Cavendish Letter to Jerry March in year 1953 – Unanswered .... year 2013 communications status report

Post date: Sep 17, 2020 2:23:47 AM

Z-paper-1026 ……. from the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser

Cavendish Letter to Jerry March in year 1953 – Unanswered .... year 2013 communications status report‎

All the world's a stage, / And all the men and women merely players; /

They have their exits and their entrances, /

And one man in his time plays many parts,

University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is a public research university located in Cambridge, England, United Kingdom. It is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world, and the third-oldest surviving university in the world‎

Official site with links to, and information about, the departments, faculties, colleges, people, and organizations that make up the university.

Score: 24 / 30

· 68 Google reviews · Write a review‎

Official site with super-symmetry brain bio-physics links to,

Nature's view of the school problem .. hence, Nature's systems ordered school attacks at North American schools ...... Cole Hall, Virginia TECH and the Base 16 HEX battle of April 16 , Columbine High, etc

Living physical biology people with brain dead nonsense ...... music heads and talking cellular phones heads.

The music groups " Radio Head" and "Talking Heads' clearly explain Nature's message about the problem with social science education policy.

The Old Schools Trinity Lane, Cambridge CB2 1TN, United Kingdom

and information about, the departments, faculties, colleges, people, and organizations that make up the university and the universe of talking social science nonsense and political science nonsense..

Score: 24 / 30

· 68 Google reviews · Write a review

The Old Schools Trinity Lane, Cambridge CB2 1TN, United Kingdom with magnetics field Pole Plot .. the EARTH LAB magnetic field switching interaction problems and the brain switching problem of iron blood/brain barrier.

Will The Cavendish letter to Jerry March ever be acknowledged by GRAND UNIFIED THEORY.

Consider the world as a PDS --> Partitioned Data Set (with members in the PDS) of the 11-dimensions of string theory physics and geo-physics on EARTH.

Consider the letter and its SYMBOL contents a subtle method of sending a Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness message from one member of the PDS to another member/ dimension/level / format in the Computer EARTH system 370 Sartre existential PDS.

March 12, 19 53 ….. codes

10 years ago, a man purposely crashed his plane into an ... › news › local › 10-years-ago-a-man-pur...

Feb 19, 2020 - 53-year-old Joe Stack

deliberately flew the aircraft into the Echelon I office building at 9420 Research Blvd. near Mopac and 360.

Echelon I office building (Hierarchy Problem echelon /rank)

at 9420 Research Blvd (year 1942 0 → Oxygen atomic algebra (x,y) coordinates at O = Oxford England) .

Thus you have a few pieces to a puzzle. What pieces do you have?

Consider the letter as a message from one