The University of Wisconsin organic chemistry textbook WAR ZONE

Post date: Oct 11, 2020 5:08:52 AM

RD-blog-number-2596 by Herb Zinser

The University of Wisconsin organic chemistry textbook WAR ZONE

The University of Wisconsin, Madison and the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee are 2 ends of a string ... ...a string of string theory physics about the organic chemistry war zone that goes from Madison to Milwaukee. The organic chemistry war zone provides information about the Hierarchy Problem of existence ..... hence, the string is an information string.

Let's look at the situation.

The periodic atomic table of elements has many FORMATS of expressions. One such format are atomic, molecular collectives. Of specific interest are organic structures labeled human. Humans are subsets embedded within Nature's molecular continuum.

Nature can be perceived as LEVELS.

The primary level would be atomic.

Various chemistry levels.

Nature's organic chemistry governmental level.

Expressions of organic molecules ...cellulose trees.

Organic evolution continues...elephants.

Organic physical evolution ...humanoids.

Organic symbolic thoughts begin ...1st writing symbols by organic systems with EARTH LAB name: humanoid.

Organic thoughts continue ...... cellulose book pages appear with carbon black ink VIA Nature's piece of lab equipment ... a molecular humanoid.

The John Dalton atomic aggregate discovers himself.

Others find self-expression.

Catholic universities study carbon black agents ...priests dressed in black.

Solomon publishes a college organic chemistry textbook.

Carbon black humanoid agents MARCH from Selma, Alabama to DEMO Jerry March's Advanced Organic Chemistry book

Selma → Selection map (of Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens)

L.G. Wade, JR publishes a college organic chemistry textbook.

Organic molecule education systems continue to evolve ...Via Nature's organic molecule lab specimen ..humanoid.

Thousands of college students study the organic chemistry textbook SYMBOLS and concepts.

Organic molecules within these students become wiser.

Organic molecules at the subliminal mind level acquire new perceptions of themselves ..... "Know thyself says the Lord and Jesus CH = Carbon/ Hydrogen atom 2000 year project"

The organic molecule information systems begin s to permeate the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness ..the GROUP MIND of humanity ... a source of writing material for Hollywood script writers.

Thus the 1st appearance of organic chemistry influence upon James Joyce streams of consciouness ...with STAR WARS with Hans SOLO.

Han Solo, portrayed by Harrison Ford in film, is a character in the Star Wars universe. ... In The Courtship of Princess Leia (1995), he resigns his commission to

Hand Solomons --> STAR chemistry book author .....the universe of science book STAR authors .....the beginning phase of the symbolic knowledge wars labeled STAR WARS ...with the movie announcement and Hans Solo.

The students at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and the people of the city of Madison provide Nature with an ideal social science and social psychology LAB group. They are naive, gullible, and their programmable brain bio-computer is easily manipulated. Of course, that process has been known since year 1865 ...and Nature's molecular social science LAB protocol with human guinea-pigs was outlined.

Classic Novels | Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. ... `I'm glad I've seen that done,' thought Alice. `I've so often read in the newspapers, at the end of trials, "There was some attempts at applause, ...

The modern organic chemistry ---> social chemistry LAB test in Madison, Wisconsin ....... withthe SOLOMON textbook and the movie Star Wars ......CLUES-->

Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan (born Leia Amidala Skywalker; later Leia ...

In later Star Wars literature she marries Han Solo, her romantic interest in the ...

Thus we have ..

Princess Leia Organa Solo of Alderaan ...that becomes a social chemistry formula

.............Le .....Organ Solo ....Alder ..that become in practical human terms

.....Leader Organic Solomon Alderman

thus the DEMO of the power of theoretical chemistry in our human daily lives and affairs

Skip to main content. UW-Madison My UW Intranet ... Introductory Organic Chemistry

............ the basis of a theory useful in the UW, Madison organic molecule political science experiment expressions.

Thus we see the INTELLECTUAL war in Madison.

In the Milwaukee organic molecule geography region, we see a more tragic situation .,..with the L.G.WADE, Jr. battle in Oak Creek ,Wisconsin. › ... › More Practice Exams & Problems

Wade Companion --> Wade Micheal Page › Collections

Aug 6, 2012 – OAK CREEK, Wis. — The gunman who killed six people at a Sikh temple south of Milwaukee on Sunday and critically wounded three others,

Aug 6, 2012 – Sikh temple shooting suspect Wade Michael Page was white ... Page was shot and killed by 32-year Oak Creek Police veteran Sam Lenda on ...

The gunman, Wade Michael Page, a white supremacist, shot several people of ..... "Seven killed at Sikh temple in Oak Creek; police surround Cudahy home".

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or ...

Thus we see NATURE and its levels of existence ...particularly the atomic and organic levels that express modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ........ social anthropology messages.

The atomic English language used by atoms and organic molecules ....helps us identify the atomic bio-physics NATURE of the atomic language proper nouns:

Wade Michael Page , white a white supremacist .......... analysis of WORD signals

1) Wade + Page-------> author Wade and the PAGES of white cellulose PAPER with black ink chemistry symbols and organic molecule

diagram configurations and chemistry flowcharts ARE SUPERIOR to the information dribble of most of the publishing industry, TV, and radio.

2) Michael .....


AtoMIC humanoid from the EARTH city of Cudahy, Wisconsin


its super-symmetry physics parallel ..........

the city of Cudahy, Wisconsin acres of geography land on the surface of Earth ...

the city of Cu = Copper.......sin ac --> sine waves of alternating current

the city of CU = 29 electron of the copper atom atomic mass 63




626 × 379 - ... North American 115 VAC, 60 Hz alternating current signal (black curve).

3) Wade ( implies organic chemistry) Micheal (implies the atomic aspect of molecules) PAGE (implies SCIENCE WAR and math/science textbooks)

4) The Wade college textbook mentions the Le.WIS structure ---> that thru Darwinian organic chemistry evolution ...have emerged in a new FORMAT of Le.WIS --> WISCONSIN organic human behavior structure.

We ought try to understand this

organic social chemistry mechanism and its message .... .... as year 2012 ... organic molecules express themselves.

Thus we have the Milwaukee social anthropology WAR zone tragedies caused by Milwaukee GROUP MIND violations of the SOCIAL CONTRACT with outlined by John Locke and other philosophers. In modern times, with the knowledge available in college science textbooks...we better understand the deeper levels of REALITY underlying the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature and the periodic atomic table elements of life and thought.

It is sad that the universities, corporations, and communities in the Madison to Milwaukee region have no INTELLECTUAL interest in understanding science events that occur in their geography region.

Perhaps there are some exceptions ...some curious and mentally brave individuals that take pride in understanding Nature's puzzles about life and society. A high school education and some basic algebra and science books are the symbolic, optical tools needed by your brain to become a modern Sherlock Holmes style detective.
