Week 2 - Monday 27th April

Hello everyone! I hope you and your families are well and staying safe. I also hope you enjoyed last week’s activities, it’s been great to see so many of you working on the resources suggested. It was lovely to chat with many of you during the week too, great to hear your voices. I'll try ringing everyone again this week. :-)

Now an apology - when I suggested you write in your Maths, Journals or Literacy books, I didn’t realise they were still in school! So please, check with mum or dad and use whatever you can, maybe your old Yr2 or Yr3 books that still have some empty pages? Or, just talk through your answers with a parent or sibling.

I hope you enjoy this week's activities. It's great to be starting out topic!

Best wishes,


If you would like to share your work please send it to


1. Spellings (plurals) – Ask someone to read this week’s spellings and test you on them, do it every day if possible. This week it's more about learning the rule. As your spellings involve plurals, please try the Education City plurals tasks to help understand the different rules.


2. SPAG (possessive apostrophes) – We recently looked at apostrophes in contractions, it’s now time to look at possessive apostrophes. Let’s start by looking at this POWERPOINT and complete worksheet 1 and worksheet 2. Then check your answers.You could complete pages 52-53 in your SPAG books too and please don’t forget the Education City tasks.

3. Reading/Writing/IPC - Read Chapter 1 of ‘Blast to the past. Click on the image.

Then, on this worksheet 1 describe and draw one of the two main characters, not just their appearance, but what you have learnt about their personality, behaviour, interactions and their feelings too. Here is another worksheet 2 if you would like to draw the main event in Chapter 1. Use this link if you'd like to do MORE ACTIVITIES related to Chapter 1.

4. Journal – if you have a book you can write in, it would be good to keep a journal. Write at least two paragraphs once a week, more if you can. Last week we wrote about something you have enjoyed doing since we have been off school, but what have you not enjoyed? This week write about the positives and negatives of life in lockdown.

5. Reading – please keep reading your own books and your AR books. Don't forget to take AR tests. Also have a look at the Idea Store website for free access to ebooks and audiobooks, but your mum or dad may need to register for you first. If you like listening to audiobooks, go and check out It is free and you can listen to some great books online. Also, there are lots of books available at too.


As you are all at different stages in both AM and Mathletics depending on how often you have used it, it will be difficult to have a weekly theme, so instead there will be weekly puzzles and problem below for you to solve.

1. Accelerated Maths - you must keep working hard to complete all the Accelerated Maths exercises, tests, practices and diagnostic tests waiting for you. Use the BBC Bitesize guides to help you understand, they’re very good. And don't forget I'll be ringing you and we can sort any problems out then.

2. Speed Trial - on the website use the online times tables tests, or if possible, print off the practice you know you need.

3. Even though you may have covered FRACTIONS in AM, Mathletics etc, by now, I thought it useful to look at fractions together over the next few weeks. Let's start with this POWERPOINT and short worksheet. Check your answers with an adult when you finish.

PowerPoint - What Is a Fraction.pptx

4. Mathletics and Education City - there will always be work waiting for you on both of these sites. In Mathletics, I try to set only 4-5 activities so you should be able to access Mathletics Live too.

5. Puzzles and problems - This week there’s a Triangle Puzzle and another set of Reasoning and Problem Solving (RAPS) for every day of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. I’ll give you the answers to everything next week. I hope you like them. :-)


Education City - there will always be work waiting for you on this site. I've added some work on Electricity for those of you who have completed everything so far. Use the BBC Bitesize guides for extra information.

IPC (History)

For fun, from Horrible Histories, here is the Stone Age Dragon’s Den!

Stone Age to the Iron Age Large Display Poster.pdf

Our topic IPC is Scavengers and Settlers in which we look at the lives of people from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. To start, why not jot down what you know already about early man and prehistoric Britain, use this worksheet if you can.

Next, have a look at this timeline, then make you own by arranging the events on this worksheet in the correct oder.

Now, we're going to focus on the Stone Age. This POWERPOINT gives a nice introduction and you can check you’ve understood by doing this short cloze exercise.

Then if you'd like to make some little cone Stone Age people, print them from here or copy the design and make your own ! :-)

Stone Age PPT.pptx

This link will take you to Espresso. It has quite a lot of information about the Stone Age to the Iron Age, start with the Middle Stone Age video. Type Stone Age into the search bar.

IPC (Art)

On the timeline mentioned above the very first box refers to the Lascaux Caves which are thought to contain some of the oldest cave paintings.

Click on the image for a virtual tour of the caves.

This link on the left will tell you how the caves were discovered and suggest some Cave Painting Art work you could do (although personally I wouldn’t add the paint at the end!).

On the right is the story Stone Age Boy that we have in class. It's an AR book too.

Also, for more information on the Stone Age and to meet a boy called Grey Otter look at these pages on BBC Bitesize. Read the information, then add your own cave paintings to this picture of Grey Otter, drawing of some of the things he might’ve drawn, thinking about what we learn from such drawings. If you can’t print it, use an old sketch book or scrap paper.

Grey Otter.pdf

ICT (Coding)

I know you all enjoyed Lightbot and you may have been able to download it, it is free. So too is Cargo-Bot, which is also good.

And if you want to learn more about coding, this Think Like A Coder, could be a good place to start. I'll add an episode each week.

This 10-episode narrative follows a girl, Ethic, and her robot companion, Hedge, as they attempt to save the world. The two embark on a quest to collect three artifacts and must solve their way through a series of programming puzzles

PE and Yoga

If you haven’t already discovered PE with Joe Wicks, please do! I think you’ll love it. I’ve done it almost every day! Here's an example, it's the day he did exercises dressed as Spider Man!

Cosmic Kids Yoga is good too. On Marta’s Week 1 page there are some Spider Man themed exercises that you might like to try! Or ask mum or dad if you can go on the Cosmic Kids Yoga website for other exercises. Keep eating healthy foods too :-)


  • If you really enjoyed reading Kensuke’s Kingdom, you might like to complete this storyboard.

  • BBC Bitesize also present daily lessons on lots of subjects that you might like to watch. So too do Oak National Academy.

Best wishes to you and your families,

June :-)