
Canvas is our Learning Management System (LMS). Canvas allows us teachers to organize all of the student learning, whether it occurs digitally or face-to-face, in one place that's easy to access and reference throughout the year. Since so many features are built into or can be connected to Canvas, the LMS becomes a universal hub that students can go to find everything they need.

Common Canvas Uses

    • Create assignments, modules, and whole courses

    • Share content (assignments, rubrics, modules, etc.) across courses

    • Create content pages that include links, pictures, and video

    • Grade quizzes and tests automatically, giving students immediate feedback

    • Communicate using messaging or video recordings created inside Canvas

    • Use a calendar that automatically populates with assignments based on their due dates.

    • See how students are performing in a variety of ways, including traditional grades, standards mastery, and Canvas activity

Once you're comfortable accessing Canvas, please see our other links for help on using Canvas:

Canvas System Check: Provides information if any part of Canvas is down.

Getting Started with Canvas: Distance Learning 2020 PD Video

Getting Started with Canvas.mp4

Session Presentation

Getting Started with Canvas

Accessing Canvas

Canvas can be accessed in two ways: by browser and by app.

Use your Google account to login.

Finding Help

Once logged in to the browser, users can find help by clicking on the help button in the bottom left corner.

Canvas Guides with Screen Shots

Of course, you can also ask your tech savvy peers and coaches.

Courses and Sections (Class Periods)

Teachers may be confused when they click on a course and see multiple classes worth of students. If a teacher teaches the same course multiple times in a semester, the teacher will have one class but multiple sections for that course. Each section has its own gradebook, and the course can be altered to the specific needs of those students.

When you view the gradebook for the course, you can choose which section you want to see: click the "Showing All Sections" dropdown and choose which section you'd like to view.

Canvas to PowerTeacher Pro Grade Sync

Grades in Canvas can sync automatically to PowerTeacher Pro. Please see the steps in this document on grade syncing.

Note that you must import assignment categories from PowerTeacher Pro into Canvas now. You can then bulk move all assignments from your user created categories to the imported categories by following the "Move Assignment Group Contents" in this help document.