Yr 5 and 6

Welcome Yr 5 and 6

Remember to stay safe online and always let an adult know which websites you are using.

Week beginning 1st June

This week I will continue to set work on Education City. To access this work and to try out all the fun activities on this site, you need to send an email to get your log in details. Email: year5.6@swbschool.net

Hello Yr 5 and 6. Eid Mubarak to everybody who celebrated this week! I hope you are all safe and well and that you have enjoyed your half-term break.

I have been looking at all the online sites. Thank you to everyone who has been logging on and completing the work that is set, even during the holiday! It was a lovely surprise to see so many more Yr 5 children completing work on Accelerated Maths. Yr 6, don’t fall behind – log on today and start working. Make sure you try to log on every day to do at least one activity. I would love to see some of your work. Share it with me by emailing me at:


Watch this week's video to find out what Shah, Ellie and Helen have been up to!

Helen Ellie and Shah week 6.mp4

If you would like to share your work please send it to year5.6@swbschool.net Who knows, you may become a star of the week!

Accelerated Maths (homework assignment book). You can also finish exercises, tests and diagnostic tests in all the other assignment books. For more maths activities remember to use Mathletics. In addition to subject exercises here, there are also arithmetic tests set for you to do.

Reading: Remember to read every day! I have been checking Accelerated Reading everyday. Well done to the children who completed and passed tests this week. Aim to read a book this week and complete a quiz.

Don’t forget to keep logging into Spag.com too. It is important to keep all those Spag terms fresh in your brains so that you don't forget them.

Thank you to the children who have emailed me to get their log in details for Education City. They were able to access the Science homework here and to access all the fun activities on this site. If you haven’t already done so, email me for your log in details on yr5.6@swbschool.net

Keep doing your 10 minute a day Sat Buster tests and your reading comprehension exercises (3 per week) In addition to all these here are this week’s activities. If printing off is a problem, don’t worry, just write your answers on a separate piece of paper.

There is no need to print work off. Just work from the screen and write your answers on a separate piece of paper.

The Sleeping Sword chapters 1-5.docx


This week in Literacy we will be starting our new class reader: The Sleeping Sword by Michael Morpurgo. I am sure that you are all familiar with the ancient myth of King Arthur and the tale of the Sword in the stone. Well, this book takes details from these well-known stories to create a wonderful mixture of realism and fantasy and, like a lot of Michael Morpurgo books, it will make us wonder whether what he wrote is actually a true story! You can read the first five chapters of the book here.

Reading Response to the first five Chapters of The Sleeping Sword.docx

Reading response

When you have finished reading these chapters, look at the read and respond questions to help you to think more deeply about the story.

Braille Day Reading Comprehension.pdf

Reading Comprehension

The central character in The Sleeping Sword is a boy called Bun who is blind. The book helps the reader to empathise with what it must be like to be blind. The reading comprehension this week is about World Braille Day. This is named after a French man who was blind and he devised a wonderful system that is still used today where raised bumps on a sheet of paper can be felt and ‘read with the fingers’. Do the Comprehension. There are three different levels. Pick your level or start at level one and work your way up the levels. Remember to challenge yourself!


Whilst I was reading The Sleeping Sword. I kept thinking about how much Bun’s life must have changed when he became blind. In the opening paragraphs of the story he writes:

And that’s my trouble at the moment. There’s so much I can’t do now that I used to do without even thinking about it – you know, ordinary things like going down to the shop, hurdling over mooring ropes, playing football on the green, watching telly, seeing my friends whenever I felt like it, messing about in boats, diving off the quay with them in the summertime. I can still go swimming, but someone always has to be with me. That’s the worst of it, really. I can never go free like I used to.

I couldn’t help making a link with this to our lives now we have been isolating for eight weeks. Write one paragraph about how you are feeling at the moment whilst you are mostly staying safe at home. What are the things you miss most about the lives you had before the lockdown? Describe some of your frustrations about your new life. Is there anything positive about your situation? What are you looking forward to the most when we finally do come out of lockdown?


Part of our spelling test next week will involve changing nouns (naming words) and verbs (doing words) to adjectives (describing words) by adding a 'tious' or a 'sious' suffixe. Watch this video first to remind you of the main suffixes that can be added to a noun to change it to an adverb.


Then watch this video and test yourself to see if you can work out how particular nouns can be changed to adjectives. Try to work out the answers before they’re written down.



It is important that we keep our knowledge of different word clases ticking over. Do this sheet to remind yourself of all the different meanings for each of the classes. Then tackle the third exercise in this identifying word classes sheet.

Do this test about adjectives on Monster Grammar.

spelling test week 6.mp4


Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and start the spelling video for this week’s spelling test. This week, we will do the spellings from the 2019 spelling sat paper.



Do the new arithmetic paper and then afterwards check your answers which are at the end of the paper. Try to beat your score from last week.

Keep your tables ticking over by doing an online tables test . We usually do 80 questions division and multiplication up to 12 times table.


In maths we will be revising the names and properties of 3D shapes. Watch this video to remind yourself about the terms: faces, edges and vertices. Pause the video and fill in this worksheet on faces, edges and vertices. Leave the final column for our investigation.

Euler's law video.mp4

Make sure you watch the Faces, Edges and Vertices video first and fill out the sheet so that you have the data to do the investigation.

Maths Investigation

You will need to watch the first video and fill in your record of faces, edges and vertices. Then, watch the video I have made taking you through an investigation to find a relationship between these. See if you can come up with a winning formula like the famous mathematician, Leonhard Euler.

Watch this video and practise how to draw 3D shapes. Have a piece of paper and a pencil handy.

Then watch this video to see the nets for different shapes. Go to Espresso upper KS2 maths, 3D shapes and do the two activities on 3D nets.

After you have watched the videos and done the work sheets, do the diagnostic test on identifying 3D shapes, naming properties and identifying different nets on Accelerated Maths. This test will be assigned in the homework assignment book.


This half term our Science topic is plants. The topic will include looking at parts of a plant, what plants need to grow and feed, how plants reproduce, looking at different types of plants and how important plants are to the world.

Watch this video about identifying different parts of a plant and learning about the function of each of these parts.


Look in more detail at the different parts of a flower by watching this video.


Use what you have learned about the different parts and their function to fill out this sheet where you label parts of a plant and flower and this sheet where you draw the parts and describe their functions.

I have set more science work on the site Education City You will need to email me at yr5.6@swbschool.net for your log in details if you haven’t done so already. The activities are set in the Homework section. Your log in details will allow you to access lots of amazing activities in Education City so don’t delay, email today!



This term’s topic is all about World Religions. I know that when we studied different creation stories and when we looked at the religion of the Maya we were all able to see similarities between different religions. I hope that by the end of the topic we will become more knowledgeable about the main World Religions and also that we will be able to make comparisons between the different religions. This week we will do an overview of the main religions. What do you think about when you hear the word, 'religion'. Fill out your own mind map about all the things you already know about religion. Don't worry if you can't print off; just write the word 'Religion' in the centre of a blank sheet of paper. Next, watch this video in which I give some background information about our topic this term.

Edited result.mp4


Watch this video which is an illustrated time line of the spread of different religions across the globe.


Research information using this website to help you to fill out this sheet about different religions. Any you miss, might be in this Powerpoint presentation. Here are the answers.

Religions introductory Powerpoint.ppt

History of Computing

After you have done the comprehension, you might like to write your own name using Braille. This Braille alphabet sheet will help you. Do the pattern for the letters in your name and then use the head of a pin or paper clip to poke out the relevant holes. Use your finger to see if you can ‘read it with your fingers’. Write a Braille message for your parent or sibling to 'read' using the alphabet sheet to help them.

Are you wondering why this is a computing activity? Well the early computers used to use punch cards which were cards with small holes in them and the position of these holes related to a digit or letter. The early computing machine could locate where the holes were and work out what the card read. Later on, a light was shone across the card and where the light passed through denoted the position of the hole and what digit or letter it was.


A punch card for a computer from the 1970's

IT E-Safety

If you missed this video from Week 5, here's your chance to catch up! Everybody is spending a lot more time online. It’s really important that we think about our online safety. Watch the video . Pause when the video asks you to and think carefully about what you would do in each situation.

Art and Craft

Thank you so much to Taha for sharing some of the art and craft work she has been doing at home! She has been buzzy making models to show her appreciation for bee workers. She has also done a purple picture as part of the whole school art project. If you missed the details for this, you can find them on the week 5 home learning page below.


In maths this week, we have been looking at 3D shapes. It is always difficult to draw a shape which has three dimensions. How can you get your shape to look like it is solid rather than flat on the paper? Well, follow the tips in this video and see if you can get your shape to look 3D.


Then watch this video to find out how shading your shapes can make them look even more realistic.


If you are doing Joe Wicks every day, you will be getting fitter and fitter every day! Try this workout.


If you missed it in week 5, go to our music and dance page and take a dance class with Orit! Do the warm up first and then have fun dancing 'at the hop!' This is a dance you learned with Orit in school. Dance along and see if you can remember all the steps.

Brain Teasers and Puzzles.pptx

Puzzle Corner

Keep your brains fit and active! Improve your memory skills! Try this Powerpoint of brain teasers and puzzles. Share with your families. Who can be the quickest to solve?

Good luck with all your homework. Remember, we would love to see some of the work you have been doing at home. Share your shape pictures and writing about your experiences at home. Send us a video of yourself 'at the hop'! We look forward to hearing from you all. Contact Helen, Ellie and Shah using this email address: year5.6@swbschool.net we will display some of your work on the home learning website and who knows, you might be chosen as a Star of the Week!