Earth, Fire, Water, Project


In progress

In progress

Final Outcome

For this project our assignment was to make any object we wanted, however, we had to incorporate water, earth, or fire. I chose fire. My idea came from a student example, I liked the way they did the candle holder and thought it would be an easier project. I first started with my sketch, which helped me bring my idea to life. After I figured out my sketch I began my project. I first started with a slab of clay and shaped the slab into the round shape I had desired and put edges on it. after my clay was leather hard I made the candle holder. the candle holder was pretty simple to make, I simply wrapped a small piece of clay around a small rolling pin and got my candle holder. I attached the candle holder to the base of my structure with the basic scratch and slip. I finished this within one class period as well. I let it completely dry out and let it get fired before I started glazing it. I used the underglaze for the flowers and then it went back into the kiln to be fired again. After that came my final step, which was to put a top glaze on. I chose a clear shiny glaze because I wanted to see the flower designs and I wanted it to be shiny because  I felt that would match the aesthetic I was going for.   

Overall I do like the outcome of my project, and I'm happy with the steps I chose to do, if I were to do this again, I would make the edges of my base eve, I don't think I would leave them uneven like I did in this one, as well as the candle holder, I would like to make the top more straight and perfect edges.