Beautiful Oops

flowers of joy



this piece of art is not my favorite and did not come out the way I wanted but I instantly thought of a sunflower when I saw the two plashes of ink spreading out as flower peddles. I had an idea before I saw the splash of ink that I wanted to do some kind of flower if I could.

i started this piece of artwork with a pencil, I sketched out a sunflower around the splash of ink and began with another flower to the side. once my paper was all sketched out the way i wanted i took my paintbrush and grey paint and started painting the main sunflower. after that, i thought the page needed more color so i took the purple paint and painted the second flower, and after that, I added color to the corner of the page.

My main idea for this artwork was a page full of beautiful flowers. obviously, that didn't

happen, when i finished the first flower i wanted more color in the art so i made a smaller purple flower then i would say i got carried away with color and decided to do color in the corner which i don't

like but that is what i did.