Yr 5 and 6

Welcome Yr 5 and 6

Remember to stay safe online and always let an adult know which websites you are using.

Week 9: Week beginning 22nd June

Regular visitors to the Yr 5/6 home learning page will notice a different look to the page this week. At first glance, it looks as if there are no videos or pop out worksheets. They are all still there, but you now need to click on the link in bold within the text. The change has been made to hopefully help the page to load more easily so that the work is more accessible for everyone and the page will be quicker to use.

This week I will continue to set work on Education City. To access this work and to try out all the fun activities on this site, you need to send an email to get your log in details. Email: year5.6@swbschool.net

Hello Yr 5 and 6. I hope you and your families are staying safe and well. This week, some Year 6 are back in school - welcome back! For those of you not going back, this home learning web page will give you most of the work you would have been doing in school.

Thank you to everyone who has logged on to all the online learning sites. Make sure you try to log on every day to do at least one activity. I would love to see some of the work you are doing for the home learning website. Share it with me by emailing me at:


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Helen, Ellie an Shah hope you are all staying safe at home.

Year 6 Exclusive!

Please make sure you have done your autobiography for the 2020 Leavers’ Book and your video for the 2020 Leavers’ Video. For information about how to do your autobiography go to Week 7. For information about how to do your video, go to Week 8. The links are at the bottom of the page. If you need any help at all with this, please email me at : yr5.6@swbschool.net

If you would like to share your work, please send it to year5.6@swbschool.net Who knows, you may become a star of the week!

There is no need to print work off. Just work from the screen and write your answers on a separate piece of paper.

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Reading: This week in Literacy we are finishing the book, The Sleeping Sword by Michael Morpurgo. If you have missed previous chapters, please go to week 6/7/8 (at the bottom of the page) to catch up. Here are the final chapters of the story. When you have finished, go to Accelerated Reader and take a quiz. The number is: 204937 EN

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Reading comprehension

Complete this Comprehension to learn more about National Refugee Week. There are three different levels. Pick your level or start at level one and work your way up the levels. Remember to challenge yourself!

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Reading -inference

Read this refugee story and then answer the questions afterwards. The answers can all be inferred by using evidence in the text.


The writing task this week is to write an information report about refugees. First, you must do research to gather the information. Use the information from the United Nations Refugee Agency website .

Watch this video to find out about who is a refugee?

Finally watch this video to get a child’s view of what it’s like to be a refugee. A writing framework is here if you would like help to organise your writing.

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Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and start the spelling video for this week’s spelling test. This week, we will be focusing on words with the ‘shun’ sound at the end. If you would like to review these words, look at the spelling activities from Week 8. (see link at the bottom of the page).

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SPAG- spelling

Next week in the spelling test, I will be including many words which start with a common prefix such as: dis, de, mis, re. Watch this powerpoint to help you revise the meaning of the different prefixes and identify and spell words with that prefix.

Spag -Spelling Worksheets

Consolidate your knowledge of these words by completing this sheet on matching prefixes and root words. Next, do this sheet on completing sentences using the correct prefix. Have a go at working out the meaning of different words by applying what you know about the root word and the prefix. Finally, do this mini test on prefixes. For all of these sheets the answers are included at the end of the sheet.

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Spag- grammar

This week, we are revising the tricky area of using apostrophes to show possession either in the plural or singular. Remember: the key information is who is the owner? The apostrophe goes straight after the owner. So if only one cat has a tail, we would write: The cat’s tail. Whereas, if seven cats all had tails, we would write: The cats’ tails.

First, watch this video which gives a general overview of when to use an apostrophe.

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Singular and Plural Possessives Video


Next, watch this video which goes into a little more detail about singular and plural possessives.

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Spag - worksheets


sheet one on showing possession

sheet two on apostrophes for plural nouns

sheet three on apostrophes for singular nouns

and sheet four on possessive apostrophes.

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Do the new arithmetic paper and then afterwards check your answers. Try to beat your score from last week.

Keep your tables ticking over by doing an online tables test . We usually do 80 questions division and multiplication up to 12 times table. If you prefer, you can print off the test here and do it on paper. Remember to set a timer to record your time. Did you beat last week’s time and score?

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In maths this week, we will be looking at timetables. This will involve reviewing 24hr clock and methods for working out the duration of time as well as applying our knowledge to read timetables and to work out the time in different time zones.

Look at this Powerpoint to revise how to convert to 24hr clock. Next complete this worksheet which involves converting from and to 24hr clock. There are three levels of difficulty. Either start off simple and work your way through the levels or pick your level. Remember to challenge yourself.

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Video about working out Duration of Time


Being able to work out duration of time is an important skill. Some of you are able to do this mentally by holding an image of a timeline in your head and ‘jumping on’ in whole minutes and hours to find a total. This method can also be written out too. However, in class, we learned how to work out duration of time by converting times to 24hr clock and treating the calculation as a column subtraction. Refresh yourself on the method by watching this video.


Use a method that works for you when solving duration of time on these timetables. There are three different levels. Remember to challenge yourself. The answers are included.

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Have a go at these Sats Questions on reading timetables. Mark your own work afterwards using the answer sheet.

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video about Time Zones


Time Zones I love the fact that times around the world are all calculated according to the time it is in a place that we all live so close to…..Greenwich! GMT after a time stands for Greenwich Mean Time. Take a look at this video which explains more about different time zones in the world You may recognise some familiar local sites! Take a look at this poster which shows times in the world based on GMT.


Work out what time it is in different areas of the world on these sheets.

Go to Accelerated Maths and do the diagnostic test in the homework assignment book on 24hr clock, reading timetables and working out problems involving the elapse of time.


This half term we have been looking at flowering plants. Here is the work covered so far: Week 6: Parts of a plant and their function; Week 7: The Life Cycle of a flowering plant and how it reproduces; Week8: How a plant feeds and photosynthesis. If you missed any of the previous weeks check them out now by clicking a link at the bottom of this page.

This week, we are looking at how different plants have adapted to fit the habitat in which they grow.

This video will give you an overview of what adaptations different plants have which help them to survive in a particular habitat.

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video of plant adaptations.


After you have watched the video, look at this Powerpoint and then use the knowledge you have gained to fill in this sheet.

Watch this video on making observations about desert plants before doing this sheet where you label and describe the different adaptations that a plant that grows in the desert has.

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Last week we looked at a World Religion which was founded just over five hundred years ago: Sikhism. If you missed this, go back to week 8 and take a look now! (see below). You might also like to go back to week 7 and learn all about Hinduism.

This week we will start to look at the three Abrahamic Religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These are all religions which believe in the prophet Abraham. They also believe that he and his descendants play an important role in human spiritual development.

The writer, Peter Stanford stated: Abraham is an extraordinary figure in that almost alone of the Biblical characters he unites, or has the potential to unite, the three great monotheistic religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. He's there in all of them - he's important in all of them. In the Christian mass Abraham is mentioned specifically; when Muslims pray five times a day, they mention Abraham in that connection; and when Jews look back in the Torah, particularly to the covenant they made with Yahweh that made them Yahweh's chosen people, that was done through Abraham. He's the father of all faiths.


This video gives an overview of how these three great world religions are connected through the prophet of Abraham. As you watch the video, make a list of things that are common to the three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and also note down any differences.

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video about Abrahamic religions


Extend your list of similarities and differences by watching this video.

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Put your knowledge to the test by completing the online activities on Espresso – just put in Faiths into the search box.

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As part of our Science topic, we have been studying flowers. Last week’s homework page had step-by-step instructions on how to draw a hibiscus or a lily plant. If you missed this, just click on the link for Week 8 below. This week, I would like you to choose a flower and then use a close up photograph of the flower to do your own detailed drawing of it. You can choose between: hosta bamboo hibiscus cactus grevillea allium

or water lily

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Art and Craft

Try making your own model of a flower by cutting and folding this paper model.

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Do this workout.


If you are doing Joe Wicks every day, you will be getting fitter and fitter every day! Try this workout.


If you haven’t already done so, Check out Orit’s wonderful video on the music and dance page where she dances Bollywood style.


Puzzle Corner

Have a go at filling a five by five grid with different coloured squares by clicking on this Nrich Maths page. Scroll down for the interactive puzzle. You are not allowed to repeat a colour in any row, column or diagonal. I have had a go and I haven't succeeded yet! See if you can do better than me by solving the puzzle!

A lot of work is still set on Accelerated Maths (homework assignment book). You can also finish exercises, tests and diagnostic tests in all the other assignment books. For more maths activities remember to use Mathletics. In addition to subject exercises here, there are also arithmetic tests set for you to do.

Reading: Remember to read every day. I have been checking Accelerated Reading everyday. Well done to the children who completed and passed tests this week. Aim to read a book this week and complete a quiz.

Don’t forget to keep logging into Spag.com too. It is important to keep all those Spag terms fresh in your brains so that you don't forget them.

Thank you to the children who have emailed me to get their log in details for Education City. They were able to access the Science homework here and to access all the fun activities on this site. If you haven’t already done so, email me for your log in details on year5.6@swbschool.net

Keep doing your 10 minute a day Sat Buster tests and your reading comprehension exercises (3 per week) In addition to all of this, here are this week’s activities.

Good luck with all your homework. Remember, we would love to see some of the work you have been doing at home. Share your flower pictures or work on different faiths. It is really important that Yr 6 share their SWB autobiographies so that they can be put in the Leavers' book. It's also vital that you upload your videos for the Leavers' video. We look forward to hearing from you all. Contact Helen, Ellie and Shah using this email address: year5.6@swbschool.net We will display some of your work on the home learning website and who knows, you might be chosen as a Star of the Week!