Time Capsule

Still Life


Graphite pencil on drawing paper

Self portrait


Graphite pencil on drawing paper

Hallway Drawing


Graphite pencil on drawing paper

Still Life, Self Portrait, Hallway Drawing

I used graphite pencil on drawing paper.


For my still life, I chose to do a pile/stack of books because I didn't want to do something complicated since it wasn't supposed to take more than twenty minutes, but at the same time I didn't want to do something super simple so I decided to pile up a couple of books. For my self-portrait, I chose to just do my head instead of adding a neck or shoulders because I wanted it to fit the unfinished look of the others. Finally, for my hallway drawing, I chose this hallway because the doors and trim aren't centered or level with one another so I thought it would be interesting to see if I could accurately add the proportions to my drawing as they are in this hallway.

I chose not to outline in pen or use color at all because they're supposed to look like sketches and I thought if I used anything other than light pencil marks it would take away from that idea.

For my still life drawing it was a very simple process and my original idea didn't change much from what I drew once I thought of doing this idea. It's the same for my self-portrait drawing my drawing isn't very different from my original idea because drawing a self-portrait is pretty straightforward. My hallway drawing, however did change from my original idea because at first, I wanted to do a full long hallway in school because I thought it would be fun to try and see how accurate my drawing could be but finally, I decided on this hallway in my house again because I these hallway isn't very symmetrical sort of.