
Our Sixth Form careers programme encourages students to be ambitious, broaden their horizons and explore their career aspirations whilst building career management and workplace  skills.

Our comprehensive programme ensures students’ are ready to take their next step in their learning or career. 

 • Helping students to understand the changing world of work 

 • Facilitating meaningful encounters with employers for all students 

 • Supporting positive transitions post-18

 • Enabling students to develop the research skills to find out about opportunities 

 • Helping students to develop the skills, attitudes and qualities to make a successful transition into the world of work 

 • Encouraging participation in continued learning, higher education and apprenticeships 

 • Supporting inclusion, challenging stereotyping and promoting equality of opportunity 

 • Contributing to strategies for raising achievement, particularly by increasing motivation. 

All students have open access to our Careers Hub and during Year 12 & 13 will be allocated a one to one session with our Level 6 Qualified Impartial Careers Adviser from Beacon East. 

Personal guidance interview with our Level 6 Qualified Impartial Careers Adviser.  


Events are held throughout the school year and are designed to match with the UCAS and apprenticeship application timeline. 

Students are invited to take part in a wide variety of internal sessions including; UCAS application support, CV and Job applications support, lunch with a professional, interview skills, British sign language and first aid.

External trips to local and Russell Group universities take place on an annual basis with university choice being driven by student voice.

We work closely with the outreach teams from the UEA, NUA and Suffolk university to provide bespoke events through YR12 & YR13.

Personal Guidance

All students have open access to our Careers Hub in CM03 during the school day. During Year 12 & 13 you will be allocated a personal guidance session with our Level 6 Impartial Careers Advisers. Additional sessions can be accessed through discussion with your form tutor or by contacting the careers team directly. 

Work Experience

All 6th form students will take part in a Work Experience placement during the Spring term of year 12. Placements will be student sourced and supported by Mrs Bugdale our Careers Lead. 

Students Studying some subjects may participate in multiple work experience placements.

Additional opportunities for volunteering, employment and employer links are offered throughout the school year.

Mrs Bugdale

Careers Lead

 For additional information on our programme and policies please visit our careers website here.