Carbon atomic computer address space .... of carbon electron space

Post date: Oct 11, 2020 12:56:22 AM

RD-blog-number-2621 by Herb Zinser

Carbon atomic computer addressability of carbon electron space

Atomic computers are very useful and have many practical applications AND explain many tragic events.

For example the base 16 oxygen atomic computer with hexadecimal atomic mass 16 AND 8 electron orbitals resulted in the death of 16 8 people

in the OC = Oxygen Computer processing region of OC = Oklahoma City.



400 × 266 - A Middle School Project of a 3-D Model of the Oxygen Molecule

Universities and human representatives for address 16OO Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC deny the existence of oxygen molecule equation 16OO --> Base 16 electrons ...molecule alphabet symbol OO = O2 --> 2 oxygen atoms.

EM = Electromagnetic brain forms --> EM = EMployed scientists working at universities and corporations follow the Hollywood electromagnetic television version of REALITY as promoted by Washington, DC and the Federal Communication Commission., Thus empirical science data is ignored

so non-science script writers can control the biased VIEWS and incomplete explanations of REALITY as presented to the general public.

Science News

... from universities, journals, and other research organizations

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Oxygen Molecule Survives to Enormously High Pressures

Jan. 30, 2012 — Using computer simulations, a RUB researcher has shown that the oxygen molecule (O2) is stable

The oxygen atoms in the O2 molecule are held together by a double covalent bond.....

The many structures of oxygen

They theory of atomic computers existent in tensor space/time (ten = decimal number = 10) allows us to consider 2 concepts.

1) using oxygen base 16 plus TEN --> 26 ferrous oxide atom. This allows some humanoids ...using biochemistry knowledge and bio-math and bio-computer concepts that are available in college textbooks ... allows those humanoids to use symbols and the Herman Weyl tensor LINK to upgrade the knowledge software of their hand/writing arm myoglobin protein processor.

    • Myoglobin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    • Myoglobin is an iron- and oxygen-binding protein found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates in general and in almost all mammals. It is related to hemoglobin, ...

    • Chapter 2 - Myoglobin


    • Myoglobin, an extremely compact heme protein (MW ~ 17 800), found primarily in ... A reservoir of oxygen located in the slow phasic muscle fibers, myoglobin consists of a ... In myoglobin, the heme consists of an organic part and an iron part.

    • Biochemistry/Proteins/Types of Protein - Wikibooks, open books for ...


    • Jump to Myoglobin‎: Myoglobin functions as an oxygen storage protein rather than ... myoglobin from binding to oxygen by turning the iron state from Fe2+

    • .

    • .

    • .

    • .

    • Thus we see NATURE's myoglobin protein battle in Oklahnoma City via the bio-computer programmed brain of Timothy McVeigh(t).

    • .

    • The components of Nature's myoglobin protein war are easily identifiable.

    • .

    • Signal --> Myoglobin oxygen relates to numbers 168 viewed as oxygen 16 , 8 dead.

    • Signal --> Myoglobin ferrous oxide IRON atom VS the

    • Fe = Ferrous oxide ERRORS of

    • Fe = Federal building and

    • Fe = FermiLAB approval of those Margaret Mead atomic social science ...nuclear family anthropology ERRORS.

2) using oxygen base 16 minus TEN --> 6 carbon atom atom AND the possibility that Nature has an organic molecule computer system.

Thus we are interested is the carbon atomic computer. Somewhere I read a story that mentioned the concept ...the 5th element ...and it just stuck in my brain.

Weeks later, it raised 2 questions ...5th element relative to number o or number 1 AND was the author giving subliminal MIND clues about the periodic atomic table.

The...on the INTERNET..... it seems the concept has been around.

Rating: 7.6/10 - 209612 votes

In the colorful future, a cab driver unwittingly becomes the central figure in the search for a legendary cosmic weapon to keep Evil and Mr Zorg at bay.

Directed by Luc Besson. Starring Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich.

Full cast and crew - Trivia - Ian Holm - Milla Jovovich


The atomic element of interest ....... Carbon ......the 6th element in the atomic table.

We see the above symbol C and number 12.

Nature's hexadecimal math table suggests the data processing abilities of the carbon atom.

We use copper-wire computer science concepts ...... a model for carbon based information processors.

Oct 30, 2010 – Intro to cao &store program 1384 views; Hcs Topic 2 Computer .... in which the computer identifies memory locations is known as addressability ...

Computer address ability usually starts with address 0 containing the 1st data .

Thus the carbon addresses from o (1st carbon data bit) thru 5 (the 6th carbon information bit).

We know from the existence of organic molecule humanoids .... that their organic molecules may express emotions using the atomic English language.

Some of these humanoids ..... have a certain CH = Carbon Hydrogen expression pattern ...... that is.... a data processing expression pattern.



493 × 289 - We already know that Carbon has 4 electrons in its outer shell and Hydrogen ...

Carbonhydrogen bond activation or C-H activation is a reaction that cleaves a carbonhydrogen bond. Often the term is restricted to reactions involving ...

Thus we see ...... the organic chemistry data processing ....

the OUTPUT data BIT .... C-H activation is a reaction .... .... giving the social chemistry equation

.............................BIT C-H........... activation ........ probably well-known to a few married researchers

Thus, we see the well-kept social chemistry secret of Nature, the periodic atomic table, and the world chemistry organizations.

Carbon atomic computer addressability of carbon electron space

Below, we note that the orbitals available occupy odd integer mathematical-physics space/time ..... thus in sense, the world of solids that we perceive are based on odd integer locations in the mathematical space/time continuum.

It is believed that even integer mathematical-physics space/time are information shells ..... this being consistent with concepts like Base 2 and Base 16 and computer word size 32.

Thus the odd integers plus the even integers ..... would provide some symmetry / balance / and complete the integer continuum.

More work has to be done in this area ...but we have to start with some speculations.

Of course, we have the uranium 238 data processing equation.......Base 2 exponent 3 = 8.

Thus we have pieces to a puzzle .... that awaits your analysis.