Pentagon Honor code & Judge Hoffman Eliminations

Post date: Sep 13, 2020 9:01:53 PM

From the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser

The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.

Z-paper-932 uses the Nature's molecular SYMBOL MACHINE word, concepts, and languages to understand social chemistry signaling events that occur within the EARTH LAB chemistry continuum and the Texas organic chemistry continuum

In year 2014 ...we understand that ARMY soldiers MARCH in the March hydrocarbon war zone of IRAQ.

Washington, DC and their Hollywood intellectuals fail to explain this trival fact of modern REALITY of EARTH.

The IRAQ war region over world-wide family Fetus/ BABY policy ....

Mar 25, 2016 · However, how well a baby does largely depends on how much the amniotic sac ruptured (whether it was a leak or a full rupture), and how well the mother is able to replace the amniotic fluids ...

Water BAG Broke codes from BOSTON

Bedroom BABY MACHINE production racketts …….

and Watertown Massachusetts › ... › ArithmeticNumber Bases


Hexadecimal. The base 16 notational system for representing real numbers. The digits used to represent numbers using hexadecimal notation are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...

Next G...................16 ( O = oxygen ) spells GOD for the human LUNG

Werner Heisenberg

Bundesarchiv Bild183-R57262, Werner Heisenberg.jpg

Heisenberg in 1933 (aged 32), as professor at Leipzig University



Resting place



Werner Karl Heisenberg

5 December 1901

Würzburg, Bavaria, German Empire

1 February 1976 (aged 74)

Munich, Bavaria, West Germany

Munich Waldfriedhof


Theoretical Physics‎


Werner Karl Heisenberg (5 December 1901 – 1 February 1976) was a German theoretical physicist and one of the key creators of quantum mechanics.

Uncertainty principle - ‎Heisenberg cut - ‎The Eyes of Heisenberg - ‎Matrix mechanics‎


Jump to Heisenberg's microscope - [edit]. Heisenberg's gamma-ray microscope for locating an electron (shown in blue). The incoming gamma ray ...

Observer effect - ‎Disambiguation - ‎Two-stage model of free will

Paying Heisenberg's Quantum Toll: The Cost of Gaining Information

Huffington Post (blog) ‎- 2 hours ago

    • Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is one of the most revolutionary notions in modern science, so much so, that it has even permeated into ...


    • American Institute of Physics

    • This is a succinct statement of the "uncertainty relation" between the position and the momentum (mass times velocity) of a subatomic particle, such as an ...

Advanced equations ....

1 - unhappiness = happiness

1 - uncertainty = certainty‎

Michigan State University

Nitrous acid (HNO2 or HONO) reacts with aliphatic amines in a fashion that ..... The following table lists some of the known organic compounds of nitrogen, ...‎

University of Massachusetts Boston

by designating the organic groups separately in front of the word amine. • In systematic nomenclature, the smaller groups on the amine nitrogen are designated .... Nitrous acid (HONO) is prepared in situ by reaction of sodium nitrite with a strong ...

Hofmann elimination and other elimination reactions of charged substrates ..

Hofmann elimination

Hofmann elimination

Hofmann elimination

by designating the organic groups separately

The Chicago Seven (originally Chicago Eight, also Conspiracy Eight and the Judge Hoffman elimination of 1 defendant in the molecular social chemistry

GROUP trial )

were seven defendants

—Abbie Hoffman,

Jerry Rubin (Jerry March),

David Dellinger,

Tom Hayden (aTOMic Timothy hay .. Solar System farm language of SI Hay = Hayakawa),

Rennie Davis (the Watertown Wisconsin ….

Davies scholarship on water THOUGHT molecules),

John Froines, and

Lee Weiner (leadership for cybernetics social science systems) Norbert Weiner/Wiener code)

—charged by the fed/food store / kitchen government (President’s Cabinet is based on kitchen cabinets)

with conspiracy, inciting to riot (COMPUTER EARTH instructio RIO)

, and other charges related to

anti-Vietnam (VTAM systems) ...

Chicago Seven - Wikipedia

Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM)

- Wikipedia › wiki › Virtual_Telecommunications...

Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) is the IBM subsystem that implements Systems Network Architecture (SNA) for mainframe environments. VTAM provides an application programming interface (API) for communication applications, and controls communication equipment such as adapters and controllers.

History · ‎ACF/VTAM

TSO/VTAM - IBM and human bio-computer neuroscience schemes of tenzin gyaTSO

and the University of

Wisconsin → sin brain wave people

TSO/VTAM - IBM and human bio-computer neuroscience schemes of tenzin gyaTSO

and the University of

Wisconsin → sin brain wave people › › append

TSO is a standard feature in MVS™ that provides conversational time sharing. TSO/VTAM supports the following terminals: IBM® 3270 Information Display System ...

How VTAM resources are defined - IBM Knowledge Center › Home › zosbasics

Every SNA application program like CICS, IMS, TSO, in-house VTAM applications, and applications developed by other companies,

is defined to

VTAM (VT + AM → Virginia Tech ...Ambler Hall sin wave ….. assassination of Emily Hilsher).


The Fort Hood shooting was a mass murder that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort .... At approximately 1:34 p.m. local time, November 5 2009, Hasan entered his ... The incident, which lasted about 10 minutes, resulted in 13 killed

Modern applied chemistry --> social chemistry reaction ......‎

American Chemical Society

by MA Kebede - ‎2013 - ‎Cited by 2 - ‎Related articles

Jul 22, 2013 - Ammonia (NH3) from natural and anthropogenic sources is a ...

This represents the first experimental evidence of HONO(r) formation from NH3 (NH = Nidal Hasan) …

Above, chemistry SYMBOL equation gets translated into physical reality geography site --> SO --> Soldier Readiness Center ..the rules predict elimination

Michael B. Smith - 2013 - ‎Science

A, and immediately preceding pages), the former354 is a suprafacial process and the latter355 an antarafacial process.

The rules also predict that elimination of ...


Update 7:13 AP sources: Fort Hood suspect drew attention of authorities 6 mos. ago .... The shooting started around 1:30 p.m. at the Soldiers' readiness center; ...

Above, Nature's ordered social chemistry signaling EVENT VIA the RAMberg shooting rampage and the Backlund feedback control system ...... the created EVENT.

Images for DARPA ..... Nature's advanced social engineering feedback control systems and their messages‎

Grand Valley State University

To be able to represent a control system with block diagrams. • To be able .... There are two main types of feedback control systems: negative feedback and pos-.

Below, Nature's military systems and military concept officers --> GENERAL Control Loop ... see the Fort Hood disturbance D (D = Death) in the diagram‎


Jump to People in systems and control - Main article: People in systems and control ... the concept of negative feedback amplifiers in 1927.

Control theory (sociology) - ‎H-infinity methods in control ... - ‎Category:Control theory

The inFER logic wars --> using fertilizer bombs and the Fertile Crescent war zone

Thus, in year 2014 ..... we see a few pieces to some puzzles that we ought try to understand.

Keep in mind that the living language of words, concepts, and equations is like a independent SYMBOL WORLD with symbol life and thoughts.

When conflict occurs in the symbol world (like some television nonsense word and optical schemes) .. that conflict and that anger gets mapped to the physical biology world and can result in violent DEMO using programmable human bio-computers.