Carbon black ordered school shootings

Post date: Oct 11, 2020 1:32:35 AM

RD-blog-number-2618 by Herb Zinser

The carbon black--> organic social chemistry SCHOOL shootings

Organic molecules write about themselves ...using organic molecule aggregates .... molecular collective structures labeled humanoid. They have atomic language proper nouns...such as L.G. WADE,Jr., Solomon, Jerry March ....... and their organic molecule brain expressions authored college organic chemistry textbooks and advanced organic chemistry textbooks.

Let's look at another organic molecule expression via a human construct.

In this case ...carbon black expresses its itself VIA humanoid agents USING a COTTON CLOTHING FASHION known to the theorists who study the Hierarchy Problem of carbon atom bio-physics and the secret social science Hierarchy of the American Chemistry Socitey. ..Organic Division.

Any of a group of intensely black, finely divided forms of amorphous carbon, usually obtained as soot from partial combustion of hydrocarbons, used principally ...



1552 × 529 - ... 2.8 parts by weight of carbon black (Furnace Black 3950B from Lion ...



324 × 331 - Carbon Black Manufacturers,Carbon Black › HomeAbout Carbon Black

These three - "particle size," "structure," and "surface chemistry" - are the basic properties of carbon black, and together are called the three main characteristics.

480 × 360 - Carbon Black. CAS: 1333-86-4; Molecular formula:C Brand:

three - "particle size," "structure," and "surface chemistry

1) "surface chemistry properties of carbon black -->

Jenkins, John I.jpg


423 × 600 - Roman Catholic Priest

Why do priests wear black? Where ... In the Middle Ages, the dress of clergy began to be regulated by canon law with other specific

Sep 8, 2012 – CLERICAL DRESS. The normal distinctive ecclesiastical garb of Catholic priests in the Western Church is a black cassock indoors and a ...



2) Chinese Communist party and DARK color dress Asia in 1956.. ..... 1966 ...and their carbon black chemistry message ...about Nature's Drawinian evolution of molecule collectives and their political science expressions VIA humanoid messenger DISPLAY vehicles in Asia.

People's Liberation Army soldier and woman, late 1950s. Powerhouse Museum collection.



250 × 363 - Revolutionaryuniform: Man's uniform jacket

3) The carbon black agents of Martin Luther King, JR and their advanced organic chemistry DEMO for Jerry March ...the march to Selma, Alabama.

On 25 March 1965, Martin Luther King led in a march .... thousands of nonviolent ... SCLC had chosen to focus its efforts in Selma because they anticipated that the notorious ...

Organic chemistry molecules and their social protests .....



605 × 412 - In 1965, Martin Luther King Jr. led a protest march from Selma ...

Selma --> sel + ma --> Darwin selection map


Thus we see examples of organic molecule THOUGHT and social science expression VIA the display vehicles labeled: HUMANOID.

What is an example of carbon black molecule anger ...and its carbon black expressions format ......Nature's signal to those few humans with a fully-functioning

Korzybski biochemistry SRP.


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View by SI HAYAKAWA - Cited by 17 - Related articles ONE of the bases of my inquiry to this question arises from Korzybski s claim .... fully functioning personality is not necessarily adjusted to his culture he is ...

ALFRED KORZYBSKI belonged to an old Polish family which had produced mathematicians, ... Symposium 1949-1950 in Perception: An Approach to Personality. ..... realized that consciousness of abstracting is essential for "fully functioning" ...

Examples of carbon black social chemistry SIGNALS that are ignored.


These three - "particle size," "structure," and "surface chemistry" - are the basic properties of carbon black, and together are called the three main characteristics.

480 × 360 - Carbon Black. CAS: 1333-86-4; Molecular formula:C Brand:



364 × 354 - Alledged Virginia Tech shooter Cho Seung-Hui. Person that

Thus we see the STRUCTURE of the EARTH LAB Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .... molecular anthropology message EVENT......with the DISPLAY of:

"particle size," "structure," and "surface chemistry

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the ... Cho, a senior English major at Virginia Tech, had previously been ...


The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting which occurred on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, an unincorporated ...

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold - Rachel Scott - Virginia Tech massacre - Tec-9



Two senior students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered a total 12 students



at Columbine High School --> atom C = Carbon 12



Jump to Future of Cole Hall‎: Since February 14, 2008, Cole Hall had remained closed to the public. Classes that were held in the building's two large ...

Shooting - Perpetrator - Reaction - Earlier incident and possible ...




Kazmierczak was wearing dark brown boots with laces, jeans, a black t-shirt



Six people died in the incident,


C = Carbon Atom at location C = Cole Hall

Physical Properties of the Carbon Atom. Atomic Number 6

Atomic Mass Average: 12.011.

Melting Point: 3823 K (3550°C or 6422°F)

Boiling Point: 4098 K --> human messenger K = Kazmierczack





Dec 16, 2012 – Key facts related to the Connecticut elementary school shooting: THE INVESTIGATION: Twenty-year-old Adam Lanza, was carrying an arsenal ...

Dec 21, 2012 – There are a number of things we think we know about Adam Lanza, the Newtown, ... the school in the woods in camo and a black jacket for several hours. ..... way they dressed or the way they behaved upon entering the building. ... Adam and others with body armor,

masks and all black clothes get into the ...




An intensely black powder, carbon black is produced by subjecting heavy residual oil feedstock to extremely high temperatures in a carefully controlled ...

Products - Carbon Black - Contact Us - Printing Inks

35826 Products – Carbon Black Powder, Source Carbon Black Powder

Products at Plastic Auxiliary Agents -->



1920 × 1438 - 2010 Aston Martin V12 Vantage Carbon Black Edition ...







Bottom left:

Map of Colorado with Aurora marked. Top: Map of ..... "Police say Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes had 2 pistols, assault rifle, shotgun"

Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ...anthropology WAR reports for Aurora Illinois scientists region of Chicago

Thus we see organic chemistry science messages from Nature about carbon atom engineering problems ..... that we ought try to understand.