Harvard hydrocarbon brain experiments help explain atomic symbol engines and atomic numeric gear shifters

Post date: Sep 15, 2020 2:03:43 AM

RD-blog-number-3250 by Herb Zinser

In the television broadcasts about the periodic atomic table of elements we have some interesting concepts.

The show "Deep Space Nine" has mathematical- physics message using identifier codes:

Odo --> Oddone .. director of FermiLAB and their shape-shifter language problem caused by others and their attempts in atomic English language and number definition manipulations

Ferengi --> FermilAB engineers

Bajor --> Batavia job orders

Thus we see some CLUES broadcast about some atomic level perception and communications problem regarding Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social sciences and atomic mass communications OUTPUT systems that use atomic, bio-physics humanoid bio-computer DISPLAY terminals ..... like you and me.

Let's look at the Harvard University molecular DISPLAY system and then outline some EARTH iron core and atomic table symbolic engines and their algebra numeric gears and the shifting of numbers to create gear rations. Some clues to the atomic and molecular SYMBOL MACHINE and the shape shifters mystery puzzle.

Let's look at Harvard University and their underlying secret levels of REALITY.

Let's look at some basic atomic and molecular facts about Harvard College and their molecular student body.

Then we shall look at the atomic project plan and its sign posts and Base 16 systems of Nature.

HC --> the Harvard College hydrocarbon molecular thought continuum social experiment


View of hydrocarbon cellulose decision trees and the nearby freshman dormitories for dormant student brain cells in Harvard Yard

The periodic atomic table has many formats of design and thought expressions.

H = Hydrogen and C = Carbon are used for the HC = Hydro-Carbon molecular humanoid display structures that are on DISPLAY at Nature's EARTH LAB hydrocarbon educational center known as HC = Harvard College.

HC (Hydrocarbons) - Axces.euwww.axces.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article...‎

Hydrocarbons are chemical compounds which consist only of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H).

They can be found in large quantities in crude oil, natural gas and at Harvard College.

Hydrocarbon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrocarbon

hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon Hydrocarbons from which one hydrogen atom has been removed are ...Category:Hydrocarbons - ‎Propane - ‎Ethane - ‎Aromatic hydrocarbon

Harvard College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_College

Harvard College is one of two schools within Harvard University granting undergraduate degrees. Founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it is the oldest ...

Extension School ) - ‎Adams House - ‎Kirkland House - ‎Evelynn M. Hammonds

News for Harvard College

News for H atomic SYMBOL MACHINE users

News for hydrogen carbon thinkers


Founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts,

Founded in 1636 in Ca...bridge, Mass

Founded in 1 6......Carbon communications bridge atomic mass

Founded by H = Hydrogen atomic number 1 and Carbon atomic number 6 in the

HydroCarbon project plan milestone marker .... century 16 year 1636.

The HC molecule educational institution named after HC ....thus a Darwinian SYMBOL MACHINE language evolution extension of HC --> Harvard College.


Above is a class of hydrocarbon expression structures and carbon black undercover agents from the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its extension into organic molecule chemistry --> social chemistry projects.

But we must ask ,,, what kind of Darwinian EVOLUTION has the hydro-carbon humanoid species undergone since year 1636. Let's review that starting point in Nature's molecular education systems using EARTH LAB base 2 binary entities in a B.F.Skin Skinner dermatology rectangular bio-physics box.

Year 1636 ---> 1 + 6 + 36 --> hydrogen atomic number 1 + carbon atomic number 6 + 3 carbon atomic mass 12.

3 carbon atoms --->

Propane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propane

Propane is a three-carbon alkane with the molecular formula C 3H 8, normally a gas, but compressible to a transportable liquid. A by-product of natural gas ...Ethanethiol - ‎Propane (data page) - ‎National Propane Gas ...

the molecular formula C 3H 8

the molecular formula C 3H 8 --> super-symmetry physics SYMBOL MACHINE mirror

the molecular formula H8 C3--> Harvard College with the atomic English alphabet


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Thus Harvard --> implies 8arvard

College --> C + binary code 011 = 3 --> GIVING C3


Thus we think that in the evolution of the hydrocarbon continuum ..... that in year 1636 ..... Nature was in the propane phase of human evolution ......... like some type of sequential advance from 2-legged entities to 3 carbon thoughts...... the propane hydrocarbon class of humans and the evolutionary transition step in signaling year 1636.

Given that starting point ...what variety of hydrocarbon classes / sub-classes of EARTH LAB humanoid specimens exist within one classroom at Harvard College in year 2013.


Are the students above ....representations of .....


Introduction. Substances consisting entirly of sigle-bonded carbon and hydrogen atoms and lacking functional groups are called Alkanes. There are three basic ...‎Introduction - ‎Linear Straight-Chain Alkanes - ‎Branched Alkanes - ‎Outside links

List of straight-chain alkanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_straight-chain_alkanes‎

The following is a list of straight-chain and branched alkanes and their common names, sorted by number of carbon atoms. (R means the page is redirected to ...

What kind of entities exist at Harvard?

Methane --> No --> that is the 4-H Club of Wisconsin and farm students in agriculture


It is believed that in year 2103 ... Harvard students are in the octane phase of hydrocarbon continuum evolution.

The signal HC --> Hydro-Carbon humanoids of Harvard College sent to the world VIA their website.


Lowell House in autumn.

The Carl Jung organic molecule collective unconsciousness of the Harvard campus collective (students and professors and their GROUP MIND) ..... sends us the October Earth picture (Epic) to remind us to reference the SYMBOL MACHINE code --> Oct --> Octane super-symmetry physics model.


Year 1636 LINKS into the Base 16 Century ..... Nature's hexadecimal molecular data processing systems projects that started in year 1600. Year 1616 is well-known in astronomy with the Galileo projects .... Base 16 hex TIME and Base 16 hex SPACE. In year 2103 .... this is known as Einstein's data processing data field theory with applications in ...social sciences , Earth geography computers, oxygen atomic computers, etc.

Year 1636 organization theory --> Base 16 hexadecimal with the system 360 molecular geometry computer with 360 degrees in the geometry of a electron circle / revolution.

    • Hexadecimal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal‎

    • In mathematics and computer science, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a positional numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. It uses sixteen distinct ...Radix - ‎Octal - ‎Nibble - ‎Address

    • Hexadecimal numbershomepage.smc.edu/morgan_david/cs40/hex-system.htm‎

    • The hexadecimal (base 16) number system operates the same way as the decimal (base 10) number system, except it is based on sixteen instead of ten.


Thus Nature in year 1636 --> the Base 16 hydrocarbon computer identifier code with hydrogen atomic number 1 paired with carbon atomic number 6 GIVING 16.

Thus the HC --> Harvard College --> H Co --> Hydrocarbon Computer identifier .... .in modern words..... computer systems comprised of humanoid bio-computers.

Thus hydrogen 1 and carbon 6 work together as a Base 2 binary team ..to create 2 existential entities...

a) physical molecules such as plastic polymers, etc

2) SYMBOL MACHINES with various alpha/numeric symbol engines with numbers. nouns, verbs, equations, flowcharts , diagrams,etc.

Now let's look at the atomic century sign post.

Year 1600 --> atomic number 1 and 6 (carbon)

Year 1700 --> atomic number 1 and 7 (nitrogen)

year 1800 --> hydrogen = 1 and 8 = oxygen implies H O --> implies H2O AND the atomic mass of water = 18 (Battle of Water100)

year 1900 --> 19 atomic number of K -->thinK of potassium atom thoughts

Presently the science war molecular battle is over the Century 16 signal ...... for molecular control of Harvard (from year 1636) and Galileo (year 1616) etc.

The recent battle was in Aurora Colorado.

2012 Aurora shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Aurora_shooting

Bottom right: Town Center at Aurora and the location of the Century 16 multiplex ... a mass shooting occurred inside of a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, ... The sole suspect, James Eagan Holmes, was arrested outside the cinema ...

Harvard intellectuals are too arrogant or too hypnotized to consider the possibilities ..... and to study these signaling EVENTS to sure that things are okay.

New York Times Penis column →

columnist Paul Dirac Krugman tries to ... - Physics Todaywww.physicstoday.org/daily_edition/science_and_the.../1.2880923‎

Nov 26, 2012 - Rubio's answer caused conservative New York Times columnist Ross .... In fact, why did Physics Today refer to this as the "Science Wars and the Neuroscience wars", ...


Harvard was established in Century 16 by the

Massachusetts leg / hip/ buttocks ….. legislature,

being the oldest institution of higher learning ……

on how to get high on words/concepts

and bragging …. instead of drugs .


Motto in English Truth --> the Fort HOOD shooting over the FalseHOOD

Established 1636

Now let's look at another Harvard subconscious MIND ....hydrocarbon message ... the volatile hydrocarbon signaling situation ..... about the George Orwell problem situation .. such as Cole Hall and the Oceania classroom shooting FACTOR that was omitted from incomplete explanations of the tragic event.

George Orwell ... and the switching of brain word definitions.

by the THOUGHT POLICE . The slogans of Newspeak are

“War is Peace”

Freedom is Slavery” and

“Ignorance is Strength.


the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

key symbols --> a volatile hydrocarbon professor

Thoughts --> Harvard University

police --> their role in the George Orwill message

OC = Organic Chemistry carbon black represented by president OC --> Obama Chicago

Nature's concept DEMO of formats of its organic social chemistry messages .....

wiki.answers.com › ... › ScienceChemistryOrganic Chemistry

Volatile hydrocarbons are hydrocarbons that are liquid at normal pressure and temperature but have a high vapor pressure and therefore evaporate rapidly.


It is therefore, a test of Total Volatile Hydrocarbons (TVHC), and does not determine hydrocarbons that are condensable (Oil Mist). Misunderstanding and misuse .

On July 16,

On July 16,

On July 16,

On July 16, Base 16 hexadecimal reference to Century 16 and year 1636

On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was arrested at his Cambridge, Massachusetts home by a local police officer responding to a 9-1-1 caller's report of men breaking and entering the residence. The arrest initiated a series of events that unfolded under the spotlight of the international news media.

The arrest occurred just after Gates returned home to Cambridge after a trip to China to research the ancestry of Yo-Yo Ma for Faces of America.[2] Gates found the front door to his home jammed shut and with the help of his driver tried to force it open. A local witness reported their activity to the police as a potential burglary in progress. Accounts regarding the ensuing confrontation differ, but Gates was arrested by the responding officer, Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley, and charged with disorderly conduct. On July 21, the charges against Gates were dropped.


his Cambridge, Massachusetts

his Ca ...bridge, Mass

his Carbon bridge, atomic Mass agent

history of Carbon communication bridge ERRORS from year 1636 ..... atomic mass report of the periodic atomic table of elements and and thoughts ...... quantum STATE of Massachusetts .... signaling event year 2009 .... report year 2013.

Notice the secret HC = Hydrocarbon body language hand-signal ... with the molecular bond represented by the police chain link of the cuffs. Thus this volatile hydrocarbon expressor is relying an important signal about a MISsING LINK in the hydrocarbon continuum.

His molecule BOND signal above is really about the structure below.

C H = police CHAINs in this Margaret Mead atomic anthropology CONFLICT display.



He serves as the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor at Harvard University, where he is .... Main article: Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy. On July 16, 2009, Gates returned home from a trip to China to find the door to his house jammed.

from a trip to China

from a trip to China

from a trip to C --> Carbon black agents in CHINA in the geography region of ASIA.


Carbon black (subtypes are acetylene black, channel black, furnace black, lamp black and thermal black) is a material produced by the incomplete combustion ...

Common uses - ‎Reinforcing carbon blacks - ‎Pigment - ‎Surface chemistry --> face chemistry was a factor in the trip


In the 1950s and early 60s, China was deeply influenced by the Soviet ... Platyes were often made from cotton and were printed with dense flower, ... People usually chose solid materials and black, blue and gray colors, so the clothes would last. ... in this period only military uniforms and "Mao suits" could be seen in China.

Chinese President Hu Jintao on a sunny Thursday morning made his first appearance in a high-collared dark Mao suit at a grand national ceremony, following the dress code which has prevailed when Chinese leaders review National Day military parades.

Below, on the left .. the cotton textile clothing industry secret languages of carbon black and thus the need to establiosh a carbon black communications LINK to the HC = Harvard College HC = Hydro-Carbons continuum VIA the logic gates of the intermediate messenger vehicle Professor Gates.



CH = Carbon Hydrogen atomic bio-physics SCHOLARS HOLD CONFERENCE IN BEIJING IN HONOR OF H = Hydrogen Lo= Logic GATES, JR --> EARTH LAB organic chemistry JR= JOB REGION.

Thus we see the SECRET deeper levels of reality and the more TRUE NATURE of the HC = Harvard Colleges.

Additional empirical data is provided by another organic chemistry humanoid agent.


In the first category,

the goal is to develop theoretical understanding of methods to achieve control of selectivity of product formation in a chemical reaction.

selectivity of product formation

selectivity of product formation


Jul 22, 2009 - President Obama Wednesday night strongly defended old pal Henry Louis Gates in his dustup with the Cambridge, Mass., police - an incident ...


Aspuru-Guzik Research Group. We are a theoretical physical chemistry group in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University.

Publications - ‎About Alán - ‎People - ‎News

Research Group

Research Group

Above, the next chemistry signal VIA social chemistry.


Jul 30, 2009 - President Obama shares beer with Henry Louis Gates Jr., Sgt. ... Vice President Biden meet with Sgt. James Crowley and Harvard professor ..

shares beer

shares beer

shares be + circle table --> the be = benzene ring signal


    • Benzene

    • Chemical Compound

    • Benzene is an organic chemical compound with the molecular formula C6H6.

Benzene ring: An aromatic functional group characterized by a ring ...such as the beer table ring shape ….. below


Harvard's contribution to the study and teaching of experimental chemistry spans more ... Theoretical Research ... Mingyu Xue (Kahne Lab), Harvard University.

People - ‎Research - ‎Graduate Program - ‎Library


Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic chemicals that have a high vapor .... Typical solvents are aliphatic hydrocarbons, ethyl acetate, glycol ethers, and ... One VOC that is known is benzene, which is a chemical ...

Definitions - ‎Biologically generated VOCs - ‎Anthropogenic sources - ‎Health risks

Thus organic chemistry molecule President --> President Obama skillfully handled the VOLATILE social chemistry situation with his intuition about the Carl Jung atomic hydro-carbon collective unconscious thoughts (GROUP MIND) VIA his conscious display signal of the benzene ring --> beer and round table symbol.

Thus ... the above describes the shape shifters and secret systems of Harvard ... and their alliance with newspapers to provide biased, myopic OR incomplete explanations of REAL situations to the stupid, gullible public newspaper reader ...... like I was for many years.

Now let's look at the periodic atomic table of elements and consider some ideas and theories.

We have the following series ..

carbon atom ..atomic number 6

oxygen molecule ... atomic number 16

ferrous oxide atom ... atomic number 26

We see the difference of decimal number 10 ..... that can be used as a gear shifter ... additive or subtractive ..from one atom region to another atom type in the periodic atomic table existent in Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE.

1) for math and physics languages the Herman Weyl ten ..tensor space would be the mechanisms


Weyl published technical and some general works on space, time, matter, philosophy, ... The Weyl tensor in Riemannian geometry is of major importance in ...

Biography - ‎Contributions - ‎Quotes - ‎Topics named after Hermann Weyl

2) for atomic English language verb tense ---> ten of tense --> we have the Virginia TECH English department SYMBOL MACHINE battle at Norris Hall tensor space/time engineering building on the base 16 bio-computer JOB scheduled date of April ... showing the bio-computer military powers of JOB execution ...with the student and professor executions.

Virginia TECH was warned by the U.S. ARMY War College and ignored atomic bio-physics ccommunication protocol.


The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. ...

Recently, the US Army ......with citizen brain cell controls ...... Fort Bragg Bragging and DEPARTMENT of self-hypnosis ..... conducted a mockery battle that tested these systems under ...

with BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology war with Aldous Huxley and

the Navy tested the George Orwell Oceania battle at Cole Hall, DeKalb Illinois and

the SCIENCE WARS and bueroscience WARS in progeress form 1996 to year 2013.

Virginia TECH was warned by the U.S. ARMY War College and the elite, superior educational institution of perfect people ignored atomic bio-physics communications.


The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. ...

Recently, the US Army ......with citizen brain cell controls ...... Fort Bragg Bragging and DEPARTMENT of self-hypnosis ..... conducted a mockery battle that tested these systems under ...

the realities of the BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology war with Aldous Huxley.

The Navy tested self-awareness with the George Orwell Oceania battle at Cole Hall, DeKalb Illinois.

The SCIENCE WARS and neuroscience WARS have been in progress from 1996 thru year 2013 ..... most newspapers decide to ignore these trival matters.

3) the 3rd version of ten is 10 fingers of a book author / newspaperr reporter .... social biochemistry OUTPUT writers- .... with the characteristic ...


Zinc fingers[edit]. A zinc finger is a self-contained domain that formed through the stabilization of a zinc ion binded to a pair of cysteines and a pair of histidines.

Now lets look at Harvard and their hydrocarbon Lewis dot structures.


Lewis structures (also known as Lewis dot diagrams, electron dot diagrams, "Lewis dot formulas", Lewis dot structures, and electron dot structures) are diagrams ...


The Lewis structure of a carbon atom, showing its four valence electrons. The Lewis structure of water. Lewis structures (also known as Lewis dot diagrams, ...

Above, the Lewis structure of a carbon atom, showing its four valence electrons


Complex hydrocarbons and their derivatives are found throughout nature. ....

This theory states that molecules for which two or more satisfactory Lewis structures


11. Who Stole the Tarts? Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll ... The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates. 'What are they doing?


The mole is the amount of substance of a system which contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12; its symbol is ..

satisfactory Lewis structures

satisfactory Lewis structures

satisfactory Lewis structures


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll ... at them—'I wish they'd get the trial done,' she thought, 'and hand round the refreshments! ... The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates. ...

. 'Come, that finished the guinea-pigs!

The study of atomic and molecular English language

CLUES about the

"WORD of HONOR" --->

"WORD of HO = Hydrogen Orbital and

"WORD of HORROR " .... the language battle at

Fort Ho Soldier read Center.

Harvard EARTH LAB human cell specimens studying cellulose messenger books

Above, book BRAIN messages ...2 pages and an center

In addition ..it is believed that decimal numbers with a for .. like 1.6 ...... the dot shows the molecular math calculation activity site on the Lewis dot molecule model.

The next atomic SYMBOL ENGINE gear involves number 1.6 ---> 1.6 coulombs with an exponent.

Here we can VIEW number 1.6 as a Lewis DOT math structure .....


H = Hydrogen atomic number 1 --- ELECTRON DOT --- C = carbon atomic number 6

Thus 1.6 theory /speculation --> implies H .C --> Hydro-Carbon brain electron activity at site HC = Harvard College.

The other Harvard brain elctron dot configuration --> Waiting for GO DOT ... a Brain SYMBOL / picture map by Samuel Beckett.

Now ..... 1.6 (or chemistry symbols HC or CH ) can be amplified by a ten SYMBOL tool (verb tense or tensor space) --> 1.6 goes to 16 ..

LINK to O = oxygen atomic mass 16 with base 16 hex atomic data processing ...such as the April 16 photosynthesis ENGLISH syntax battle of CHO .

What is the fate of CHO produced during photosynthesis?


Jump to Norris Hall shootings - ... Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science .... The Virginia Tech Review Panel reported that Cho's

Universities deny the existence of these possible factors in the organic chemistry tragedy.

Harvard students claim that their physical body is comprised of atoms and molecules that do not think ...... that their DEMO of nothingness confirms that.

The tragedy at FALK iron gear in Milwaukee in year 2006 --> signal 26 is the atomic number of ferrous oxide IRON atom --> that event is a CLUE to the EARTH iron core and its protons and their 26 atomic English alphabet letters ..... that are used by the EARTH iron / North Pole magnetic field / interaction with human iron proteins and human thoughts --> thereby the composite components / hybrid SYMBOL MACHINE of Nature that needs a Y2K --> a human abstract brain that asks WHY ---> 2K data stream of consciousness.

Thus we see some possible models for symbol machines and symbol engines with words, flowcharts, equations, etc.

History of Nature's Hydrocarbon education centers with

Harvard University year 1636

Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, established in 1636

Thus we see year 1636 + 300 years of Harvard evolution --> 1936 and the Harvard TURING machine --> and the year 2013 TURNING machine that goes around and talks / writes in circles


A Turing machine is a hypothetical device that manipulates symbols on a strip of ... The "Turing" machine was invented in 1936 by Alan Turing who called it an ... the informal notion of effective method in logic and mathematics, and provide a ...

www.amazon.com › ... › Business & ManagementCulture

Norbert Wiener's classic is one in that small company. Founder of the science of cybernetics—the study of the relationship between computers and the human ...

Thus we see some clues to many puzzles ...such as the periodic atomic table and its English sentences with an atomic Period / dot signal.

Colon --> Col -->implies the 18 columns / families of the atomic table.