Final Reflection

The work I am most proud of is my coil pot. At first, when I started this project I did not think it would turn out well, my pot wasn't standing straight and it was not the shape I wanted it to be, At that time I was finding it hard, and I believed that the only pot that would come out of this project would be one I did not like and that was not done well. However, as I kept working with the pot I quickly learned that the more gentle you are with the clay the more it will move in the direction that you want. During this project, I learned patience with art, and I also learned that with clay if you let it dry just a little it will be much easier to smooth it out, rather than having it wet and trying to smooth it out. 

When I signed up for ceramics, I signed up because I needed the credit, and I figured it would be an easy class. Soon I learned that it was not so easy. But it wasn't hard either, it was more of an eye-opener for me. I've never worked with clay before either so not only did this class teach me how to work with clay and make objects with it, but it also taught me patience and creativity. I dont look at myself as a creative person, however in ceramics a lot of the time you are making your work inspired by another artist, and that forces you to bring out the creative side of you that you might have never known was there. Another thing I learned in ceramics is about artists and their own ceramics work. I never knew that some artist truly put their feelings into pieces of ceramics and publish them, and from now on I will always look at artist's work and know that the meaning behind the piece can be much more different than I would assume.

And overall, Honestly and truly dont have many recommendations for the class, because I really did enjoy how each class we would get a little introduction for what we were doing if people were unclear with it, and then we would get straight to work.