Canvas and Other Favorite Tools


You can connect many of your favorite teaching tools to Canvas, allowing your students easy access to activities. Some connections also allow for grade pass-back, meaning grades automatically show up in the Canvas gradebook.

Typically, these connections are made through Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) connections. Sometimes, the LTI connection is done for the entire district by Instructional Technology and sometimes individual teachers must make this connection. Below are some of our more popular Canvas integrations


Flipgrid allows for students to record video responses to questions and post to a class grid. Flipgrid is owned by Microsoft and allows for free teacher accounts.

Please see Flipgrid's Help documentation for integration instructions.


PlayPosit allows teachers to assign PlayPosit bulbs within Canvas, which then allows students to view and interact with the bulb directly inside Canvas. Grades from the bulb will go directly to the Canvas gradebook.

PlayPosit's Canvas Integration Documentation

Microsoft OneNote

The OneNote integration allows for students to automatically be connected to their OneNote Class Notebooks, allowing the teacher to focus on OneNote, while still utilizing other features of Canvas all in the same place.