Pure Contour

Hand Holding a Rubberband


Graphite on Drawing Paper

Frontal View of Shoe


Graphite on Drawing Paper

Profile View of Shoe


Graphite on Drawing Paper

Ariel View of Shoe


Graphite on Drawing Paper

For this project we had to draw shoes from three different angles, the side, the front and the top. I chose to use my converse for this project because it was simple enough with not very many details that it wouldn't take forever to draw, but also wasn't to simple, for example they were high tops so the laces had to go all the way up, and the rubber going around the bottom took a little bit to figure out. 

The materials I used for this project was drawing paper and various types of graphite pencils. 

For this project, I started with using a very light pencil for my initial sketch, after I got my sketch down I started going over the lines with a darker pencil so the lines were more visible.