The Richard Spectroscopy 1966 Chicago Murders in UV = Ultra-Violent Spectroscopy

Post date: Sep 17, 2020 5:17:22 AM

Z-Paper-930 by Herb Zinser‎

Ultraviolet spectroscopy, often combined with visible spectroscopy, is a technique that is used in scientific and industrial laboratories to determine which ...... on Nature's EARTH LAB has application in the Chicago experimental region

Jump to The murders – At 11:00 p.m. on July 13, 1966, Speck broke into a townhouse located

at 2319 East 100th Street

in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood of Chicago. ... read about the "Born To Raise Hell" tattoo in a newspaper story.

Early life and crimes - The murders - Pre-trial - Confessions

2319 East 100th

2319 East 100th

2319 East B100D theory

Above words --->.... the structure determination ...... people spent ..... working out the complicated structures .. of social chemistry.

Thus chemistry --> implies ----> social chemistry

Thus we see the molecule / chemistry English language word: Spectroscopy .... becomes ... in Nature's super-symmetry EVENT physics DEMO ...... the social chemistry version of the chemistry PROCESS word ..... Spectroscopy --->n subset symbols ---> Spec .... copy --> Spec cop --> Richard Speck and the Chicago social chemistry cop .... molecule behavior cops.

Below, page 568 ...with sample human molecule .... CH ..... that is RICHARD Speck ...

with the chemistry name equation --> Richard ---> Ri + CH + ard

Paragraph Text

Thus we have EARTH LAB and the sample molecule in humanoid format.

Theory states that he was composed of organic chemistry molecules with messenger attributes that expressed Nature's anger with Margaret Mead molecular nuclear family social policy.

Above, we see the words: extinction coefficient --> social chemistry extinction of the 8 Phillipine nurses at

East 100th Street....


..... B100D chemistry ... Nature's molecule anger surfaces to EXTERNAL visible display at address location 100 ... error message from year 1966 ought be studied in year 2013.

Page 568 below ....... the π --> Pi may be found within the EARTH LAB organic molecule humanoid structure at FermiLAB. Notice the

π --> orbital transition to the director...the

FermiLAB molecular thinking

star --->π* = pi * --> the brain electron transitions of Pi star (Pier Oddone)

from Nature's Galapagos Island's

evolution region with includes nearby Peru.

Above... words .. the starting point and final destination of the electron..

translated in visible KNOWN data about the atomic, organic molecule expressor agent ...Pier ..

Starting point --> EARTH Lab geography surface region of the Galpagos Islands

with starting point --> Charles Darwin selection of nearby Peru bio-physics specimen ..

... who in his electron humanoid travels on EARTH goes to MIT ... an electron bio-physics Mitochondria brain cell education site ...... and continues ..... and the

electron final destination --> St. Charles (Darwin), Illinois region.

Above, notice the π* σ* (sigma --> sig + ma --> signal map of the STAR electron mapping display becomes )

Pi* σ* --> the Nature's electron transition into a larger size electron DISPLAY configuration with message processing abilities and expression abilities -->

Pi* σ*ddone

Below, we see the chemistry sentence with keywords: diene is conjugated ...possible UV transitions

--> thus the transition to social chemistry molecule behavior displays

(using humanoids as .....William Shakespeare stated 400 year ago " The World is an organic chemistry molecule display stage and we are the players ---> p layer --> processing layers of thought and behavior).

keywords: diene is conjugated ...possible UV transitions --> math-chemistry mapping function to social chemistry .. brain command words .....

diene --> subset letter symbols --> die + ne --> die needed --> death needed

UV transitions --> Ultra-violent transitions › News & IssuesCrime / PunishmentSerial Killers

The words "Born to Raise Hell" were tattooed on the arm of the tall,

In other words, the Carl Jung atomic/molecular collective unconsciousness (the GROUP MIND of the 18 families of the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought) has a conflict with the human community collective MIND .. that has many errors in perception ...caused by lack of serious study and concern. Some individuals ... of course ... study hard and think hard ..... they are not the problem. The sports mentality and the music/talk mentality create serious problems in Nature's social chemistry process control systems that needs accurate and serious information.