Foundations of Art

I think my strengths and weaknesses are displayed very clearly through my artwork. Personally, I feel as though my artwork is not very original and not very creative because I feel as though I am very bad at coming up with ideas on my own and I need someone to tell me exactly what I need to do. However, I feel like once I do find something I am really into or really enjoy my art reflects that as well because I spend more time on it and put more thought and effort into my work which is obviously displayed. 

Over the year I think my work improved significantly, even by going up the page and looking at my first couple of projects compared to my last few or ones closer to the end of the year I think they look so much better. I think by the end of the year you can tell I started to spend more time on my work and I started to try new things and actually really try on my work instead of just trying to get them done as quickly as I could.   

The most challenging project I did this year was probably the color design. I think this was because of how many times I had to change and adjust my idea to try and fit in every single color required. As well as just the time the project took up. I remember for about a week straight I would go home and work on my color design for about four or five hours straight. This combined with the thought of how to fit the colors really made me strongly dislike this project and it took a lot just to get myself to keep working on it and to finish the piece. 

The project I am most proud of from this year is a couple. Firstly, I really like my scratchboard project because I think it looks a lot like the image I was working off of, and that was the first time I used that material and that technique and I think it looks really good. The next project I am really proud of is my assemblage sculpture because it turned out a lot better than I thought it would. As well as despite how challenging the project would and how time-consuming it was and how I could barely get my construction paper to stick, I think it looks a lot more like a whale tail now than bunny ears like a lot of people assumed in the beginning.   

Honestly, I don't know what I will do with art in the summer and in the future because I mostly only do art when I am extremely bored or when I am with friends and someone suggests we make something or paint together. So I am sure that I will do something with art in the future and I will continue to use techniques and styles from this class, but I am not sure when. However, I do want to do some  more paintings and drawings of landscapes over the summer if I travel to places.