best to do all the Literacy and Maths, these are the most important. Then enjoy looking at the information on all the other subjects and our topic, Inventions. This week we look at the Wright brothers and flight!

Don’t forget to share your work with me! Or if you just want to write and tell me what you're doing that's fine too. If you need any help, send a message using the email address above and I'll ring you as soon as I can.



This week you have yet another list of tricky spellings that are on Spellodrome. I will read out the spellings, you write the words down, then you can check your spellings here. Practice through the week and test yourself again on Friday. Good luck and enjoy the games on Spellodrome!

year 4.mp4


1. Here is another Cloze Exercise (No.11). You are all very good at these, but they're getting tougher! Work with care!

Click here to check your answers.

2. I also thought it was time for another Grammar and Punctuation test (No.3) this week. Good Luck!

Click here to check your answers.


Each week we look at a short film, about an imaginary inventor or invention. This week the film is called 'Wing It'. I hope you enjoy it.

After watching 'Wing It' I'd like you to write a journal entry from the point of view of Sherman, or the Alien Chief or one of the worker aliens.

It was a very strange day, what would be the main events you'd like to record? How were you feeling when these things happened? Don't forget to describe events in chronological order.

You can use one of the worksheets on the right if you are able to print them out, but any paper will do.

My Journal - alien boss.doc
My Journal - Sherman.doc
My Journal - alien .doc


1. For this topic we would've been reading The Borrowers together in class, but as we can't do that here is a tv version of it from the 1990s. This week, in Episode Four, the Borrowers are outside of the house... but are they safe?

If this link to play the video doesn't work, you may have to go to YouTube to watch it. Check with mum or dad first to ask if that's ok.

2. Please keep reading your own books and your AR books. Don't forget to take tests and email me if you need one deleted. Look in Learning Resources for other reading resources.



On the website use the online times tables tests, or if possible, print off the Speed Trial of the times tables you know you need to learn. Remember to use 'Hit the button' on Topmarks too.


For those of you who have completed all of the AM tasks set for you since school closed, you only have one objective left! It is... co-ordinates.

1. First, please look at this PowerPoint on Position and Direction and here is a little video about co-ordinates.

Lesson Presentation Cafe Coordinates.pptx

2. Next, there are two sets of worksheets, the Cafe Coordinates worksheet and the Emoji Coordinates worksheets for you to complete. There are three Emoji worksheets, please do at least one of them, more if you'd like.

Click here for the Cafe Coordinates answers and here for the Emoji Coordinates answers.

3. Finally, please complete your AM class exercise which has questions on Coordinates. If you have an unfinished exercise please do that first. When you finish your class exercise, please work on any exercise you might have in your group, then any test, diagnostic test and practice. Thank you.


Well done to Tiana for getting the answer to last week's puzzle! You have two this week...

a). I am the only number that is spelled with the same amount of letters as my own value, what number am I?

b). What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one thousand years?

Don't forget to share your answers with me :-)

5. When you finish everything, check you have completed your AM class exercise and remember there are AM Group exercises, Tests and Practices for you too and don’t forget Maths Facts! Oh, and the Diagnostic tests! Thank you!

IPC: Inventions (History)

This week we are looking at the invention of flight.

When do you think the first successful aeroplane flight took place? Look at The Wright Brothers PowerPoint to see if you were right.

Please then read and complete this reading comprehension on the Wright Brothers.

You can check your answers here.


Finally, here is a link to a short film about the Wright Brothers. Can you imagine being the first to fly? People didn't believe it was possible!

IPC: Inventions (Art)

Get creative, get flying!

As we are looking at flight in IPC History this week, I thought we could do the same in Art.

Here are some designs for paper aeroplanes. You could organise a competition at home, whose paper plane goes the furthest?

When you are in Year 5, I think you might make a wooden Spitfire plane during the World War 2 topic, but for the moment here are the links to two designs to make your own paper Spitfire plane. Click here for the simplest design and here for the trickier design.

There are also instructions for making a Paper Helicopter. There is a PowerPoint presentation on Paper Helicopters too - please only use this for discussion and for information.


Be imaginative, be inspired!

By the end of this topic I hope you will have an idea for your own invention. Remember, you don’t have to actually make it, a design drawing will do! If you like, use the squared paper here for your drawing but any paper will do.

To help inspire you look at Malina's invention, The Sleeping Night Light. Doesn't it look good? There's also Tiana's Food Flavourer and Humaira's Reusable Money Box. They're wonderful!

Then please look at the clips below.

To help inspire you further, here's another clip from a show where school children shared their ideas on TV, Brilliant Kid Inventors! I think the third idea is great!

Finally, another wonderful creation by Joseph Herscher this week 'The Cake Server'. His machines use cause and effect to do a simple task in a very complicated way. Please don't do anything like this at home without permission! Look at those in previous weeks if you haven't already. I hope they all amuse and inspire you :-)


  • Education City - there will always be work waiting for you on this site. I've added some more work on Melting and freezing for those of you who have completed everything so far! If you have…well done you! And thank you :-)

  • I hope you enjoyed last week's home experiments, here are some more that can be done at home with an adult... the Kitchen Science experiments from the Science Museum.

  • If you're desperate for more science and nature, Earth School is an amazing resource.

ICT (Coding)

  • Keep playing LightBot and Cargo-Bot if you can, and look at Week 5's Code-a-Cake too.

  • Here is the Episode 8 of Think like a Coder if you’d like to learn how to… think like a coder!

  • Do you want to put your coding skills to the test? Try the Games Designer Club, you'll need an adult to sign you up.



FACT OR FICTION? Remember to always get your news from a reliable source. Here are the links to these trusted sources: The Week Junior (for this you will need to sign in with this code: TWJ1601mno), BBC Newsround and Sky News - FYI. Check out the sites, there's plenty to keep you informed and entertained.

Mindful moments

I thought I would add someactivities for when you might need to take a break.

Here are a couple of Mindful Minute Brain Breaks from previous weeks, the Balloon Breaths, the Bubble Breaths, and the Starfish Breaths, This week we have Rainbow Breaths which are so calming.

Look at Week 8 if you'd like some are Mindfulness colouring sheets.


There will always be work waiting for you, I try to set only 4-5 activities so you should be able to access Mathletics Live too. Well done to those of you who use Mathletics regularly, one person has actually finished every task!

Education City:

There will always be work on Maths, Literacy, Science and Computers waiting for you here. Well done to those of you who have kept up to date with everything I've set!

PE and Yoga

There are always some good workouts in The Week Junior magazine. Click here for PE with Joe Wicks and Cosmic Yoga for Kids. Rio and Kate Ferdinand also do daily workouts if you'd like to look at those.

Dance and Music

If you haven’t already done so, check out the Music and Dance section at the very top of this page. You'll find dances with Lauren and Orit, and some songs for Choir.

Finally, a huge, big thank you to all of you who’ve been working on these Home Learning pages and your AM, Maths Facts, Mathletics, Spellodrome, Education City and taking AR tests too! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Keep going!

If you would like to share your work with June please send it to