Princess Diana death with Para-directing paparazzi in PARIS

Post date: Oct 11, 2020 8:04:52 PM

RD-blog-number-2582 by Herb Zinser

Princess Diana death with Para-directing paparazzi in PARIS

Humans are organic chemistry structures living within the fabric of NATURE on the surface of earth.

Many human expressions ...can be considered from the view of Nature's various levels of existence.

For example, if we assume that Nature has an organic chemistry government and organic molecule design engineers ...we can see their building projects over the last few million years. Thus the design and building of biological buildings such as cellulose trees, dinosaurs, and elephants. Physical humans were just another project. Then evolution continued with the symbolic humans ...... languages, books, math equations, physics formula, etc.

Now, in year 2012, we notice that Nature's organic systems have advanced .....and is sending social chemistry data signals in the format of tragic EVENTS.

Actually, in year 1600, William Shakespeare noticed ...... › Phrase Dictionary - Meanings and Origins

From Shakespeare's As You Like It, 1600: JAQUES: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances ...

In modern times, "All the world's an organic stage and organic humans are players (p layer = processing layers)".

Let's look at an event that gives CLUES to the new evolutionary direction of NATURE.,_Princess_of_Wales

On 30 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales, arrived in Paris, France, with ..... lambasted several tabloids and paparazzi agencies following Diana's death.


260 × 190 -

When news broke of Princess Diana's death in a car

When news broke of Princess Diana's death in a car

When news broke of Princess

When news broke of Princess

When news broke of Princess Grace Kelly death in a car

A Civil Action ….. Grace Kelly car death CAUSED by the rigged scheme … legal attack on the carbon molecules of W R Grace-

The New York Times biased and manipulated DATABASE explanations of EVENTS › books › bsp › harr-civil

... fear of chemical waste in the United States since the 1978 revelations at Love Canal, ... lies/schemes filed by

eight Woburn families

against music beats and wedding day rice ….

Beatrice Fools of Foods

and W. R. Grace. ... Beatrice and Grace wanted to force Mr. Schlichtmann to settle before the Franz Kafka trial; …

!st let's establish methods of analysis. Lab scientists have all kinds of electronic tools, x-rays, etc ... that allow them to see the inside of many structures.

Thus normal vision can't directly see the inside of some object, but the lab equipment researchers have built give them extended abilities.

The same concept...sometimes works in the English language and English literature. Thus we have "reading between the lines' , symbolism. etc.

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or ...

---> When news broke of Princess Diana's death in a car 1994 Mercedes-Benz S280 through Paris in order to elude the paparazzi

Thus we see Nature's possible signal --> car black --> carbon black --> implies organic chemistry war

Description of Carbon Black. ... ICBA: International Carbon Black Association ... blacks were not very pure and differed greatly in their chemical composition from current ... In the case of commercial carbon blacks, organic contaminants such as ...



1280 × 960 - Carbon Black N2204

e.g. the carbon black dispersions

e.g. the carbon black dispersions

e.g. the car black dispersions



600 × 347 - photos of princess diana car crash.

Thus we consider Computer Earth system 370 ....and the Charles Dickens concept ... " The Tale of 2 Cities". In modern VIEWS of science ...with IBM BASE 2 binary systems .......we have the " The Tale of Base 2 Cities" .

Paris --> Par + is --> Parallel information systems ...... occupying some of the 11-dimensions of geo-physics string theory and EARTH LAB's molecular structure expressions.

Given the CLUE above about carbon black --> organic chemistry parallel EVENT in the Paris tunnel ......let's consider a theortical model of the situation using existing concepts found in a college basic organic chemistry text book.

We wish to establish a LINK/ a math mapping/ a correspondence between the " TWO CITIES" ............the "2 different world VIEWS of activities on the surface of EARTH". For this particular situation ...the Princess Diana tragedy...we will use the organic chemistry concepts of:

17.8 Halogen Substituents: Deactivating, but Ortho, Para-Directing

Let's look at the above chemistry CONCEPT nouns and establish a symbolic mapping relationship to the tragic event.

Halogen ---> Halo + gen --> Halo + genetics --> in human terms




A circle of light surrounding the head of a saint or holy person.

Thus Princess royalty ......from Nature's organic molecule government point of VIEW ........ was an organic molecular humanoid structure of some RANK.

Para-directing ---> the role of the paparazzi = pa + para + zzi ---> organic molecule humanoid actors in the organic theater

ROLE of para-directing. The concept of organic theater is well known at universities in the Chicago area.

A seminal force in the development of Chicago as a world-class theater town, the Organic has had many incarnations since its founding in 1970. After a period of ...

Applying the Chicago social chemistry experiment and theory to the PARIS molecular expression drama...... › World

Apr 8, 2008 – ... death of Princess Diana ended Monday with a jury concluding that her death was caused by the gross negligence of her speeding driver and ...

Paparazzi and Driver Found Negligent chemistry computer science KEY words

Above, we see the 1st line words--> Halogens are deactivating groups --> in the Paris social chemistry world ......

Halo genetics (agent Princess Diana) was in a deactivated group -->the GROUP death:

Princess Diana, her companion, Dodi Fayed, and the driver of the Mercedes-Benz W140, Henri Paul, were pronounced dead.

Above, on line 2 ..words ---> the sigma complex is shared by the carbon atom bearing the halogen TRANSLATED into Nature's mapping language ......we have

sigma --> sig + ma --> signal map

carbon atom bearing the halogen --> math mapping / correspondence ---> algebra subset symbols ...

car...............bearing the halogen ............. becomes on the earth surface level of REALITY.....

car/automobile bearing the Darwinian human selected halogen ....... Princess Diana.

Above we see ...... the tunnel ...the center of the molecule ring.

Above symbol Br --> becomes the highway /walkway Bridge below

Above symbol E --> becomes the Entrance to the Paris tunnel

Out-of-Court Settlement Reached Over Love Canal

Love Canal

Love Canal …. Fetus / pussy trial

Love Canal … vagina canal

Love Canal

Love Canal … entrance to tunnel

Love Canal

Love Canal … entrance to tunnel and

the female fallopian tubes



1600 × 1200 - This is the infamous tunnel where Princess Diana and company were

Above ..... the chemistry diagram shows a curved arrow.....a curved force ...that EXPRESSED itself below Paris reality ....... for the world to see the new evolutionary power so NATURE over life and death.



682 × 400 - princess diana death

Above, in the chemistry diagram ......words: Meta-attack --> becomes the metabolism attack on the people of GREAT BRITAIN .... with the first to die ... Princess Diana. The citizens of England are not concerned about this possibility ..... thus they neglect to research it.

Thus we see CLUES ... some pieces to an interesting puzzle about life and events.