Where can an A Level in Physics take me? What could my future be? Click

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Physics A-level.webm

Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms. Physicists ask really big questions like:

How did the universe begin?

How will the universe change in the future?

How does the Sun keep on shining?

What are the basic building blocks of matter?

The A-level works on the principle that all physics is built on basic principles and laws of which the whole Universe must obey. This is reflected in the structure of the course, in the first year, by focusing on the fundamental knowledge and principals that describe many everyday phenomena.  The second year of study uses these concepts to underpin and enhance the understanding of more complex physical processes such as PET scanning, Cosmic Redshift and the Standard Model.   

Course Content

Our course is designed not only to give you the best possible A-level but also to get you ready for your next step whatever they may be. Each unit uses a ‘flipped learning’ model. You make the basic notes at home meaning we can spend more time in class exploring the content whether that is in practical, discussion, modelling or just questioning. 

Module 1 - Development of Practical Skills in Physics

Module 2 - Foundation of Physics

Module 3 - Forces and Motion

Module 4 - Electrons, waves and photons

Module 5 - Newtonian world and astrophysics

Module 6 - Particles and medical physics

To study this course requires a minimum Grade 5 in separate physics, or a 5-5 in combined science, and a minimum grade 5 in mathematics.