Publications in 2000-2004
Ruiz-Trillo I, Inagaki Y, Davis LA, Sperstad S, Landfald B, Roger AJ†. Capsaspora owczarzaki is an independent opisthokont lineage. 2004 Current Biology 14(22):R946-R947. pubmed
Keeling PJ†, Inagaki Y. A class of eukaryotic GTPase with a punctuate distribution suggesting multiple functional replacements of translation elongation factor 1α. 2004 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101(43):15380-15385. pubmed
Inagaki Y†, Simpson AGB, Dacks JB, Roger AJ. Phylogenetic artifacts can be caused by leucine, serine and arginine codon usage heterogeneity: dinoflagellate plastid origins as a case study. Systematic Biology 2004 53(4):582-593. pubmed
Susko E†, Inagaki Y, Roger AJ. On inconsistency of the neighbor-joining, least-squares, and minimum evolution estimation when substitution processes are incorrectly modeled. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2004 21(9):1629-1642. pubmed
Inagaki Y†, Susko E, Fast NM, Roger AJ. Covarion shifts cause a long-branch attraction artifact that unites microsporidia and archaebacteria in EF-1α phylogenies. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2004 21(7):1340-1349. pubmed
稲垣祐司. アピコンプレクサ類の退化葉緑体は緑藻起源か?2004 Japanese Journal of Phycology (藻類) 52:165-167.(日本語総説・査読なし)
Inagaki Y†, Blouin C, Susko E, Roger AJ. Assessing functional divergence in EF-1α and its paralogs in eukaryotes and archaebacteria. Nucleic Acids Research 2003 31(14):4227-4237. pubmed
Susko E†, Inagaki Y, Field C, Holder ME, Roger AJ. Testing for differences in rates-across-sites distributions in phylogenetic subtrees. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2002 19(9):1514-1523.pubmed
Inagaki Y†, Doolittle WF, Baldauf SL, Roger AJ. Lateral transfer of an EF-1α gene: origin and evolution of the large subunit of ATP sulfurylase in Eubacteria. Current Biology 2002 12(9):772-776. pubmed
Inagaki Y†, Blouin C, Doolittle WF, Roger AJ. Convergence and constraint in eukaryotic release factor 1 domain 1: the evolution of stop codon specificity. Nucleic Acids Research 2002 30(2):532-544. pubmed
Inagaki Y†, Doolittle WF. Class I release factors in ciliates with variant genetic codes. Nucleic Acids Research 2001 29(4):921-927. PDF pubmed
Inagaki Y†, Dacks JB, Doolittle WF, Watanabe KI, Ohama T. Evolutionary relationship between dinoflagellates bearing obligate diatom endosymbionts: insight into tertiary endosymbiosis. International Journal of Systematics and Evolutionary Microbiology 2000 50(6):2075-2081. PDF pubmed
Inagaki Y†, Doolittle WF. Evolution of the eukaryotic translation termination system: origins of release factors. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2000 17(6):882-889. pubmed
Ehara M, Inagaki Y, Watanabe KI, Ohama T†. Phylogenetic analysis of diatom coxI genes and implications of a fluctuating GC content on mitochondrial genetic code evolution. Current Genetics 2000 37(1):29-33. pubmed