Michael Brown and the FermiLAB Brownian motion methane equation

Post date: Aug 1, 2020 7:18:39 PM

RD-blog-5620 by Herb Zinser

This blog post reviews several things in Nature's created Michael Brown signaling EVENT .... an EVENT created by Nature's systems to generate an empirical REALITY database for science researchers.

Here we study the EVENT and the organic chemistry expression continuum ............... the 4-Hour message.



The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis.

Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by ...

Cigarillo - ‎Hands up, don't shoot - ‎List of killings by law - ‎Indictment

Above, secret newspaper reporter codes ---> an 18-year-old black man -->an 18 --> atomic numbers of the 18 families /columns of the atomic table


The New York Times

Aug 23, 2014 - 9, Michael Brown was shot dead by a police officer on Canfield Drive. For about four hours, in the unrelenting summer sun, his body remained

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE words and subset letter codes ...

----> 4 Hours on Canfield Drive --> subset letter codes

------> 4 H...................C --> Methane molecule.... hydrocarbon social engineering message code

Michael Brown of Ferguson is on the 38th parallel ..Earth coordinate system


Ferguson and iron Hemoglobin proteins ..... Fe--> atomic symbol for Ferrous oxide IRON atom

The average Fe iron mass number is 55.85

The Michale Brown Ferguson and magnetic field 38th parallel death in year 2014 LINKS to the parallel death of Hannah Graham in the 38th parallel of Charlottesville, Virginia.



Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went missing on September 13, 2014. She was last seen early in the morning that day,

at the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, Virginia.[...

Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged ...

Cause of death: CH = Carbon hydrogen molecule and the SYMBOL LIFE and thoughts of the propane equation .... C3 H8

Above words ..... secret codes of society --> Earth Language existential words

--> Shell gas 600 block Preston (in the 38 parallel zone of CHarlottesville)

--> Shell gas 6 P 38 CH

--> electron shells + gas + 6 carbon of a molecule named P ..with number 3 and 8 with CH = Carbon Hydrogen

Da Da ....

I must be stupid.

Am I dumb?

Am I am idiot?

Do I need more information clues to guess at a possible molecule that may fit that CODE description.

The secret codes of society and their front cover-up organizations ....the puppet CHEMISTRY professor society -->

Now, the Ferguson Ferrous oxide oxide EVENT on the 38th parallel occurred in August 2014.

The next EVENT occurred in September on the 38th Parallel ..with the Hannah Graham feedback IRON code signal for Fe = Ferguson Missouri

Above words -->< At 12.55 am --> 55 atomic mass (Iron atom feedback signal) .... to the Fe iron headquairters in Ferguson that controls the 38th parallel murder line

Above words -->< At 12.55 am --> 55 atomic mass (Iron atom feedback signal) .

Above words -->< At 12.55 am --> 55 atomic mass (Iron atom feedback signal) .

the Earth Language and atomic English language complete signal ,,,,

Above words -->< At 12.55 am --> atonn 12 --> carbon atomic mass 12 .... the carbon continuum and its communications continuum that covers the EARTH geography surface ..... in a military alliance with the EARTH iron core and the North/South pole magnetic field flow lines that cover the Earth geography surface and interact with human iron molecule.

Thus we see 2 events connected by common denominators of ..........

--> 38th parallel EARTH Language coordinate

--> Methane and propane molecules of the alkane group with Kane County in the Chicago region.

--> The Fer--> Fermilab (Chicago region) involvement in the death in Fe = Ferguson and the Fe = Ferrous oxide Fe (female agent) Hannah Graham.

Thus we see the Federal government approval and cover-up of Kane County alkane crimes and FermiLAB atomic social science crimes



The simplest possible alkane (the parent molecule) is methane, CH4.

There is no limit to the number of carbon atoms that can be linked together, the only ...

List of stright-chain alkanes - ‎Higher alkanes - ‎Cycloalkane - ‎Haloalkane

​There is no limit to the number of carbon atoms that can be linked together

... thus the LINKAGE of methane agent Michael Brown with propane Hannah Graham.

Images for alkane molecule

Images for alkane molecules

Images for alkane molecules

www.cliffsnotes.com › Sciences › Organic Chemistry I


In longer alkane molecules, the additional carbon atoms are attached to each other by single covalent bonds. Each carbon atom is also attached to sufficient ...

the additional carbon atoms are attached to each other by single covalent bonds

the additional carbon atoms are attached to each other by single covalent bonds

the additional carbon atoms are attached to each other by single

covalent bonds

covalent bonds

covalent bonds

co....le bo ----> U.S.S. Cole



The USS Cole bombing was an act of terrorism against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was ...

USS Stark incident - ‎USS Cole (DDG-67) - ‎Kuala Lumpur al-Qaeda Summit

U.S.S COLE October 12

,,,,,,,,,,,C 12

Thus we have an ferrous oxide IRON ship and carbon atomic mass 12 message of October 12, 2000 ........

again the 2 atomic elements are involved in Nature's created EVENT for its generated database for Theory of Everything researchers.

covalent bonds

covalent bonds

covalent bonds

co + valent

Cole Hall + Valentine's Day message on valence

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.

The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.

At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session

The Earth iron core and the Earth surface ...Fe --> Ferrous oxide IRON atomic calendar month of February

of the IRON-54 isotope with 28 neutrons ...and the 1/2 of 28 neutrons = 14 neutron holiday.


Thus ... we have 4 events involving the carbon organic chemistry continuum and the North/South pole magnetic field FABRIC interaction with human iron.