Yr 5 and 6

Welcome Yr 5 and 6

Remember to stay safe online and always let an adult know which websites you are using.

Week beginning 11th May

This week we will be setting work on Education City. To access this work and to try out all the fun activities on this site, you need to send an email to get your log in details. Email: year5.6@swbschool.net

Hello Yr 5 and 6. I hope you are all safe and well.

I have been looking at all the online sites and it is good to see more of you doing the work that has been set. However, some children still haven’t logged on and completed any tasks. Don’t let your brains rust; get online and start working! If you are having any problems remembering your log in details or would like any help with the activities just email me: year5.6@swbschool.net

Watch this week's video to find out what Shah, Ellie and Helen have been up to!

Helen and Ellie video week 4.mp4

Last week on our video, Ellie told you all about the mysterious goings on in her garden with shoes disappearing and objects being moved. Using Sam's amazing camera, she has been able to deduce who the culprit was..........................a FOX!! Watch the 'Spring Watch' video and see the evidence for yourself!

fox video

If you would like to share your work please send it to year5.6@swbschool.net

Important News

This week, we will begin to set work on Education City. You won't be able to access this work without first emailing for your log in details. year5.6@swbschool.net

A lot of work is set on Accelerated Maths (homework assignment book). You can also finish exercises, tests and diagnostic tests in all the other assignment books. For more maths activities remember to use Mathletics. In addition to subject exercises here, there are also arithmetic tests set for you to do.

Reading: Remember to read every day! I have been checking Accelerated Reading everyday. Well done to the four children who completed and passed tests this week. to read a book this week and complete a quiz.

Don’t forget to keep logging into Spag.com too. It is important to keep all those Spag terms fresh in your brains so that you don't forget them.

Keep doing your 10 minute a day Sat Buster tests and your reading comprehension exercises (3 per week) In addition to all these here are this week’s activities. If printing off is a problem, don’t worry, just write your answers on a separate piece of paper.

There is no need to print work off. Just work from the screen and write your answers on a separate piece of paper.

VE day reading comprehension.pdf


Friday the 8th May was the 75th anniversary of VE day. VE stands for victory in Europe and this day saw the end of the second world war in Europe. Complete the reading comprehension to find out more about this important event. Remember, there will be three levels of difficulty. Either work your way through each level or choose your level of difficulty and challenge yourself! The answers are provided for you to check your work. Don’t worry about printing off; you can do your answers on a separate piece of paper.

Lion, Witch and Wardrobe chapters 11-15.docx


I hope you are continuing to read a chapter a day of our class reader: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. If you missed any of the earlier chapters, scroll down to week two and catch up. Here are chapters 11 -15.

As you finish each chapter test your knowledge of the chapter by answering the comprehension questions. At the end of the book, if you do well on the Accelerated Reading test, you could score 6 points!

TL TW TW Vocab and RC Questions.pdf

As you finish each chapter test your knowledge of the chapter by answering the questions on that chapter. If you do the comprehension for each chapter, hopefully when we have completed the book you can score well on the Accelerated Reading quiz for that book and earn 6 points!

Create your own creature-description sheet 1.pptx


This week we are thinking about all the mythological creatures that C.S.Lewis describes in the book. He mentions nyads (tree nymphs), draiads (water nympths) unicorns, winged horses like Pegasus and centaurs, a creature that is half horse, half man. Watch this exciting clip of the final battle for Narnia and see how many different mythological creatures you can spot. Many of these are chimera. This means that they are a mixture of different animals. Your task this week is to imagine a chimera; create a creature that is a mixture of different animals. Art To help with this, draw your creature first. Next, work your way through the writing task Powerpoint to help you to write an interesting, imaginative description of your chimera creature. Don’t forget your powerful sentences. Think about using similes: blood as red as….., claws as sharp as….. Think about double lys to describe its movement. Remember adjective pairs.



This week we are doing revision about using semi colons and colons. Watch this clip .Next, look at the Powerpoint. Complete the online test about semi-colons available at Monster Grammar. Complete this test. worksheet.

spelling test week 4.mp4


Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and start the spelling video for this week’s spelling test. Some of the words are taken from the Yr 5/6 spelling bee list, which is in your homework diary. Some of the words relate to our IPC topic on rulers and governments. If you didn’t look at the introductory Powerpoint , look at it now to refresh your memory on key topic. At the end of the video, I will go through the answers so that you can mark your work yourself.



Do the new arithmetic paper and then afterwards check your answers which are at the end of the paper. Try to beat your score from last week.

Keep your tables ticking over by doing an online tables test . We usually do 80 questions division and multiplication up to 12 times table.

Maths This week in Maths we will applying our knowledge of place value. Watch this video to remind you how to round numbers to the nearest 10/100/1000. Remember, to round a number, you go to the digit column next to the digit you are round to. If the digit is 0,1,2,3 or 4 you round down. If it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, you round up. Have a piece of paper handy because you will be asked to pause the video and work out some examples.


When you have watched the video complete this worksheet and then mark your answers.

Next, watch this video to remind you about place value in decimal numbers which will help you to compare and order decimals.

Y7-Lesson-4-Compare-and-order-any-number-up-to-one-billion-2019 (1).pdf

When you have watched the video, complete this worksheet and then check your answers.

After you have watched the videos and done the work sheet, do the diagnostic test on place value on Accelerated Maths. This test will be assigned in the 'Today's Exercise' assignment book.

As part of place value revision we will be looking again at negative numbers. Remember these are the numbers you get when you carry on counting backwards from zero. The higher the number infront of a negative sign the lower the number so, for instance -24 is lower than -1. Watch this video to remind you about the order of negative numbers. Practise ordering positive and negative numbers using this worksheet.


Go to Espresso KS2 Maths, negative numbers and get further practice on ordering decimals using the three activities. Then, watch the video about finding the goal difference in the football league.

Remember that when you are finding the difference between two negative numbers think about whether they are positive or negative numbers.If they are both positive numbers or both negative numbers then subtract to find the difference.If one of the numbers is positive and one of the numbers is negative then add to find the difference.

When you have watched the videos, done the Powerpoint, and activities and worksheet then do the diagnostic test in the Homework assignment book in Accelerated Maths.


This week, I have set a lot of science work on the site Education City You will need to email me at yr5.6@swbschool.net for your log in details. The activities are set in the Homework section. It may be useful to watch this video about physical (reversible) changes and chemical (irreversible changes) Your log in details will allow you to access lots of amazing activities in Education City so don’t delay, email today!


Look at this webpage to remind you about different types of government. Refresh your memories of the different styles of government by looking at the Powerpoint we looked at in week 3. This week, we will learn about the type of government we have in the UK and how laws are made. The UK has a constitutional monarchy, which means that we have a queen but she doesn’t hold absolute authority. The power to make laws rests with our elected government. Look at the video and then fill in this cloze exercise. Look here for the answers.

Intro to Parliament video Cloze.pdf

Cloze exercise to do after you have watched the video.

Introduction to Parliament Cloze Answers.pdf

Answers to the cloze exercise for you to check your work.


This week we are building on the skills we used last week on the program Logo. Go to Purple Mash and log in as a Year 5 or Year 6. Go to tools, coding, Turtle. There are 6 activities to complete here and at every step there is a short video tutorial to help you if you get stuck. Happy coding!


Following on from the huge bee I made with my children last week, I thought it might be fun if you have a go at making some bees to display in your windows to thank the key workers for all their hard work. This link will show you how to make one. You don’t need all the materials they suggest – for example, you could use yellow paint or felt tip pen to colour the bee’s body if you don’t have any yellow paper or card, or why not hunt out some yellow in any magazines you might have at home? If you really don’t have the materials then why not have a go at recreating this picture? You could change the colours or even the design but this might give you some inspiration. Don’t forget to include a sign thanking the key workers! We would love to see some bees that you produced so please share them with us.

This week, my children and I are working on making some stained glass windows using tissue paper and card – once we’re done, we’ll post a photo on this webpage for you to take a look.

Happy creating!


If you are doing Joe Wicks every day, you will be getting fitter and fitter every day! This week I have been very inactive and I need to remember to keep fit and active as well as doing all my school work. I think I will do this workout.



Ellie has been keeping fit every day with Joe Wicks. She must be fit because after she did his work out today, she still had enough energy to read a poem to you all! Maybe you could video yourself reciting or reading a poem and us your video via our email address: year5.6@swbschool.net



Puzzle Corner

This week I did a Soduko puzzle. Have a go and see if you can fill in the grids so that every line in the puzzle - horizontal and vertical- includes each number only once. In the 6X6 grid you will only have the numbers 1 to 6 and in the 9X9 grid you will only have the numbers 1 to 9.

Good luck with all your homework. Remember, we would love to see some of the work you have been doing at home. Share your pictures of an imaginary mythological creature and pictures of all your bee art models or send us any videos you make reciting poetry. We look forward to hearing from you all. Contact Helen, Ellie and Shah using this email address: year5.6@swbschool.net we will display some of your work on the home learning website and who knows, you might be chosen as a Star of the Week!

Stay well and keep safe!