Year 5
Week 1 - Monday 20th April 2020
Dear Year 5,
Welcome back and I hope you have enjoyed your term break. We are now back to school, albeit virtually, and I have some tasks for you for this week.
First of all, I would like you to look at the video I made for you and read the accompanying handout here. It would be great if you could respond to it.

In addition, I have posted a number of activities for you to do in Education City. It would be really great if you could try to complete some of these assignments.
Try to spend about 30 minutes a day doing some maths this week. You have Accelerated Maths exercises, practice and tests, which I check daily and add more work in case you run out. You can also practise Mathletics. Do not forget about the arithmetic tests you received in your package, as well as 10 minute maths workouts booklets.
Do some SPAG. You have your SPAG tests in your package as well as your Year 5 SPAG books. I will be adding some more SPAG exercises for you to do in Education City later in the week if you would like to do some SPAG on-line.
Please try to read at least an hour a day - read anything you like or have available. If you can take quizzes on the Accelerated Reader, it will be great! If you want to listen to some audiobooks, please go and check: It is free and you can listen to some great books on-line. There are also lots of books available at
Try to do some physical exercises - sit-ups, push-ups, squats, etc. 10-15 minutes a day will be enough and it will keep you fit and healthy. My family and I have been doing “PE with Joe” at 9.00 every week now and we really enjoy it.
Stay positive - hopefully we will see each other soon and resume our normal lessons. In the meantime, try to do as much as you can at home. Even an hour or so of learning a day will make a huge difference!
I will be uploading materials to the Google Classroom and Google Drive as well as setting work in Accelerated Maths, Mathletics and Education City. I always look forward to receiving your essays and marking them so if you can write them in google drive and share them with me, you can expect to get them back marked.
All the best and stay well,