Linus Pauling

Post date: Jul 29, 2020 3:29:58 AM

Rd-blog-number-5754 by Herb Zinser

The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.

This blog post looks at Nature's EARTH LAB organic chemistry experiments on the EARTH geography display surface using molecule entities with the EARTH LAB identifier: humanoid.

We are interested in the EARTH geography surface an organic chemistry ..hydrocarbon molecule.

Linus Pauling VIA his SECRET chemistry messenger agent Charles Schultz and the comic strip Peanuts ....

Linus (Pauling) suggested that the EARTH surface was covered with hydrocarbon fabric .. a blanket ...thus humans and their human activities are subsets embedded within that larger existential fabric.


The molecule configuration of interest .... RCH ... molecule social chemistry expression systems....


Using Electronegativity to Find Reactive Sites on a Molecule

Master Organic Chemistry. New? Start Here · Study ... Using Electronegativity to Find Reactive Sites on a Molecule. by James ... Organic Chemistry Is Awesome.


Michigan State University

Rearrangements Induced by Cationic or Electron Deficient Sites ... believed that reactions of organic compounds proceeded with minimal structural change. ....

Here it is evident that reactive sites may interact and form bonds from one side of a ...

Let the RCH chemistry symbols be mapped to EARTH physical geography regions and their proper nouns.

Let R --> be assigned by Nature to Russia

Let Ch --> be assigned to China

Russia - China border - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Russian - Chinese (RCH) border

or the Sino–Russian border is the ...

By March (Jerry March code)

1969, Sino-Russian border politics became the Sino-Soviet border conflict at the ...‎History - ‎Border crossings - ‎References - ‎External links


Russia gives territory to China, ending border

Oct 14, 2008 - Moscow (AFP) Oct 14, 2008 - Russia ended a decades-old border dispute with China on Tuesday by giving it a stretch of river island territory in ..


Will China Use Russian-Style Tactics to Settle Territorial

Radio Free Asia

Apr 20, 2014 - Their fears are understandable as China is becoming more assertive over its territorial disputes with its neighbors in the South and East China ...

Thus the molecule debate over --> Rearrangement of the EARTH geography surface molecular continuum


Thus the above--> re-arrangement ..... on the map below ..........



Russia CHINA → RCH organic molecule codes….. Nature’s expression and message region

using human action figures

and human activity and events as EVENT information data generators


Michigan State University

Rearrangements Induced by

Cationic or Electron Deficient Sites ... believed that reactions of organic compounds proceeded with minimal structural change. .... Here it is evident that reactive sites may interact and form bonds from one side of a ...


During the late 1960s all along the 4,380 km of the Sino-Soviet border there were some 658,000 Soviet troops that faced some 814,000 Chinese troops.

An island in the Ussuri River, called Zhenbao Island by the Chinese and Damansky Island by the Soviets, almost led the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China to war in 1969.

On March 2, 1969 a Soviet patrol and Chinese forces came into conflict.

Both sides claimed that the other side attacked first. The Soviets suffered 31 dead and 14 wounded.

The latter retaliated by bombarding Chinese troop concentrations in Manchuria and by storming Damansky/ Zhenbao Island.

The Soviet forces claimed that the Chinese suffered 800 casualties while the Soviets only had 60 killed or wounded.

The Chinese claimed to have suffered only a few casualties, far less than Soviet losses.

Source: Richard R Wertz website (1998)

Organic reaction From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Organic reactions are chemical reactions involving organic compounds.[1]

The basic organic chemistry reaction types are

addition reactions,

elimination reactions,

substitution reactions,

pericyclic reactions,

rearrangement reactions,

photochemical reactions and

redox reactions.

The CH --> Carbon atomic /chemistry EARTH LAB identifier for CHINESE .... is carbon black ..hence, their usage of the black clothing uniform.


Rearrangement reaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A rearrangement reaction is a broad class of organic reactions

where the carbon skeleton of a molecule is rearranged to give a structural isomer of the original molecule. .

where the carbon skeleton of a molecule

where the carbon skeleton of a molecule uses human skeletons as messengers

In addition to the RCH (Russian - CHina code) we have the Linus Pauling sin wave math equation expressions.


In quantum chemistry, atomic physics, etc they use sin wave functions ...such as ...


The Wave

North Carolina State University

Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. NC State ...

At sin(π/4) the slope is 1/√2 as shown by the blue line. .... The boundary condition is that the wave function will.


Quantum Chemistry - Page 105 - Google Books Result

Donald Allan McQuarrie - 2008 - ‎Science

l/r(0) = lA(«) = 0

These are boundary conditions that we impose on the problem. ... solution of Equation 3.17 is (see Example 2-1) i// (x) = A cos kx + B sin kx with ...

The EARTH surface ... math sin wave conflict ........

The Sino-Soviet Border Conflict, 1969

On 2 March 1969, the Sino-Soviet border dispute took an exceptionally violent turn when Chinese forces fired on Soviet border troops patrolling Zhenbao ...


Sino-Russian border compromise results in joint development of Heixiazi Island

Heixiazi Island (Bolshoi Urrusiysky Island to the Russians) is a 327square km sandbar in the middle of the confluence of the Heilongjiang and Wusuli Rivers (also known as the Amur and Ussuri Rivers).

The Russians have occupied the island since 1929, when Soviet troops took it during a border clash, but the two countries reached an agreement in July 2008 to share it.

The Russians simultaneously returned to Yinlong Island (Tarabarov Island). The agreement officially marked the end of demarcation of the 4,300km Sino-Russian border.

New Documents on

the Sino-Soviet Ussuri

Boundary Conditions ... Clashes

Hokkaido University

by DS Ryabushkin

New Documents on the Sino-Soviet Ussuri Border Clashes of 1969. Dmitri S. Ryabushkin (Tavrida National University, Ukraine). Soviet and Chinese documents ...

the Sino-Soviet Ussuri

Boundary → below math term --.

Sino → sin(o)


Below. EARTH organic continuum .... molecule expression agents .............


Sino debate ..argument overl EARTH node of Nikola Tesla vibrations

...... node

Tension on the Sino-soviet Border | Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs

by CP Fitzgerald - ‎Cited by 8 - ‎Related articles

If so, it is necessary to consider the problem from three aspects: the historical basis for a territorial dispute between China and Russia; whether there is a real ...

String theory problems ..

String Tension Guide to Sino problems- D'


In order to determine the tension at which a string will vibrate, you need three ... you can use the formulas below to calculate the exact tension for any string ...

What other sin wave node problems exist on the EARTH surface?

Below ....Wisconsin

......................sin wave region and the NODE battle --> No + De --> Norther DeKalb (Illinois)


Wisconsin --> sin wave bouder with Northern iLlinois .. ses DeKalb codes below.


Northern Illinois University shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...


The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.

At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session

Thus the SYMBOL MACHINE keyword codes -- Northern DeKalb --> subset codes --> No DE.

Ocean class --> implies waves --> waves imply sin waves --> imply Wisconsin EAR$TH sin waves and the NODE problem in the boundary regions ..... DeKalb and Evanston .....relative to the sin wave border.

Evanston --> an atomic social science city.


Thus we have EVANS at 2 locations .... community of Evanston AND Evans field house near the Cole Hall shooting in DeKalb.

Grateful Dead Live at Evans Field House - Internet Archive

Internet Archive

Oct 29, 1977 - Grateful Dead Live at Evans Field House - Northern Illinois University on 1977-10-29 ... Band/Artist Grateful Dead ... Location DeKalb, IL

Below, the Evans Field House.

The Grateful Dead are DEAD

at the Cole Hall shooting site


The other EARTH sin wave conflict region ..

The Sinai Campaign (Operation Kadesh -1956)

    • The Sinai Campaign was fought to put an end to to the terrorist incursions into Israel ... about which many misgivings had been uttered before the war, conducted ...


    • The Sinai Campaign was fought to put an end to to the terrorist incursions into Israel ... about which many misgivings had been uttered before the war, conducted ...


Thus we see the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought at its atomic mass communication systems.


Thus the hydrocarbon (HC) journey via the CH mirror --> CHINA in Asia and its molecule representatives.


Let's take a second look at EARTH LAB expression specimen Linus Carl Pauling.

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE keyword .....

Linus Carl --> Lin + us + car + L --> lines us (the carbon molecule collective of Carl Jung) = carbon Language

Thus we can think of the EARTH geography land surface as a carbon molecule platform with human existing upon that platform / expression (like computer platforms with software). Of course. other platforms exist (water molecules, etc) ... but for our simple EARTH LAB model we stick to the carbon/hydrogen expression system VIA human interface devices.

Born --> February 28 --> subset symbol codes --> Fe 28 ....--> giving atomic WORD equation --> liFe fe 28.

Thus his code --> February 28 --> pointer to Iron-54 isotope with 28 neutrons --> 28 ne --> 28 news reporter born on the EARTH geography surface with a brain/cortex LINKED to the primordial source .... the EARTH ferrous oxide IRON core and its atomic number 26 English alphabet.

Born --> Portland on the EARTH surface --> therefore --> EARTH INNER iron core and the Computer Earth surface I/O Port at land location --> Portland.


Jump to Peanuts - Peanuts[edit]. At its height, Peanuts was published daily in 2,600 papers in 75 countries, in 21 languages. Over the nearly 50 years that ...

Early life and education - ‎Military service and post-war jobs - ‎Career - ‎Personal life

published daily in 2,600 papers

published daily in 2,600 papers

published daily in 2,600 papers --> Earth iorn core INTELLECT with ENGLISH alphabet .... atomic number 26 AND it's EARTH surface message distribution system proc

List of Peanuts characters ….. Linus van pelt

Nature's EARTH LAB organic chemistry experiments on the EARTH geography display surface using molecule entities with the EARTH LAB identifier: humanoid.

We are interested in the EARTH geography surface an organic chemistry ..hydrocarbon molecule.

Linus Pauling VIA his SECRET chemistry messenger agent Charles Schultz and the comic strip Peanuts ....

Linus (Pauling) suggested that the EARTH surface was covered with hydrocarbon fabric .. a blanket ...thus humans and their human activities are subsets embedded within that larger existential fabric.

Others have mentioned this fabric. › ... › Physics › Relativity, Inc.

Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy and over one million .... leads his readers through an elegant, always human, tapestry of interlocking ...

Kip S. Thorne - 1994 - ‎Science

The concepts (black holes and their horizons, wormholes, tidal forces, ... Its central thread is historical, and with this thread are interwoven the book's other themes. ... reader to an elegant tapestry of interrelated ideas from physics, astrophysics, ...


The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality (2004) is the second book on theoretical physics, cosmology, and string theory written b