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Week 1 - Monday 20th April 2020

Hello all! I hope you are all well and staying safe. I really miss you all, but am super excited to be able to talk to you here! I hope you enjoy doing some (or all!) of my suggestions below. Write the answers in your Literacy or Maths books if you are not able to print the worksheets.

Here are some Literacy activities you could do this week:

1. Spellings ask someone to read them and test you on them. Please also use Spellodrome as this week’s spellings are there.

2. Journal – please write about something that you have enjoyed doing since we have been off school. Have you read a good book? Watched a good film? Learnt to do something new? Remember 1:3:1, start with an introductory sentence, then at least 3 sentences about the subject/event, and finish with a final comment.

3. Reading – please keep reading your own books and your AR books (don’t forget to take a test if it’s an AR book), but if you would like to read about the Coronavirus and find out more about it, this link will take you to an excellent book written especially for children.

4. More reading! I know, I know, but this link will take you to a digital copy of ‘The Week Junior’ which I know you all enjoy. (There are some good Indoor Workout suggestions too!)

5. Writing/SPAG – next week I’ll be asking you to describe something, but before then I think it may be useful to go over nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Watch this short video then complete the worksheet. Write the answers in your Literacy book if you are not able to print the worksheet.

6. Education City – don’t forget this, there are lots of activities waiting for you! Your password is in your homework diary ☺

Here are some Maths activities you could do this week:

1. Speed Trial - on the website use the online times tables tests, or if possible, print off the practice you know you need.

2. Accelerated Maths - there will always be work waiting for you (exercise, test, practice in both class and group). If you are finding it tricky, you could use the BBC Bitesize guides, they’re usually very good. From Monday 20th they will be presenting daily lessons of their own that you might like to watch.

3. Mathletics - there will always be work waiting for you, I try to set only 4-5 activities so you should be able to access Mathletics Live too.

4. Puzzles and problems - as you are all at different stages in both AM and Mathletics depending on how often you have used it, it will be difficult to have a weekly theme, so instead there will be weekly puzzles and problems to solve. This week there’s a Magic Number Square puzzle and a page of Quick Reasoning and Problem Solving for every day of the week. Click on the day for the page - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Write the answers in your Maths book if you are not able to print the worksheet. I’ll give you the answers to everything next week. I hope you like them. :-)

Here are some Science activities you could do this week:

1. Education City - there are lots of activities waiting for you, some new ones too for those of you who have been on there already.

2. Again, BBC Bitesize has great resources too.

Next week we will be starting our new IPC topic, Scavengers and Settlers - Early Man to the Iron Age. In the meantime here are some videos from the Museum of London to start us off:

Best wishes to you and your families,

June :-)