Color Design

Value Strip

9" x 12"

Acrylic on Canvas

Color Check list

Acrylic on Paper



Acrylic on canvas

For this project, we just had to paint something using acrylic paint and covering all colors + shades/tints.

The main material I used for this project was acrylic paint but I also used a black marker to create outlines between my colors.

My process for this artwork was quite hard and my idea changed a lot, first I had to figure out how I was going to fit all my colors in my art and I thought I had a way but it actually didn't work out, so I had to keep starting over. I had to start over multiple times because my ideas wouldn't work until I finally came up with a way that would work, even though I had to change a big part of my original idea. I also chose to outline my colors with a black pen because my edges were very messy and you also couldn't see the difference between the colors in my gradient very well and I thought it may be easier to see with an outline.Â