Week 6 - Monday 1st June

If you would like to share your work with June please send it to

Hello all! I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe, and that you all had a lovely half term!

I do hope you enjoy this week's activities :-) Please try your best to do all the Literacy and Maths, these are the most important. Then enjoy looking at the information on our new topic... Inventions!

Don’t forget to share you work with me! Or if you just want to write and tell me what you're doing that's fine too. If you need any help, send a message and I'll ring you as soon as I can.


Answers to the last Rising Star test and Cloze exercise



Yr 4 Spelling Bee - Having realised how many of you already have your Year 4 Spelling Bee, we're going to move on to look at some Tricky Spellings this week that are also on Spellodrome.

If you haven't got your Year 4 Spelling Bee and would like to practise, please use Max's Scratch Spelling Programme! Here is the link:

Tricky spellings 1.doc


1.This week we are looking at Prepositions.

Please look at the video and the two PowerPoints to remind yourself what prepositions are. One is a Warm-Up and one is a Quiz.


Then complete at least one of the three worksheets, you can watch an annoying little video too!! :-)

Please also complete p. 24 of your white CGP SPaG books that you should have at home.

Missing Prepositions.pdf
Preposition Detective.pdf
Prepositional Phrases.pdf

2. Here is a SPaG test for you to do. The answers are at the end... please test yourself, no peeking!

Here is a Cloze exercise too, I know many of you like these.

Remember, if you can't print the worksheet just write the answers on a piece of paper or talk them through with a parent. I'll add a link to the answers next week.

Year 4 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1.pdf
Cloze exercise 7 .pdf


For this topic we would've been reading The Borrowers together in class, but as we can't do that here is a tv version of it from the 1990s. This week, in Episode One, we learn who the Borrowers are, what they do and we get to know several of the main characters too.

If this link to play the video doesn't work, you may have to go to YouTube to watch it. Check with mum or dad first to ask if that's ok.

Please keep reading your own books and your AR books. Don't forget to take tests and email me if you need one deleted. Look in Learning Resources for other reading resources.



On the website use the online times tables tests, or if possible, print off the practice you know you need.

Remember to use 'Hit the button' on Topmarks too :-)


Quite a few of you liked doing the Arithmetic test before half term, so here is a shorter test for you to do this week.



1. This week we start looking at Negative numbers. Please look at the PowerPoint below.

2. Then complete the worksheet... don't look at the answers until you've finished! There are two very good videos to help you too.

3. Next, please complete the Class exercise in ACCELERATED MATHS.

4. When you finish, remember there are Group exercises, Tests and Practices for you too and don’t forget Maths Facts! Oh, and the Diagnostic tests!

A big THANK YOU to all of you who’ve been working on your AM and Maths Facts, Mathletics and Education City :-)

PowerPoint - Negative Numbers.pptx
Horizontal Format - Negative Numbers.pdf


  • Education City - there will always be work waiting for you on this site. I've added some more work on Light and Shadows for those of you who have completed everything so far! If you have…well done you!

IPC: Inventions (History)

This week, we are starting our topic on... Inventions! Each week we will be looking at a different invention.

We begin by looking at the first steam locomotives and railways.

Start by looking at this Powerpoint, the Fact cards referred to on page 7 are below, you need to look carefully at them, then think hard about how to put them in chronological order. Which do you think was invented first?

Lesson Presentation The Earliest Locomotives and Railways.ppt

Next, look at the Eariest Locomotives and Railways worksheet. You only need to do the last one (with three stars) and please don't look at the answers until you've finished!

Match the written information to the diagram, then arrange in chronological order. (If you can't print them, copy the information on to paper and maybe add a little drawing for each one).

Early Steam Locomotive Fact Cards.pdf
Activity Sheet The Earliest Locomotives and Railways.pdf

Below are a few more resources for your information. The first is How does a steam engine work?

The other two videos (BBC Teach History and Physics), were originally made for 11-16 year olds, but you’ll understand them, you might even make a few connections with the Canals topic and CRT Mike’s lesson on the Industrial Revolution! Imagine being there, 200 years ago, and seeing a passenger train for the very first time!!

There is a worksheet too about The Life of George Stephenson. If you can't print it to do the sorting exercise, do at least read all the information.


If you are 'super-interested' in finding out more, this link will take you to a page full of many more interesting facts about George Stephenson!

IPC: Inventions (Art)

I would like you to start thinking about creating… your own invention! You don’t have to actually make it, a design drawing will do!

So, over the next few weeks, read and watch all the information in this IPC section and start planning your own design… something to use at home, at school, something that could change the world?! If you like, use the squared paper here to start drawing your invention design, but any paper will do. If you’ve got lots of ideas maybe design a different invention every week!

To help inspire you, have a look at this on the deMilked website where some school children in Sunderland had their inventions made by a designer and inventor. There's also a clip from an American show where school children shared their ideas on TV, Amazing Kid Inventions! I really like the hand-washing-mixing-colours idea!


And for fun... look at this wonderful creation called ‘Quarantine Machine’ and ' How to Pass the Pepper While Social Distancing'. The second is made by an artist called Joseph Herscher, his machines use cause and effect to do a simple task in a very complicated way. Please don't do anything like this at home without permission! I hope they amuse and inspire you :-)

ICT (Coding)

  • Keep playing LightBot and Cargo-Bot if you can, and look at Week 5's Code-a-Cake too.

  • Here is the Episode 4 of Think like a Coder if you’d like to learn how to… think like a coder!

  • Here's the next video in ‘The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART crew’, about staying safe online. This week the Chapter 5: Be careful when meeting up.

PE and yoga

See Week 2 for PE with Joe Wicks and Cosmic Yoga for Kids.

Rio and Kate Ferdinand also do daily workouts if you'd like to look at those.


Mathletics: there will always be work waiting for you, I try to set only 4-5 activities so you should be able to access Mathletics Live too. Well done to those of you who use Mathletics regularly, one person has actually finished every task!

Education City: there will always be work on Maths, Literacy, Science and Computers waiting for you here. Well done to those of you who have kept up to date with everything I've set!

The Week Junior

There is an excellent article on page 24 on Origami, with several recommended websites.

I'm going to have a look at them and will let you know next week what I've made! Please let me know what you make too. Good luck!

IPC: Stig of the Dump is a book written by Clive King in 1963. It's about the two friends, a young boy from the 1960s and a cave-man from the Stone Age!

The book can be downloaded from the Idea Store, but in the 1980s a TV programme of it was made. Here's Episode Three, there are five altogether, they're all on youtube if you can't wait!

If you would like to share your work with June please send it to