Committee Roles & Responsibilities

Left to Right:  Louise Whitehead, Sheila Gough, Paul Warrington, Claire Mason, Jemima Monies, and Nerea Berasategui

Your PTA committee consists of the following roles: two co-chairs, treasurer, secretary,  class rep liaison and a sponsorship co-ordinator.

Co-chairs (Louise Whitehead and Sheila Gough)

The Co-chairs work closely with the other committee members to ensure that the PTA is run effectively. The main role of the chairs is to lead PTA and AGM meetings and oversee and support the running of the annual fundraising events with the year reps.

Key responsibilities

Treasurer (Paul Warrington)

The role of the Treasurer is to manage and control the funds the PTA raises. The treasurer reports on the current financial position at each committee meeting which is recorded in the minutes. The report also includes an update on funds received and spent since the last report.

Key responsibilities

Secretary (Nerea Berasategui)

The Secretary is responsible for the smooth running of the PTA organisation, ensuring that meetings are held and recorded, and facilitating clear communication, both within the committee, and between the committee, the school and the PTA body.

Key responsibilities

Class Rep Liaison (Claire Mason)

The Class Rep Liaison provides support and guidance to the class reps advising of their duties as reps of the PTA. The Class Rep Liaison can provide a useful conduit of information between the school and classes (eg in time of covid) but the key role is to provide PTA information to the reps.

Key responsibilities

Sponsorship Co-Ordinator (Jemima Monies)

The Sponsorship Co-Ordinator role is to maintain, manage and develop sponsorship opportunities and revenue for the PTA.

PTA sponsorship includes raffle donations, general donations, in-kind donations, Douglas & Gordon boards, advertising, and other occasional items.

Key duties