Apple Classroom

Classroom allows teachers to guide students through a lesson, see students' progress, and keep them on track. Using Classroom, teachers can launch an app on every student's device or launch a different app for each group of students.

Apple Classroom Help (Apple's site)

Getting Started

Devices in Apple Classroom are automatically connected through AirWatch and do not require the use of a username or password by teachers or students.

Teacher Devices

Before using Apple Classroom, your teacher iPad should:

    • Updated to at least iOS 9.3
    • enrolled in AirWatch. Directions for manually enrolling your device in AirWatch can be found here.
    • Have Bluetooth and WiFi on.

Once the teacher device is enrolled in AirWatch, go to the App Catalog and download the Classroom app.

When the Classroom app is opened the teacher should see a list of all classes.

Student Devices

NOTE: Students do NOT need the Apple Classroom app. That is only for teachers. 

For student devices to work with Apple Classroom, the devices must:

    • be enrolled in AirWatch (All district-issued student iPads are automatically enrolled.)
    • be updated to iOS 9.3 or higher
    • have Bluetooth and WiFi on.

NO additional apps are needed.

Other Information

New students may take a few days to show up in classes.


Groups can be created to easily launch apps to selected students.

Create a

Groups can also be deleted.

Delete a

Locking an App Open

You can lock an app open and prevent the students from closing the app or opening another app.

Lock an App