Earth's geography /geology … Tropic of Cancer military defense line …. and organic molecular continuum assassination of HC = Hydro-Carbon molecule agent HC = Hugo Chavez

Post date: Sep 23, 2020 1:11:54 AM

RD-blog-number-2819 by Herb Zinser

Earth's geography /geology …

Tropic of Cancer

military defense line ….


organic molecular continuum assassination of HC = Hydro-Carbon molecule agent HC = Hugo Chavez

The organic chemistry hydrocarbon molecular WAR for control of the social chemistry institutions in the world ..... recently accomplished the assassination of Hugo Chavez via cancer (Tropic of cancer militray tool) .

March 5, 2013, Caracas

    • Hugo Chávez, Died

With Hugo Chavez Dead, Will Chavismo Also Die?

    • Forbes ‎- 6 days ago

Supporters of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez cry in front of the ... hospitalized-- a day after his death in March 6, 2013, in Caracas.

The periodic atomic table used atomic mass communications to clearly imply the carbon atom ordered DEATH of Hugh Chavez ...under the auspices of disease. Mass communications is television, radio, newspaper publishing, print and graphic arts, the INTERNET computer information network, etc. For scientists ..mass communications is REALLY atomic mass communications .... that is ...... the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social science expressions.

What did the atomic mass communications say about the assassination.

Who / what entity ordered the death of the HC = Hydro-Carbon bio-physics structure

in the city of Car --> Carbon city Caracas --> Car bond --> Cabon Bonds (social connections) -->

organic chemistry Carbon bond to social chemistry molecular expressor Hugo Chavez


Forbes ‎- 6 days ago

a day after his death in March 6, 2013, in Caracas.


March 5, 2013,

Car → Carbon molecule news from

Car → Caracas

Hugo Chávez(HC agent) , Died


March 5, 2013, Caracas

    • Hugo Chávez, Died

    • Hugo Chávez, Died


Forbes ‎- 6 days ago

a day after his death in March 6, 2013, in Caracas.

Caracas. --> symbols C + ara --> Carbon area ......hence. hydrocarbon oil and the existence of HC agent --> Hugo Chavez ...who forgot his organic chemistry mission parameters.

The EARTH is a chemistry continuum ......and for analysis purposes ...the chemistry continuum is a partitioned into 2 existential spaces: inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. Nature has been in the chemistry business for millions of years.

Nature decided it could use a LAB assistant .... thus Nature's Darwinian construction of the atomic bio-physics humanoid with a brain symbolic processor. To help us understand the situation, Nature and William Shakespeare expressed an important VIEW around year 1600.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts ...

Nature made another announcement VIA its molecular humanoid agents.

    • About the Organic - | ORGANIC THEATER COMPANY


    • A seminal force in the development of Chicago as a world-class theater town, the Organic has had many incarnations since its founding in 1970. After a period of ...

Organic Theater Company, a Chicago theatre, was founded in the 1970s by artistic director Stuart Gordon. The theater company was incorporated in 1972.

Organic Theater Company, a Chicago theatre

Organic Theater Company, a Chicago theatre

Organic Chemistry Theater --> molecule social chemistry displays --> CH = Carbon Hydrogen --> a CH Chicago theatre.

All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players:

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts ...


The periodic atomic table philosophy of

atoms that ENTER the bio-physics phase of active humanoid LIFE

and then EXIT that atomic phase of Sartre existential dimensions ....... part of the 11-dimensions of string theory.

The atomic hydrocarbon EXIT phase of Hugo C.

They have their exits

And one man in his time plays many parts for Nature's organic chemistry department.