Week 7 - Monday 8th June

If you would like to share your work with June please send it to

Hello all! I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.

I do hope you will enjoy this week's activities.

Please try your best to do all the Literacy and Maths, these are the most important. Then enjoy looking at the information on all other subjects and our new topic, Inventions.

Don’t forget to share you work with me! Or if you just want to write and tell me what you're doing that's fine too. If you need any help, send a message using the email address above and I'll ring you as soon as I can.

Finally, a huge, big thank you to all of you who’ve been working on your AM, Maths Facts, Mathletics, Spellodrome, Education City and taking AR tests too! THANK YOU :-)



We're going to look at some more Tricky Spellings this week that are also on Spellodrome. This week I will read out the spellings as I do in class, and show you the words at the end. Good luck!



1.This week we are looking at negative words, such as no, not, nothing, never and nowhere. We also add the letters n't to words to make them negative.

In Standard English (how we write in the classroom) we only use one negative word to make the meaning negative. For example:

I didn't do anything. (Standard English - only one negative)

In non-Standard English (how we might talk in the playground, or on Eastenders!) double (two) negatives are often used. For example:

I didn't do nothing. (Non-Standard English - double negatives)

Remember, in Standard English we only use one negative word to make the meaning negative.

Look at these PowerPoints to help you understand.

Then do the worksheet below and p. 35 in you white CGP SPaG books. Thank you.

Double negatives-Summer ii Wk 2 HL.ppt

2. Each week from now on we will look at a short film, about an imaginary inventor or invention and we will do some literacy work around it.

This week the film is The Shirt Machine, and there's a worksheet with part of the transcript of the film which you just need to punctuate. Hint: there are several lists in this transcript!


For this topic we would've been reading The Borrowers together in class, but as we can't do that here is a tv version of it from the 1990s. This week, in Episode Two, Pod Clock (dad) starts to teach his daughter, Arrietty, how to go borrowing. But Arietty also wants to get to know a 'human bean' and gets herself in trouble...

If this link to play the video doesn't work, you may have to go to YouTube to watch it. Check with mum or dad first to ask if that's ok.

Please keep reading your own books and your AR books. Don't forget to take tests and email me if you need one deleted. Look in Learning Resources for other reading resources.



On the website use the online times tables tests, or if possible, print off the practice you know you need.

Remember to use 'Hit the button' on Topmarks too :-)


If you haven't yet completed the AM exercise in Week 5, please do that before attempting this week's task.

1. This week we start looking at Ratio and Proportion. Please look at the PowerPoint and links below.

2. Then complete the Ratio and Proportion worksheet... don't look at the answers until you've finished!

3. Next, please complete the Class exercise in ACCELERATED MATHS.

4. When you finish, remember there are Group exercises, Tests and Practices for you too and don’t forget Maths Facts! Oh, and the Diagnostic tests! Thank you.



  • Education City - there will always be work waiting for you on this site. I've added some more work on Light and Shadows for those of you who have completed everything so far! If you have…well done you!

  • As, in IPC, we are looking at Michael Faraday, I thought you might like to find out a little more about Electricity on BBC Bitesize.

  • And here are some home science experiments that can be done at home with an adult. There's Fun with density, Dissolving, Fireworks in a glass and Lava Lamp.

IPC: Inventions (History)

This week we're going to look at Michael Faraday who invited the first electrical generator.

Start by looking at this Powerpoint, then the two videos underneath. The second was originally made for 11-16 year olds, but I'm sure you’ll understand it.

Lastly, there is an information sheet below about Faraday, read this then answer the comprehension questions. Again, this was intended for older children but I'm sure you can manage, do as much as you can.

Sensational scientist Michael Faraday.pdf
YR6 Michael Faraday Questions.pdf

If you are interested in finding out more, this link will take you to a BBC Bitesize page of facts about Michael Faraday and another inventor, John Dalton. Here is another page from BBC History about Faraday, it's part of a very good history website.

IPC: Inventions (Art)

1. I hope you have started thinking about your own invention. You don’t have to actually make it, a design drawing will do!

Over the next few weeks, read and watch all the information in this IPC section and start planning your own design… something to use at home, at school, something that could change the world?! If you like, use the squared paper here to start drawing your invention design, but any paper will do. If you’ve got lots of ideas maybe design a different invention every week! Here is one of Humaira's inventions... Soap Surprise! What a fantastic idea!

To help inspire you, have a look at this page on the Positive News website where some children from across the world had their designs drawn up by an illustrator. There's also another clip from an American show where school children shared their ideas on TV, Amazing Kid Inventions! I really like the first idea!

2. For fun, I thought you might like to see some empty cereal packet craft activities!

Here are instructions on how to make an empty cereal packet guitar, a teddy bear car, a puppet theatre, weaving and a maze!

Cereal Box Teddy Bear - Craft Instructions.pdf

3. And, for even more fun... look at another wonderful creation by Joseph Herscher, this week 'How to pass the Salt While Social Distancing'. His machines use cause and effect to do a simple task in a very complicated way. Please don't do anything like this at home without permission! Look at those in Week 5 if you haven't already. I hope they all amuse and inspire you :-)

ICT (Coding)

  • Keep playing LightBot and Cargo-Bot if you can, and look at Week 5's Code-a-Cake too.

  • Here is the Episode 6 of Think like a Coder if you’d like to learn how to… think like a coder!

PE and yoga

Click here for PE with Joe Wicks and Cosmic Yoga for Kids.

Rio and Kate Ferdinand also do daily workouts if you'd like to look at those.


Mindful moments: I thought I would add some ideas for when you might need to take a break. Here are a couple of Mindful Minute Brain Breaks, the Balloon Breaths and the Bubble Breaths, and some Mindfulness colouring sheets.


Mathletics: there will always be work waiting for you, I try to set only 4-5 activities so you should be able to access Mathletics Live too. Well done to those of you who use Mathletics regularly, one person has actually finished every task!

Education City: there will always be work on Maths, Literacy, Science and Computers waiting for you here. Well done to those of you who have kept up to date with everything I've set!

The Week Junior

There is an excellent article on page 24 on Origami, with several recommended websites.

I'm going to have a look at them and will let you know next week what I've made! Please let me know what you make too. Good luck!

IPC: Stig of the Dump is a book written by Clive King in 1963. It's about the two friends, a young boy from the 1960s and a cave-man from the Stone Age!

The book can be downloaded from the Idea Store, but in the 1980s a TV programme of it was made. Here's Episode Four, there are five altogether, they're all on youtube if you can't wait!

If you would like to share your work with June please send it to