Richard Speck rigged trial .... Brain organic chemistry ---> molecule government messages ---> Dept of INTERIOR of Brain Spectroscopy

Post date: Sep 17, 2020 2:47:57 AM

Z-paper 907 ….. from the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser

Mayor Richard Daley and Richard Speck

…...... year 1966

Understanding The Theory of Everything of physics and chemistry ...... and Everything includes YOU.

Some ideas to consider ..... looking at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, concepts, math equations, words, chemistry formula, JAMES JOYCE information data streams of consciousness, the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness that surfaces to a level of conscious expression via the experiments and theories of NOBEL scientists, etc.

The most famous CH --> Carbon Hydrogen social chemistry expression in CH = CHICAGO was the Richard Spectrum Spectroscopy message with the spectrum identifier TATOO signal.‎

Jump to The murders – At 11:00 p.m. on July 13, 1966, Speck broke into a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood of Chicago. ... read about the "Born To Raise Hell" tattoo in a newspaper story.

Early life and crimes - ‎The murders - ‎Pre-trial - ‎Confessions

Profile of Richard Speck - Born to Raise Hell --> Hell --> CH molecule electron SHELL anger output social expression VIA humanoid message delivery system › News & IssuesCrime / PunishmentSerial Killers

The words "Born to Raise Hell" were tattooed on the arm of the tall, ... southern drawl who entered a nursing student's dormitory on a warm July night in 1966. ... This is a profile of the man, his life and his crimes, both during his life and after his death. ... After prison Speck moved to his sister's home in Chicago to avoid being

Notice that the EARTH LAB geography land location of 100th Street --> is the parallel processing ouput for the INTERNAL 100 street ... that being blood vessels highways.

Notice that number 100 is a bio-math algebra subset of the alpha/numeric word---> B100 D.

In modern bio-computer terminology ... B100D -->

alphabet letter B + decimal number 100 + symbol D ..... B + 100 + D.

Thus the Richard Spectrum TRIAL provided an incomplete explanation of the tragic situation ... with the omission of many major factors regarding the deeper levels of REALITY underlying Nature's organic chemistry MOLECULE expression EVENT.

Let's continue with ............

Thus we see a brief outline of a relationship between Nature, the periodic atomic table and organic chemistry, and human molecule expression behavior in society. The SYMBOL MACHINE helps us understand parts of the message of violent physical events. The existence of this process will help theorists come up with a more accurate picture of NATURE's human data generating .. signal processing messages ...... providing some CLUES for theorists about the deeper levels of REALITY and symbols and languages.