Artist Inspired

For this project, our goal was to find two artists that interested us and incorporate their art into our pieces. I chose indigo cristol and Samantha Breigel, as my two artists. My first idea for this project ended up being the final outcome of my project, which normally doesn't happen for me. it takes me one or two ideas/sketches to figure out the project outcome I want. I started off by taking two slabs of clay and connecting them together to make the shape of a cup. I find using slabs of clay the easiest. when it comes to making cups, because it always comes out clean, and it is very easy to make smooth. once my cups were bone dry, I took lace taped it around the cup, and painted over it with glaze. when it dried I was very excited about it. it looked the way I wanted and you could see the flowers that came through the lace. I also wanted to do an inch of the opposite color glaze for each cup so that you could tell that they were a pair. When my cups came out of the kiln they were not at all what I was expecting. I was disappointed when I saw that the flowers that were once there had disappeared. 

Overall this project was a good learning process for me because I am now curious to see if I can do something similar to this but keep the design intact. and even though the cups did not come out with the designs that I wanted, I still think they are kinda cool, and knowing that they once showed flowers makes it more interesting to me. and if I could change anything about this project, I would have hand-painted flowers, so that you would be able to see them in the end result.