Beautiful Oops


Materials Used: Graphite pencil, pen, colored pencil


I wanted this piece to not be very realistic and kind of just be loose, and I also wanted this work to sort of be original instead of turning the shape I was given into something that was already recognizable since I didn't see any resemblance in it. Once I knew that I wanted to do an alien I also knew that I didn't want to copy the floating one in shape so I created my own alien shapes.

I first sketched with a pencil then went back over it with a pen. I chose to use purple-colored pencils because I didn't want to be like everyone else and make the aliens green and I think that purplish-pink aliens are not ones you see a lot. I chose to just color the aliens because again I wanted to draw peoples attention mainly to those parts of the drawing and not have people focusing on parts that aren't as important.

My finished piece changed a lot from my original idea. I wanted to make it a bird at first but it was hard to decide what parts of the bird would go where, and when I looked at it more I noticed it didn't really have a very recognizable shape so I decided to just make it unique to other things that I could've turned it into. As well as at first I wanted to just make all the other aliens black but again I wanted to make my own shapes so I just outlined the floating alien to make it known that it was another alien but it wasn't part of the group that was lifting it up.