Connect Gradescope to Your Moodle Course 


Gradescope is a service for managing and grading written exams, homework assignments, and auto-grading submitted code, and can be linked to your Moodle course by adding an activity. Once linked, you will be able to sync your course roster and grades between Gradescope and Moodle.

Connect Gradescope

After choosing an option, select Link Course.

After choosing an option, select Link Assignment.

Note: If you choose to make a new Gradescope assignment, you will be directed to configure the assignment settings within the same pop-up window. When you are finished configuring the settings, choose Create assignment.

A new activity link will be added to your Moodle page and a corresponding grade item will be added to your Moodle gradebook. When following the link from Moodle, students will be automatically signed into gradescope where they can complete the assignment or exam.

Please refer to Gradescope’s Get Started materials for written and video instructions on how to manage assignments, rosters, and grading.