Alternate materials


leather hard 


Final Outcome

For this project, our goal was to make two pieces of our choosing, but we had to incorporate an outside material.  My first idea was to create a pot with a string going through it, however, once I drew that out and started thinking about it I began to realize that it was not going to work for me.  With my art, I tend to stear near something that I will be able to use and do something I know I am capable of doing. The idea of these trays came to me from my sister who has lots of trays for her jewelry, and that's where I got the idea. I started out with a simple sketch and an idea that I wanted to put sea glass at the bottom of the tray. Once my trays were finished and ready to glaze, I changed my mind about my alternate material. I had decided that I was going to use resin. Resin would be a better option for me than glass because it would save time and an extra step to finishing my project. 

Overall, I really enjoyed doing this project, and I am very confident that I will be using these trays in my room for my jewelry. if I had to change something with my project, I would probably change the colors of the trays so that they aren't both the same color. I am pleased with the outcome of this project, and I really like how the troops of the trays aren't perfect because it gives it more of a rustic look, which is what I was going for.