Organic molecule BATTLE of June 6, 1944 in Europe

Post date: Sep 25, 2020 5:25:41 AM

RD-blog-number-2376 by Herb Zinser

Organic molecule BATTLE of June 6, 1944 in Europe

Operation Neptune began on D-Day (6 June 1944) and ended on 30 June 1944. By this time, the Allies had established a firm foothold in Normandy. Operation ...

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June 6, 1944 D-Day: Normandy Invasion

The 6th month (June) 6th Day -----> gives periodic atomic table military signal 6 --> implies 6 protons and ne = neutrons 6 --> implies carbon atom war of year 1944. › Wiki AnswersCategoriesScienceChemistry

6 which is Carbon. What atom has 6 protons and neutrons? That would be a Carbon atom. What is an atom that has 6 protons and 6 neutrons? Carbon :) ...

The periodic atomic table has many formats of expression>

One such format are carbon atoms that become organic moelcules.

Some organic molecules evolve into entites named: humanoid.

Thus we have Nature's organic chemistry level of government that has organic molecule DISPLAY devices ...... molecule expressor vehicles ...known as HUMAN. Thus organic molecule thought and behavior becomes visible VIA the molecular messenger --> human.

Thus the event of JUNE 6, 1944 was really an organic molecule war ..... Nature's molecular computer system scheduled the event for signal optimization.

JUNE 6 Landing--> 6 implies Carbon algebra subset symbols

J.........C ..L --> Job Control Language ...... and this coordinates with code D- DAY ....better known to computer WAR programmers as a DD statement.

Job Control Language (JCL) is a scripting language used on IBM mainframe .... where a new disk file should be stored) as a single DD statement in OS JCL.

Features common to DOS and OS JCL - DOS JCL - OS JCL - See also

Data definition (DD) statements define the data sets that a program or ... run the program that you specify on a JCL EXEC statement, z/OS has to search for and

You use job control language (JCL) to convey this information to z/OS through a set ... Each DD (data definition) statement links a data set or other I/O device or ...

The above computer science language is used on the on copper-wire computers ...... that came into existence between 1950 to 1980 ...such as the IBM system 370 mainframe with OS/JCL SNA VTAM.

Before the copper-wire computer...Nature had the organic molecule computer system ...such as the system processing expression of June 4, 1944 Data Definition DAY.

In World War 1, the computer program

For example, submitting JCL to run IEFBR14 causes the z/OS® job scheduler to check your JCL statements for syntax errors. If your JCL contains data definition .

Thus year 1914 ..... PGM = IEFBR14, Disposition = (Old, Delete Europe, Delete).

Thus we see the existence and display of Nature's organic chemistry government ...... one of the levels in the Hierarchy Problem of physics ......

atomic levels, molecular levels, human level, abstract knowledge and symbolic life levels, etc.