


真核単細胞鞭毛虫キネトプラスチダ類は、土壌や海洋に主に生息する自由生活種の他、人体に重大な病状を引き起こすトリパノソーマ原虫をふくむ多数の寄生虫から構成される。キネトプラスチダ類の寄生虫はヒト以外にも魚介類・アメーバなど多様な生物を宿主とするため、この系統群の進化においては自由生活から寄生への生活様式の移行が複数回独立に生じたと考えられている。ゲノムデータの豊富なトリパノソーマ原虫に比べ、ヒト以外を宿主とする寄生虫に関しては分子データが乏しく、キネトプラスチダ類寄生虫間の系統関係の詳細は未解明である。本研究では、魚類住血虫Trypanoplasma borreli、ホヤ被嚢寄生虫Azuminobodo hoyamushi、およびアメーバに寄生するIchthyobodo-related organismより網羅的mRNAデータを取得した。これらのmRNAデータを基盤に計57遺伝子配列に基づく系統解析を行い、解析した3種を含む寄生性種と自由生活性種の系統的位置を頑健に推測することに成功した。本発表では、このキネトプラスト類の系統関係をもとにキネトプラスチダ類における寄生性形質獲得プロセスについて議論する。

フォルニカータ生物Kipferlia bialataの二者培養系の確立とゲノム・トランスクリプトーム解析

嫌気・微好気環境や寄生生活に適応した一部の真核生物種は典型的なミトコンドリアを失いその代わりにミトコンドリアが縮退したと考えられるミトコンドリア関連オルガネラ(MRO)を保持している。MROではミトコンドリアの代表的な機能であるTCA回路や酸化的リン酸化によるATP合成能を失うといった機能的な縮退とサイズの縮小といった形態的な縮退が起きている。フォルニカータに属す原虫Giardia intestinalisはマイトソームと呼ばれる非常に縮退の進んだMROを保持し、姉妹群であるパラバサリアに属す原虫Trichomonas vaginalisはハイドロジェノソームと呼ばれる水素産生能と基質レベルリン酸化によるATP合成能を有するMROを保持している。これら2種のMROを比較するとG. intestinalisのマイトソームがより縮退しているが、マイトソームへの縮退がどのように起こったかは明らかではない。我々は、MROの縮退過程を明らかにするために、進化学的にT. vaginalisG. intestinalisの中間段階のMROをもつと考えられるフォルニカータ生物Kipferlia bialataに注目し、オミックスデータを取得しこれら2種のデータと比較解析することを目的として研究を進めている。K. bialataは自然環境から単離され餌である多種類のバクテリアとともに継代培養されてきた生物であるため、分子生物学的・生化学的解析に適さない。そこでまず、1種類バクテリアとの二者培養系の確立を試み、?-プロテオバクテリア Pseudoalteromonas sp.との二者培養系を確立した。このもとで、Illumina Hiseq 2000によるNGS解析により、ゲノム・トランスクリプトームデータを取得した。本講演では、これら解析の概要と、K. bialataのMRO機能の推定結果について報告する。


新奇緑色渦鞭毛藻類における緑藻遺伝子の網羅的探索 ― 新たなヌクレオモルフゲノムへの示唆




多くの光合成性渦鞭毛藻は紅藻に由来する色素体をもつが、Lepidodinium chlorophorumおよび新奇渦鞭毛藻MRD-151(室蘭株)とTRD-132(鶴岡株)は、単細胞緑藻ペディノ藻に由来する葉緑体をもつことが、葉緑体リボソームRNA系統解析で明らかとなっている。また宿主核コードリボソームRNA系統解析では3種の緑色渦鞭毛藻は多系統となるため、独立にペディノ藻由来葉緑体を獲得したと考えられている。本研究では葉緑体ゲノムの観点からこれら緑色渦鞭毛藻の葉緑体進化を議論するために、鶴岡株・室蘭株について、葉緑体ゲノム配列の決定を試みた。

鶴岡株の葉緑体ゲノムの完全決定には至らず、ゲノム断片45.7 kbpを決定するに留まったが、室蘭株からは約100 kbpの完全な葉緑体ゲノム配列が得られた。決定された配列を解析した結果、鶴岡株から55、室蘭株から131遺伝子が検出された。室蘭株の葉緑体ゲノム配列をL. chlorophorum、ペディノ藻Pedinomonas minorの葉緑体ゲノム配列と比較した結果、P. minorにみられる124の遺伝子のうち、室蘭株では97、L. chlorophorumでは90遺伝子が保持されていた。この結果は、ペディノ藻が渦鞭毛藻細胞内で葉緑体化した際に葉緑体ゲノムから失われた遺伝子の種類には、特定の傾向があることを示唆する。


2011年9月に山形県鶴岡で採取した海産緑色渦鞭毛藻(TRD132株)は,緑色葉緑体をもつ渦鞭毛藻Lepidodinium属とは細胞の形態が明らかに異なる。LSU rDNA部分配列を用いた分子系統解析では,Lepidodinium属は狭義のGymnodinium系統群に含まれるのに対し,TRD132株ではこれらとの類縁が示されず,また,渦鞭毛藻綱内における近縁種も不明である。本研究では,TRD132株の細胞内微細構造を透過電顕で観察し,Lepidodiniumを含む無殻渦鞭毛藻と比較した。鞭毛装置構造は,連続切片を観察することで立体構造を推察した。TRD132株の2つの基底小体(LBとTB)は腹面に向かって約120°開き,LBからはR1(約21本)が下方に,TBからはR3とR4が上方に伸びる。2つの基底小体を結ぶ繊維が2本,LBとR1をつなぐ繊維が2本,R1とR4をつなぐ縞状繊維が1本観察された。葉緑体は4枚の包膜で囲まれ,その内側にデンプン鞘で囲まれたピレノイドが観察された。外側2枚と内側2枚の膜間には広い葉緑体周縁区画があり,リボソーム様顆粒のほか,ヌクレオモルフと考えられる2重膜で囲まれた小胞が1つ見られた。なお,本株の細胞内からは,狭義のGymnodinium系統群構成種から報告されている核膜の小胞(nuclear chamber),そしてR1と核膜を接続する繊維(nuclear fibrous connective)は確認されなかった。

嫌気性ストラメノパイル生物Cantina marsupialisが有するミトコンドリア関連オルガネラの代謝能推定

嫌気環境に生息する真核微生物の中には、酸化的リン酸化によるATP合成能が消失するなど、機能・構造的に好気性ミトコンドリアとは異なる縮退したオルガネラを有することが知られている。このような進化的起源がミトコンドリアと同じオルガネラは、一般にミトコンドリア関連オルガネラ(MRO)と呼ばれている。近年、様々な嫌気性真核微生物が有するMROの代謝能に関する研究が行われた結果、MROの極めて大きな機能的多様性が明らかにされてきた。本研究ではRNA-seq解析により、嫌気性ストラメノパイル生物Cantina marsupialisが有するMROの代謝能を推定した。その結果、MROの一種であるヒドロジェノソームおよび好気性ミトコンドリアそれぞれに特有の代謝経路を構成する酵素群がMRO内に存在することが示唆された。また、電子伝達系では複合体IIのサブユニットをコードする転写産物のみ検出された。これまでに多くの嫌気性真核生物から、電子伝達物質として低酸化還元電位を有するロドキノンが検出されており、複合体IIはフマル酸還元酵素として働くことが報告されている。しかし、C. marsupialisからは高酸化還元電位を有するユビキノンが検出された。したがって、本生物において複合体IIはコハク酸デヒドロゲナーゼとして機能していると考えられる。

Society of General Microbiology, Annual Conference 2015

Metobolic capacity of mitochondrion-derived organelles in the free-living anaerobic stramenopile Cantina marsupialis.

Functionally and morphologically degenerated mitochondria, so-called mitochondrion-derived organelles (MDOs), are frequently found in eukaryotes inhabiting in oxygen-depleted environments. MDOs have been discovered from a phylogenetically broad range of eukaryotic lineages, and these organelles have been unveiled to possess an unexpected diversity of metabolic capacities. In this study, the biochemical characteristics of an MDO in the free-living anaerobic stramenopile Cantina marsupialis were inferred based on RNA-seq data. We found transcripts for proteins known to function in one form of the MDOs, the hydrogenosome, along with transcripts for acetyl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming). N-terminal mitochondrial (MDO) targeting signals were predicted in these proteins. In addition, the MDOs in C. marsupialis were also shown to contain several features of canonical mitochondria, including pathways for amino acid metabolism, an iron-sulfur cluster assembly, and an “incomplete” tricarboxylic acid cycle. Transcripts for all subunits of complex II (CII) of the electron transport chain were detected, while there was no evidence for the presence of complexes I, III, IV, and V. Remarkably, ubiquinone was identified in this anaerobic protist with high performance liquid chromatography. Based on its high redox potential, CII of MDOs in C. marsupialis is suggested to function as succinate dehydrogenase.






パラオ共和国のマングローブ林底泥サンプルから単離された未記載真核微生物PAP020株は、嫌気環境下でバクテリアを餌として培養、維持されている。PAP020株は豆状の細胞で、腹部に2本の鞭毛を持つ。予備的な電子顕微鏡観察では、細胞内に典型的なミトコンドリアを持たず、この生物の微好気的培養条件と矛盾しない。PAP020株は、予備的な形態観察および小サブユニットリボソームDNA(SSU rDNA)を用いた系統解析では系統的位置を推定するには至らなかった。本研究では大規模分子系統解析によってPAP020株の真核生物系統中の位置を明らかにすることを目指した。PAP020株の網羅的mRNA配列を基盤に、79タクサ×147タンパク質から成るアライメントデータを作成し、最尤法によって系統解析を行った。その結果、PAP020株、パラバサリア類およびディプロモナス類の単系統性が復元され、BP値100%で支持された。SSU rDNA系統解析の結果と併せると、PAP020株はパラバサリア類およびディプロモナス類に近縁な新奇系統であると考えられる。今後PAP020株とパラバサリア類・ディプロモナス類の代謝機能を比較解析することにより、この系統群の嫌気性ミトコンドリアの機能と進化の新たな側面が明らかになる可能性が高い。



Rhopalodia科珪藻は葉緑体やミトコンドリアに加え,Spheroid bodyと呼ばれるシアノバクテリア由来の細胞内共生体を持つ。他の珪藻類とは異なり,Rhopalodia科珪藻は窒素源を含まない培地中でも生育可能であることから,Spheroid bodyは窒素固定を行い,その産物を宿主に供給していると考えられている。Spheroid bodyは宿主珪藻内に常に観察され,細胞外では培養できないことから,宿主細胞に既に統合されていることが示唆される。今回我々は、宿主細胞への統合が、共生体ゲノム構造・遺伝子組成にがどう影響しているかを検証するため,Rhopalodia科珪藻2属3種(Epithemia turgida, E. adnata およびRhopalodia gibberula)におけるSpheroid bodyの全ゲノム解読を行なった。近縁な自由生活性シアノバクテリアのゲノム情報と比較した結果,Spheroid bodyゲノムは縮退しており,多数の遺伝子を失っていることが明らかとなった。特に光合成関連遺伝子のほとんどを欠失している一方で窒素固定に関連する遺伝子はすべて確認されたことから,Spheroid bodyゲノムは窒素固定に特化したゲノムへと縮退進化したことが示唆された。また、3種における共生体ゲノムの比較解析に基づき、Rhopalodia科珪藻内におけるSpheroid bodyのゲノム進化についても議論する。

VII ECOP-ISOP Joint Meeting 2015

Strain PAP020, a novel anaerobic microeukaryote branching at the base of Fornicata.

A novel microeukaryote, strain PAP020, was isolated from mangrove sediments sampled in the Republic of Palau in November 5, 2011. The laboratory culture of strain PAP020 has been maintained under the anaerobic condition with prey bacteria. PAP020 is oval-shaped cell with two flagella. A preliminary electron microscopic observation identified no typical mitochondrion in the cell. As PAP020 shared no clear morphological characteristic with other previously described eukaryotes, we further explored the position of this microeukaryote using the maximum-likelihood (ML) phylogenetic analysis of small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences. In the SSU rDNA tree, PAP020 showed no strong affinity to other eukaryotes. The position of this microeukaryote was difficult to be settled in the SSU rDNA phylogeny, as the PAP020 sequence appeared to be rapidly evolving. As neither microscopic observation nor SSU rDNA phylogeny provided any clues for the phylogenetic affiliation of PAP020, we suspected that this microeukaryote belongs to an as-yet-to be recognized lineage. To determine the precise phylogenetic position of PAP020, we ran a ‘phyogenomic analysis’ based on the transcriptomic data of PAP020, which was generated by an Illumina Hi-seq 2000 platform. We prepared an alignment comprising 147 proteins sampled from 79 of phylogenetically diverse eukaryotes (including PAP020). The ML tree inferred from the 147-protein alignment reconstructed a clade comprising PAP020, parabasalids and diplomonads with a BP of 100%. Within this clade, PAP020 showed a specific affinity to diplomonads with a BP of 79%. Due to lack of large transcriptomic/genomic data of CLOs in public databases, we could not include any CLOs in the phylogenomic analysis. Thus, the relationship among PAP020, CLOs, and diplomonads remains uncertain in this study. Nevertheless, we here propose that PAP020 branches at the base of the clade of CLOs and diplomonads (Fornicata), as the SSU rDNA phylogeny recovered Fornicata by excluding PAP020. If PAP020 is genuinely basal to Fornicata, this microeukaryote may hold keys to predict the ultrastructure and anaerobic metabolism of the common ancestor of Fornicata.

Comparative genome analysis of pedinophyte plastids and the pedinophyte-derived plastids in two dinoflagellates Lepidodinium chlorophorum and strain MRD-151.

An undescribed dinoflagellate strain MRD-151 was isolated from seawater sampled in Japan. Analyses of plastid genes and pigment compositions of strain MRD-151 suggested that the original (peridinin-type) plastid was substituted by a pedinophyte-derived plastid containing chlorophylls a+b. Besides strain MRD-151, a single case of plastid replacement involved in a pedinophyte has been known for other dinoflagellate Lepidodinium spp., which are apparently distantly related to strain MRD-151 in the host phylogeny. Thus, pedinophyte-derived plastids were most likely established (at least) twice in dinoflagellate evolution. In this study, we conducted comparative analyses of the plastid genomes of strain MRD-151, L. chlorophorum, and three free-living pedinophytes (Pedinomonas minor, P. tuberculate, and Marsupiomonas sp. NIES 1824) to investigate how the plastid genomes of pedinophytes were altered during endosymbioses in dinoflagellate cells. We newly sequenced the complete plastid genome of strain MRD-151. The MRD-151 plastid genome was mapped as a circular molecule of ~100 Kbp in length. The gene repertory of the MRD-151 plastid genome was found to be a subset of those of the three pedinophyte plastid genomes, being consistent with the pedinophyte-origin of the MRD-151 plastid. Intriguingly, the repertory of conserved protein genes in the MRD-151 plastid genome appeared to be very similar to that in the L. chlorophorum plastid genome, albeit the two genomes were evolved separately in the distantly related host lineages. Our comparative analyses provide two insights into the genome evolutions of the MRD-151 and L. chlorophorum plastids derived from two distinct pedinophyte endosymbionts. Firstly, the MRD-151 and L. chlorophorum plastid genomes were likely derived from two ancestral plastid genomes carrying similar sets of conserved protein genes. Secondly, independent but similar evolutionary pressures toward genome reduction/gene loss likely shaped the gene repertories of the MRD-151 and L. chlorophorum plastid genomes.

2nd International symposium on Matryoshka-type Evolution of Eukaryotic Cells

Green alga-derived nucleomorphs in dinoflagellate cells.

Dinoflagellates are believed to be ancestrally photosynthetic, but several independent lineages replaced the original, red alga-derived plastid with new plastids through endosymbioses of phylogenetically diverse eukaryotic algae. We here introduce two novel dinoflagellate strains?MRD151 and TRD132?with plastids surrounded by four membranes, which were derived from pedinophytes, a small group of green algae. Curiously, pedinophyte-derived plastids were most likely established independently in MRD151 and TRD132, as neither molecular nor morphological data supported a close affinity between the two host cells. More surprisingly, both MRD151 and TRD132 appeared to retain DNA-containing, nucleus-like structures in the space between the second and third outermost membrane of the plastids, which corresponds to the cytoplasmic compartment of the endosymbiotic alga. These observations strongly suggest that MRD151 and TRD132 possess the remnant nuclei of green algal endosymbionts (so-called nucleomorphs or NM), of which compatible structures have been identified only in chlorarachniophytes and cryptophytes prior to this study. In large-scale transcriptomic data from the two strains, we successfully identified hundreds of poly-A+ transcripts encoding green algal proteins with diverse cellular functions. The green algal sequences in the two transcriptomic data were found to bear a wide range of G+C content, and low G+C ones were predicted to be transcribed from the NM genomes by invoking the features of the chlorarachniophyte and cryptophyte NM genomes. We propose the two NM-bearing dinoflagellates as new models for elucidating the evolutionary process transforming eukaryotic algal endosymbionts into plastids, one of the crucial aspects in Matryoshka-type evolution of eukaryotic cells.

Phylogenetic analysis of a myxozoan genus Kudoa mitochondrial genomes, and the modulation of host innate immunity by Kudoa infection.

The Myxozoa are oligo-cellular parasites with alternate hosts—fish and an annelid worm. The phylum Myxozoa, comprising of 2,100 species, was difficult to position in the tree of life, due to the fast evolutionary rate of Myxozoa. To elucidate the evolution of Myxozoa, we sequenced the mitochondrial genomes of myxozoan species, Kudoa septempunctata, K. hexapunctata and K. iwatai, and compared them with other metazoans. The Kudoa mitochondrial genomes code for ribosomal RNAs, transfer RNAs, eight proteins for oxidative phosphorylation, and three proteins of unknown function, which is among the metazoan mitochondrial genomes coding the fewest proteins. In spite of the divergent genetic content, active oxidative phosphorylation was indicated by the transcriptome, metabolism and structure of mitochondria in K. septempunctata. Further transcriptome analysis under K. septempunctata infection suggested that the expression of alpha-actin-2 ACTA2 and CCL20 chemokine increase in Caco2 cell. The expression of multiple defensins and CCL25 chemokine increase in the oral challenging to suckling mice, while, intriguingly, the infection decreases the expression of multiple cytokines such as macrophage migration inhibitory factor MMIF, colony stimulating factors, and IL-1. It implies that Kudoa might modulate the host innate immunity to achieve the parasitism.

Convergent evolution of carbon metabolisms after loss of photosynthesis.

The diatom Epithemia targida possesses a cyanobacterial endosymbiont called spheroid body. The complete genome of the spheroid body revealed most of the genes encoding proteins involved in photosynthesis were missing or apparently nonfunctional, indicating that the cyanobacterial endosymbiont is incapable of photosynthesis. Notably, genes encoding proteins for RuBisCo are apparently nonfunctional as they are disrupted by in-frame stop codons. Nevertheless, the Calvin cycle in which RuBisCo has an important role for carbon fixation is supposed to be retained in the nonphotosynthetic cyanobacterial endosymbiont as in its photosynthetic free-living relative whose genome has been sequenced by one of us. Although the nonphotosynthetic cyanobacterial endosymbiont is regarded as a useful model system for studies of endosymbiosis, it remains unclear whether or not the inconsistency between the nonphotosynthetic nature and presence of the Calvin cycle is common in evolution of loss of photosynthesis. In this study, we revealed plastids of the nonphotosynthetic diatom Nitzschia sp. lack photosynthetic ability but still retain the Calvin cycle through a combination of transcriptomic, genomic, and cell biological approaches. The convergent evolution in the two distantly related organisms strongly suggests that presence of the Calvin cycle is the evolutionary principle in the early stage of loss of photosynthesis.

Plastid genome reduction in two separate dinoflagellate lineages bearing pedinophyte-derived plastids.

An undescribed dinoflagellate strain MRD-151 was isolated from seawater in Japan. Analyses of plastid genes of MRD-151 suggested that the original plastid was substituted by a pedinophyte-derived plastid. Besides MRD-151, a single case of plastid replacement involved in a pedinophyte has been known for other dinoflagellates belonging to the genus Lepidodinium, which are distantly related to MRD-151 in the host phylogeny. Thus, pedinophyte-derived plastids were most likely established twice in dinoflagellate evolution. In this study, we conducted comparative analyses of the plastid genomes of MRD-151, L. chlorophorum, and three pedinophytes to investigate how the plastid genomes of pedinophytes were altered during endosymbioses. We newly sequenced the complete plastid genome of MRD-151. The MRD-151 plastid genome was mapped as a circular molecule of ~102 Kbp in length. The gene repertory of the MRD-151 plastid genome was found to be a subset of those of the three pedinophyte plastid genomes. Intriguingly, the repertory of conserved protein genes in the MRD-151 plastid genome appeared to be very similar to that in the L. chlorophorum plastid genome. Our comparative analyses provide insights that independent but similar evolutionary pressures toward genome reduction/gene loss likely shaped the gene repertories of the MRD-151 and L. chlorophorum plastid genomes.

Prediction and comparison of the metabolism of mitochondrion-related organelles in free-living fornicate organisms.

The fornicate+parabasalid clade consists of diverse anaerobic/microaerophilic and parasitic/free-living flagellates. Well-known parasites, Giardia intestinalis and Trichomonas vaginalis belong to fornicates and parabasalids, respectively. All the fornicate/parabasalid organisms are considered to possess reduced mitochondria called mitochondrion-related organelles (MROs). Up to recently studies on the MROs from the fornicate/parabasalid organisms have been restricted only to the G. intestinals MRO and the T. vaginalis MRO.

Here, on the basis of RNA-Seq data from three free-living fornicate organisms, we predicted metabolism of their MROs and compared them with each other and with those from G. intestinalis and T. vaginalis. For each of the selected (putative) MRO proteins from these five organisms, we investigated whether a canonical mitochondrial import signal (MIS) was present or not in its N-terminal region.

The putative MRO metabolism of three organisms were Trichomonas MRO-like, containing the enzymes for Fe-S cluster assembly, anaerobic ATP synthesis, and others. The signal analysis suggested the MIS isn’t required for the import into MRO in these organisms. Thus, absence of the MIS doesn’t necessarily mean that the protein isn’t imported into the MRO. To precisely predict MRO proteins in these organisms, localization analysis of the putative MRO proteins is in progress.

Impact of endosymbiotic gene transfer on plastid metabolic pathways in dinoflagellates with haptophyte-derived plastids.

Vast majority of photosynthetic dinoflagellates possesses plastids containing a unique accessory pigment, peridinin, in addition to chlorophylls (Chls) a and c. The ancestral dinoflagellate cell most likely established the peridinin-containing plastid through secondary endosymbiosis of a red alga. Interestingly, some minor lineages in dinoflagellates are known to possess non-canonical plastids lacking peridinin, which were acquired through multiple tertiary endosymbioses of phylogenetically diverse eukaryotic algae (i.e. haptophytes, diatoms, and pedinophytes). It is widely believed that tertiary endosymbioses triggered ‘endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT),’ which is defined as lateral transfer of genes encoding plastid proteins in the endosymbiont nuclear genome to the host nuclear genome, followed by replacement of the orthologous genes pre-existed in the host genome. Nevertheless, our current knowledge regarding how EGT altered the plastid proteome in a particular dinoflagellate experienced plastid replacement is limited. In this study, putative nucleus-encoded plastid proteins, which involved in photosynthesis, and de novo synthetic pathways in forming Chl a, isoprenoid, and tetrapyrrole, were surveyed in transcriptomic data of Karenia brevis and Karlodinium veneficum. with haptophyte-dirived plastids, and subjected to phylogenetic analyses. Combining the evolutionary origins of individual nucleus-encoded plastid proteins together, we evaluated the impact of EGT on the four sets of metabolic proteins, which are crucial for the plastids.