Instructional Technology Growth

"So much technology! "What should I do?"

Many educators wonder what they should be learning about educational technology. As new devices and digital tools are created at a dizzying rate, it can leave a person wondering on what ideas should they be spending their time and energy. Below is a list of ideas related to instructional technology in areas of focus. The groups are ordered in such a way that they build on each other in a path, but it's very possible to skip around based on needs and interests.

Prerequisites: Basic Knowledge

Basic technology knowledge and understandings about its use are critical to begin using technology more effectively for teaching and learning.

    1. Privacy and safety laws
    2. Copyright and ethical use
    3. Basic tech knowledge
    4. Tech Standards: (ISTE) and content specific standards
    5. Basic Classroom management techniques with tech
    6. Basic troubleshooting


    1. Email
    2. Digital Class Calendar
    3. Messaging services
    4. Class site/resources online
    5. Learning Management System (LMS)


    1. Use Boolean expressions for more effective search
    2. User search engine tools (publication date, use license, etc.)
    3. Use public search and research databases


    1. Create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and basic graphics
    2. Using files collaboratively

Interactive Participation

    1. Digital polls
    2. Student response systems
    3. Idea/feedback collecting
    4. Exit tickets

Digital Discussion

    1. Discussion boards
    2. Back Channel
    3. Blogs and responses

Creating Digital Resources

    1. Digital textbook
    2. Video/Audio clips
    3. Study Aids
    4. HIGH LEVEL: Apps, digital experiments, etc

Flipping Instruction

    1. Video lessons with assessment mechanisms
    2. In class activities to deepen learning

Public Connection

    1. Social media
    2. Blogging
    3. Class website
    4. Professional site
    5. Social bookmarking

Personalized Learning Guide

    1. Differentiate instruction
    2. Blended learning based on needs
    3. Match appropriate tools and resources with specific needs.

Personal Learning Coach

    1. assist students creating personal learning goals or areas of study
    2. assist students choosing tools to complete a learning path
    3. assist students in creating products to demonstrate learning

Meta-Learning and Professional Growth

    1. Teacher evaluates own strengths and weaknesses, using frameworks like SAMR and TPACK
    2. Teacher seeks out own learning
    3. Teacher maintains network of peers or Personal Learning Network (PLN) for learning
    4. Teacher effectively combines all of the above ideas to best design or coach instruction and learning paths.
    5. All choices reflect research (including personal research) or best practice.