





Opening Gmail "noname" attachements on Mac OSX

1. Save the attachment from Gmail to the desktop.

2. Remove the MIME attachment at both top and bottom of the file.

3. Run the following command; $openssl enc -d -base64 -in noname -out [some_other_name]

Change CR to LF

perl -pe 's/\r/\n/g' file > new_file

Remove the 1st column from a tabulated file comprised of two columns

awk -F "\t" '{print $2}' input_file (if columns include spaces)

awk '{print $2}' input_file (if columns include no space)

QmmRAxML commands

See this website. Note that QmmRAxML can evaluate a single tree at a time.

To calculate site-wise log likelihood values, use "-L <site-lnL file>" with combination of "-f e" and "-t <user-defined tree>" options.

Extract tar.bz2 files

tar jxvf <tar.bz2 file name>

ssh-agent & ssh-add

$eval `ssh-agent`

$ssh-add <full path for your secret key>

Now you don't need to enter your passphrase to ssh, sftp or scp.

To terminate ssh-agent,

$eval `ssh-agent -k`

Alternatively, you can close the session.