Yr 5 and 6

Welcome Yr 5 and 6

Remember to stay safe online and always let an adult know which websites you are using.

Week 11: Week beginning 6th July

This week I will continue to set work on Education City. To access this work and to try out all the fun activities on this site, you need to send an email to get your log in details. Email: year5.6@swbschool.net

Hello Yr 5 and 6. I hope you and your families are staying safe and well. This home learning web page will give Year 6 who aren't in school and Year 5 most of the work you would have been doing in school.

Thank you to everyone who has logged on to all the online learning sites. Make sure you try to log on every day to do at least one activity. I would love to see some of the work you are doing for the home learning website. Share it with me by emailing me at:


Helen and Ellie Week 11.mp4

Find out what Ellie and Helen have been up to this week.

If you would like to share your work, please send it to year5.6@swbschool.net Who knows, you may become a star of the week!

There is no need to print work off. Just work from the screen and write your answers on a separate piece of paper.

Reading comprehension

This week’s Reading Comprehension is all about the wonderful achievements of Captain Tom Moore who managed to raise a phenomenal £33 million pounds for the NHS. There are three different levels. Either work your way up through the levels or choose a level. Remember to challenge yourself. Click here.

Reading comprehension

Sunday 5th July marked the 72nd anniversary of the NHS. The National Health Service provides free health care to everyone in the UK. Just for a moment, think about how wonderful that is. If you had been ill on 4th July 1948, the day before the NHS came into being, then you would have had to pay to see a doctor. If you didn’t have any money, then you would not have been able to go to a doctor. Complete this reading comprehension about the NHS. There are three different levels. Either work your way up through the levels or choose a level and remember to challenge yourself. Click here.

Writing Task

"A Picture is worth a thousand Words." Look at the picture above and write some words!

1. What do you think the phrase, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ means?

2. List the names of the superheroes you can see in the image.

3. What message is the creator of this image trying to get across?

4. Can you create a title for the image?

5. Choose three of the people you see in the picture and write a thought or speech bubble for them.

6. Vocabulary challenge - use the image to help you generate 3: nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and at least 1 simile or metaphor.

7. Use some of the vocabulary you have come up with to write a caption for the image.

8. Write your own message to the health workers in the picture.

9. Write about a time when you have experienced the NHS. It could be a visit to hospital or the doctor. It might be a trip to the dentist. You may have had speech therapy or physio therapy. Perhaps you had an accident or weren’t feeling well and you were taken to the accident and emergency department.

10. Draw a picture of your own version of an NHS superhero. Send it me at year5.6@swbschool.net


Learn more about the History of the NHS by watching this video.

Look at this Powerpoint on the NHS and pay close attention as there is a quiz at the end.

Spelling test week 11.mp4

Spelling Test

The words for this week's test are taken from a past Sats paper. Either grab a piece of paper and a pencil or print off the Sat paper here. Start the spelling video for this week’s spelling test by clicking here. For our final spelling test next week, we will have a test on some of the vocabulary related to our topics on plants and religions. A list of words for you to learn is here.


Do these Spag assessment tests. Begin with the Yr 5 test here then complete the Yr 6 test here both have the answers at the end for you to mark your own work.


This week we will be revising the Passive form. Here is an example to remind you:

Tom hit the cat. (Active – the subject, Tom is hitting the cat).

The cat was hit by Tom. (Passive – the subject is now the cat who isn’t doing the action. It’s being ‘passive’ – not doing anything.

Watch this video for an overview. Click here.



Watch this video.

Have a piece of paper handy to answer the questions in this Powerpoint.

Now do this sheet followed by this sheet.


Do the new arithmetic paper, click here and then afterwards check your answers here. Try to beat your score from last week.

Keep your tables ticking over by doing an online tables test . We usually do 80 questions division and multiplication up to 12 times table. If you prefer, you can print off the test here and do it on paper here Remember to set a timer to record your time. Did you beat last week’s time and score?


In maths this week, we will be applying our knowledge of the properties of numbers when we look at sets. Those of you going to Secondary school in September will learn a lot about sets in Year 7.

First watch this video on identifying and representing sets. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Pause the video and work out the answers. Click here


Next, watch this video about understanding and using Venn Diagrams. Pause the video and work out the answers. Click here.

Draw Venn diagrams, sort and label using this Powerpoint.


Watch this video on the intersection of two sets. Click here.


Finally, watch this video on the union of two sets.

Click here.


Complete this sheet on organising sets in Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams. Did you know that the Carroll diagram is named after Lewis Carroll who wrote Alice in Wonderland?

Finally, go to Accelerated Maths and complete any diagnostic test, exercise or test set in the Homework assignment book.


This half term we have been looking at flowering plants. Here is the work covered so far: Week 6: Parts of a plant and their function; Week 7: The Life Cycle of a flowering plant and how it reproduces; Week8: How a plant feeds and photosynthesis; Week 9 plant adaptations. Week 10: What does a plant need to grow? If you missed any of the previous weeks check them out now by clicking a link at the bottom of this page.

This week, it’s time to put all that knowledge to the test. Check out these tests (with answers and explanations) and see how much you have learnt.

Work your way up through the levels. If you get stuck, go back to the relevant work on the homework learning page or do some independent research to help you find the answer.

Level 3 : Click here Answers and notes

Level 4: Click here Answers and notes

Level 5: Click here Answers and notes

Level 6: Click here Answers and notes

I have set more science work on the site Education City You will need to email me at yr5.6@swbschool.net for your log in details if you haven’t done so already. The activities are set in the Homework section. Your log in details will allow you to access lots of amazing activities in Education City so don’t delay, email today!


The final religion we will look at in detail is Buddhism. Buddhism is different to all the other religions we have studied so far because Buddhists don’t worship a God or a creator. Instead, Buddhists follow the teaching of one man: The Buddha or the Enlightened one. Watch this video to give you an introduction to this religion click here. Read more about the beginnings of Buddhism here and then mark with the answers here.


A comparison of Buddhist and Islamic worship

Watch this video about how Buddhists worship. Next, watch this video about how Muslims worship. Write a list of things that are the same and things that are different.


The teachings of the Buddha include a description of four ideal states of mind that Buddhists should aim for. These are also known as the four immeasurables. One of these is loving-kindness. It involves wanting others to be well and happy. Loving-kindness should be an ideal for everyone, not just Buddhists. Do this sheet to help you work out how you can achieve this ideal state.


Throughout our topic on Religions we have learnt about special religious festivals. Some of the festivals we have learnt about include:

· Hinduism – Diwali (week 7)

· Sikhism – Gurpurb (week 8)

· Judaism – Pesach (week 10)

Many of you also know about the Islamic festival of Eid and the Christian festival of Easter.

In Buddhism, a special religious festival is Wesak. This festival takes place in May at the time of the full moon. It marks the Birth, Enlightenment and Passing away of the Buddha. Watch this video on Wesak Click here,and then compare this festival to other religious festivals you know about. What things are common to all of the festivals?

Go to Espresso. Type in Buddhism in the search box and do the interactive activities to test your knowledge.


click here to watch the video


Following on from learning about Buddhism, this week we will create pictures inspired by the ancient Buddhist ritual of making sand mandala. Watch this video, click here to find out about the meticulous work and symbolism that goes into making such a beautiful, vibrant work of art.

To watch the video, click here


Practise drawing mandala patterns by following this video, click here. Use colour to bring them to life!

To watch the video, click here


The Buddha is often shown seated on a lotus flower. Follow the step-by-step instructions on this video, click here to make an origami lotus flower.

Joe Wicks.PNG

Do this workout.


If you are doing Joe Wicks every day, you will be getting fitter and fitter every day! Try this workout.

Practise the gym movements we did last week. Do repeats of each one 10 times. Put a timer on and see if you can get quicker and quicker at doing your circuit of movements.


If you haven’t already done so, Check out Orit’s wonderful video on the music and dance page where she dances Bollywood style.

To watch the video, click here.


Keep happy and dance along to the music in this video, click here.

Puzzle Corner

Have a go at this interactive puzzle by clicking here. You have to place the four dominoes so that each side of the square they make has the same number of dots.


Puzzle Corner

I am still trying to do this puzzle. If you haven't tried yet, gave a go at filling a five by five grid with different coloured squares by clicking on this Nrich Maths page. Scroll down for the interactive puzzle. You are not allowed to repeat a colour in any row, column or diagonal. I have had several goes and I haven't succeeded yet! See if you can do better than me by solving the puzzle!

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Puzzle Corner

Feeling bored? Try some of the Five Minute Boredom Busters to keep your brain fit an active.

A lot of work is still set on Accelerated Maths (homework assignment book). You can also finish exercises, tests and diagnostic tests in all the other assignment books. For more maths activities remember to use Mathletics. In addition to subject exercises here, there are also arithmetic tests set for you to do.

Reading: Remember to read every day. I have been checking Accelerated Reading everyday. Well done to the children who completed and passed tests this week. Aim to read a book this week and complete a quiz.

Don’t forget to keep logging into Spag.com too. It is important to keep all those Spag terms fresh in your brains so that you don't forget them.

Thank you to the children who have emailed me to get their log in details for Education City. They were able to access the Science homework here and to access all the fun activities on this site. If you haven’t already done so, email me for your log in details on year5.6@swbschool.net

Keep doing your 10 minute a day Sat Buster tests and your reading comprehension exercises (3 per week) In addition to all of this, here are this week’s activities.

Good luck with all your homework. Remember, we would love to see some of the work you have been doing at home. Share your mandala pictures. I would love to see your writing inspired by the Superhero NHS picture. It's vital that Year 6 upload their videos for the Leavers' video. We look forward to hearing from you all. Contact Helen, Ellie and Shah using this email address: year5.6@swbschool.net We will display some of your work on the home learning website and who knows, you might be chosen as a Star of the Week!