2020-21 Events Calendar

The restrictions on large gatherings has and will continue to make it impossible to run the PTA calendar the same as previous years. We will not be holding the traditional autumn social in the school hall and have also cancelled the fireworks display. However, the committee in conjunction with several year group parent reps and armed with some amazing suggestions from our parent community are working hard to create some fun events for this year

Dates for your diary as follows:

Social Events & Fundraisers

(subject to current government advice regarding social distancing and social gatherings - your class reps will keep you updated) 

Friday 9 October - Pre-loved Uniform Sale

Saturday 17 October - Autumn Social Event (Reception parents)

Saturday 7 November - Family Fireworks (cancelled)

Friday 11 December - Christmas Fair

Friday 5 Feb - Winter Disco (on Zoom)

Saturday 12 March - Spring Social Event

Saturday 26 June - Summer Fete ** PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE! 

Saturday 3 July - Family Campout

Friday 9 July - Summer Inflatable Fun

Monthly PTA Coffee Mornings

Once we are allowed, we will be running a drop in coffee morning on the last Friday of each month in the St Mikes Café. This will give you the chance to ask any questions you have, offer suggestions, give us feedback, or just keep us company. We would love to see you! Every family is part of the PTA, we are just the committee representing you so please get in touch any time. We will release the first date as soon as it is safe to do so. 

PTA Meetings

(to be held on Zoom at 7.30pm, until lockdown restrictions ease)

Agendas and Minutes can be found here 

Tuesday 29 September 

** Friday 16 October - Annual General Meeting - 9.15am **

Tuesday 10 November

Tuesday 12 January

Tuesday 2nd March

Tuesday 4th May

Tuesday 29th June

Co-chairs Rachel and Naomi in the St Mike's Church Cafe - please come and find them on the last Friday of each month!