Maintenance Apprentice Program

The Maintenance Apprentice Program is a registered apprenticeship with the United States Department of Labor. These two-year term positions provide paid mentorship, classroom and hands-on training under the guidance of a seasoned mentor to prepare apprentices for a meaningful career in public safety. Upon successful completion, participants will receive national certification.

The program includes:

  • Over 321 hours of formal training/instruction

  • Over 4,000 hours of on-the-job training

Along the way, apprentices earn their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and the requirements to qualify for a Highway Maintenance Specialist at one of our many locations across Colorado. Candidates are eligible for a promotion upon successful completion of one year of the apprenticeship and CDL licensure. At the end of two years, candidates are encouraged to apply and promote to our fully-operational Highway Maintenance Specialist positions, opening up additional opportunities for advancement in both our leadership and technical tracks as their career progresses.

Required Apprentice program training

Discrimination, Harassment, & Mistreatment

This training is for Apprentices, Mentors, Lead Workers (TM II), and Supervisors (TM III).

Watch the video below to take the training. Once Completed, click the Knowledge Check link below to take the exam. You can write your answers on another sheet of paper and then determine your score using the answer key.

Harassment knowledge check

Once you have completed the knowledge check, please print and complete the top of the form below. You must enter your name, date, job title and quiz score. Then sign it to certify that you have completed the training. Send the completed form to within 48 hours of taking the training to receive credit.

CDOT Registered Apprenticeship Program Anti-Harassment Training Verification.pdf

EEO Pledge

This EEO Pledge and Complaints poster, must be read and kept by the apprentice. Additionally, this poster must be posted inside of the apprentices work location so it is visible.

EEO Pledge and Complaints Information Poster.pdf


CDOT Registered Apprenticeship Program- CDOT COWINS Sigs.pdf
CDOT Revision to Standards 6.7. 2022 to add HWY Maint Occupations oa approved_Traffic & Tunnel.pdf

Maintenance Apprentice Competency Job Maps

Maintenance, Traffic & Tunnel Work Process Schedules

Apprentice Maintenance Competency Job Map

CDOT Universal Highway Maintenance Specialist Work Process_Final.docx.pdf

Apprentice Traffic Competency Job Map

CDOT Universal Highway Maintenance Specialist Work Process_Traffic_Final.docx.pdf

Apprentice Tunnel Competency Job Map

CDOT Universal Highway Maintenance Specialist Work Process_Tunnel_Final.docx.pdf

Important links