
Endocytobiology VIII|Oct. 12-17, 2001|ホテルルブラ王山,名古屋市,愛知県

Evolution of EF-1α and its homologs in eukaryotes and archaea in light of the covarion hypothesis. (Oral)

Inagaki Y, Blouin C, Susko E, Roger AJ.

LXVI Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology: The Ribosome|June, 2001|Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA

Class 1 release factors of ciliates and Acetabularia caliculus: insight into stop codon recognition site in organisms with variant genetic codes. (Poster)

Inagaki Y, Blouin C, Doolittle WF, Roger AJ.

The Ribosome|June, 1999|Helsingør, Demark

Isolation of the eukaryotic release factor 3 (eRF3) gene from the mitochondria-less protist, Giardia lamblia: Prediction of the ancestral gene structure of eRF3. (Poster)

Inagaki Y, Doolittle WF.

日本藻類学会年会 第21回|March, 1997 |広島大,東広島市,広島県


Inagaki Y, Hayashi-Ishimaru Y,Ehara M, Igarashi I, Ohama T.

第68回日本遺伝学会年会|Oct. 1996 |椙山女子大,名古屋市,愛知県

ミトコンドリア遺伝子による藻類の分子系統解析その2:葉緑体を持つ鞭毛虫・渦鞭毛藻類の分子系統 (Oral)

Inagaki Y, Hayashi-Ishimaru Y,Ehara M, Igarashi I, Ohama T.

第18回日本分子生物学会年会|Dec. 1995|名古屋国際会議場,名古屋市,愛知県

Mycoplasmaにおける未修飾UまたはAをアンチコドン第1文字目に持つtRNAの同義コドン翻訳パターンの解析 (Oral)

Inagaki Y, Kojima A, Bessho Y, Hori H, Ohama T, Osawa S.

3rd International meeting of Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution |Aug. 1995|総合研究院大,葉山市,神奈川県

Genetic code evolution in Mycoplasma capricolum recognition of symonymous codons in family box by tRNA with an unmodified U or A at the anticodon first position. (Oral)

Inagaki Y, Kojima A, Bessho Y, Hori H, Ohama T, Osawa S.