HC --> the Harvard College hydrocarbon molecular thought continuum social experiment

Post date: Sep 16, 2020 6:47:30 PM

Rd-blog-number-3253 by Herb Zinser

The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.

View of hydrocarbon cellulose decision trees and the nearby freshman dormitories for dormant student brain cells in Harvard Yard

The periodic atomic table has many formats of design and thought expressions.

H = Hydrogen and C = Carbon are used for the HC = Hydro-Carbon molecular humanoid display structures that are on DISPLAY at Nature's EARTH LAB hydrocarbon educational center known as HC = Harvard College.


Hydrocarbons are chemical compounds which consist only of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H).

They can be found in large quantities in crude oil, natural gas and at Harvard College.


hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon Hydrocarbons from which one hydrogen atom has been removed are ...

Category:Hydrocarbons - ‎Propane - ‎Ethane - ‎Aromatic hydrocarbon


Harvard College is one of two schools within Harvard University granting undergraduate degrees. Founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it is the oldest ...

Extension School ) - ‎Adams House - ‎Kirkland House - ‎Evelynn M. Hammonds

Founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts,

Founded in 1636 in Ca...bridge, Mass

Founded in 1 6......Carbon communications bridge atomic mass

Founded by H = Hydrogen atomic number 1 and Carbon atomic number 6 in the

HydroCarbon project plan milestone marker .... century 16 year 1636.

The HC molecule educational institution named after HC ....thus a Darwinian SYMBOL MACHINE language evolution extension of HC --> Harvard College.

Let's look at a possible molecule architecture .... molecular structure message VIA the interior of a Harvard building.


Introduction. Substances consisting entirely of single-bonded carbon and hydrogen atoms and lacking functional groups are called Alkanes. There are three basic ...

Introduction - ‎

Linear Straight-Chain Alkanes -

Chain Store Age |

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On Linear straight (concrete/cement …. Business street /highway) with

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In ALkane region of Kane County near Chicago

Organic chemistry …….

hydrocarbon platform of existence that EARTH LAB with molecular information display devices

named human ……..

thus human social/economic activity exists upon …….. ……

Branch banking refers to a Solar System sunlight

Em-field financial system named emBANKment ……

The energy bank that creates all the food grain, lumber houses, and print/publishing paper used by humans and their economic activity ……

connected to one or more other practical money banks in an area or outside of it; to its customers, this bank provides all the usual financial services but is backed and ultimately controlled by a larger financial institution.

Branch Banking ...of EARTH government and its hydrocarbon branched-chain molecule systems

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Branched Alkanes


Annenberg Hall

in Massachusetts ….


Anne Massachusetts

Anne Massachusetts

An + ne = Mass

An + ne --> Atomic number of protons + neutrons = atomic mass in the quantum state of Massachusetts

The hall covers an expansive 9,000 square feet. Architectural features include the great hammer beam trusses, stenciled ceiling, and walnut paneling. Over the hall, on the east end, the imaginative stairway sequence leading to the tower meeting rooms works with the ceiling trusses and the polychromatic brick wall to create a myriad of geometric patterns. Annenberg Hall houses a vast collection of paintings, sculpture and stained glass → glass

→ GL + lass + ass → general Ledger accounting of a female lass ….as a BEDROOM piece of ass →

Ass and set of Buttocks → code words

→ ass + set → generates money assets

VIA processing region N social anthropology

→ P + reg N ant

→ pregnant fetus schemes ….. Bio-radio

…………..antenna and FET circuit broadcast to

male penis blood veins …. receive instructions

What signals have the HC --> Hydro-Carbon humanoids of Harvard College sent to the world VIA their website.

Lowell House in autumn.

The Carl Jung organic molecule collective unconsciousness of the Harvard campus collective (students and professors and their GROUP MIND) ..... sends us the October Earth picture (Epic) to remind us to reference the SYMBOL MACHINE code --> Oct --> Octane super-symmetry physics model.

The other VIEW of the message .....

Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its Circumstances.


Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes


The humanoids represent the symbols of the electron dots.

Thus Nature has taken the (small size) organic molecule structure and projected it .. amplified it .. enlarged it to a larger sized visible display on the geogarphy surface of EARTH ... using buildings and people that are easier to see. Thus we see Nature's process ....like a movie projector .. the periodic atomic table can project atomic/molecular concepts and ideas to the larger surface of EARTH ( the land is like a theater screen ... and the buildings, people, and social activities are 3-dimensional DISPLAY expressions of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family).

Thus we see ...in the Annenberg Hall picture ... the education of organic molecule electrons ..... thus we have

organic chemistry --> social chemistry.

Let's look at other hydrocarbon continuum expressions.


The Studies in Religion Program (WSRP) at Harvard Divinity School .... archeology, Christianity, Jewish studies, and comparative religious studies.

Jewish studies

Jewish studies

Jewish studies

Let's look at some ancient words and phrases.

Ancient secret codes of modern Jewish scientists.

What is the

Hebrew word for chosen one - WikiAnswerswiki.answers.com › ... › TranslationsEnglish to Hebrew

There isn't a single word with this meaning, and the translation of "chosen" depends on context. For example: chosen door = delet nivcheret (דלת נבחרת) chosen ...

What is the .......

Hebrew word for chosen one

H ....... word for ..........en one

H = Hydrogen atom energy one .... electron

Why is hydrogen's atomic number 1?


The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. Hydrogen's atomic number is 1 because all hydrogen atoms contain exactly one ..

Jewish theory

--> Atomic Number one --> the chosen one

Chemistry molecule thought evolution --> social chemistry --> theology chmesitry

chemistry.about.com › ... › Element Atomic Numbers

by Anne Helmenstine - in 771 Google+ circles

... element facts · periodic table · hydrogen. Hydrogen is the element that is atomic number 1 on the periodic table. Each hydrogen atom has one proton and one electron.

Hebrew Name for God - The Messiah (Mashiach)www.hebrew4christians.com/Names_of_G-d/Messiah/messiah.html‎

The Hebrew Name for God - Messiah. ... The person (or thing) anointed by God was called mashiach - an "anointed one" or "chosen one": Mashiach ...


Judaism 101: What Is Judaism?www.jewfaq.org/judaism.htm‎

Most people, both Jewish and gentile, would instinctively say that Judaism is a religion. And yet, there are militant atheists who insist that they are Jews!


Judaism 101 --->

atomic mass 1.01


An encyclopedia of hydrogen atom Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family information about Judaism, Jewish practices, holidays, people and beliefs. For beginners, intermediate or advanced readers.‎Jewish Holidays - ‎What Do Jews Believe? - ‎What Is Judaism? - ‎Hebrew Alphabet

    1. Religion - The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

    2. www.gsas.harvard.edu/programs_of_study/religion.php‎

    3. The doctor of philosophy (PhD) program in religion at Harvard ....... .. the area of specialization (Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Arabic, Chinese, etc.)

The year 2013 mysteries of the soul of Harvard.